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  1. Good evening, have installed the DungeonInfo system here from a forum. Or tried. Now an error has come in the Dungeoninfo.cpp when compiling. The file was already in the archive - have not changed anything. Attached once picture of the error. Would be great if someone could write what I have to do, so that it runs. Greetings Edit: Fliege v2 Files [Hidden Content]
  2. Hey, i wanted to build in a battle pass system. in my syserr is now the following error: 0516 17:35:05582 :: networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase system.py(line:130) __pack_import system.py(line:110) _process_result introSelect.py(line:30) <module> system.py(line:130) __pack_import system.py(line:110) _process_result interfaceModule.py(line:37) <module> system.py(line:130) __pack_import networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiGameButton.py, line 108) 0516 17:35:05583 :: ============================================================================================================ 0516 17:35:05583 :: Abort!!!! uiGameButton.py: import app import ui import player import net class GameButtonWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.__LoadWindow("UIScript/gamewindow.py") def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def __LoadWindow(self, filename): try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, filename) except Exception, msg: import dbg dbg.TraceError("GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg)) app.Abort() return FALSE try: self.gameButtonDict={ "STATUS" : self.GetChild("StatusPlusButton"), "SKILL" : self.GetChild("SkillPlusButton"), "QUEST" : self.GetChild("QuestButton"), "HELP" : self.GetChild("HelpButton"), "BUILD" : self.GetChild("BuildGuildBuilding"), "BATTLEPASS" : self.GetChild("BattlePass"), "EXIT_OBSERVER" : self.GetChild("ExitObserver"), } self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitObserver)) self.gameButtonDict["BATTLEPASS"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickBattlePass)) except Exception, msg: import dbg dbg.TraceError("GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg)) app.Abort() return FALSE self.__HideAllGameButton() self.SetObserverMode(player.IsObserverMode()) return TRUE def Destroy(self): for key in self.gameButtonDict: self.gameButtonDict[key].SetEvent(0) self.gameButtonDict={} def SetButtonEvent(self, name, event): try: self.gameButtonDict[name].SetEvent(event) except Exception, msg: print "GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg) app.Abort() return def ShowBuildButton(self): self.gameButtonDict["BUILD"].Show() def HideBuildButton(self): self.gameButtonDict["BUILD"].Hide() def ShowPassButton(self): self.gameButtonDict["BATTLEPASS"].Show() def HidePassButton(self): self.gameButtonDict["BATTLEPASS"].Hide() def CheckGameButton(self): if not self.IsShow(): return statusPlusButton=self.gameButtonDict["STATUS"] skillPlusButton=self.gameButtonDict["SKILL"] helpButton=self.gameButtonDict["HELP"] passButton=self.gameButtonDict["BATTLEPASS"] if player.GetStatus(player.STAT) > 0: statusPlusButton.Show() else: statusPlusButton.Hide() if self.__IsSkillStat(): skillPlusButton.Show() else: skillPlusButton.Hide() if 0 == player.GetPlayTime(): helpButton.Show() else: helpButton.Hide() def __IsSkillStat(self): if player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_ACTIVE) > 0: return TRUE return FALSE def __OnClickExitObserver(self): net.SendChatPacket("/observer_exit") def __OnClickBattlePass(self): net.SendChatPacket("/open_battlepass") def __HideAllGameButton(self): for btn in self.gameButtonDict.values(): btn.Hide() def SetObserverMode(self, isEnable): if isEnable: self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].Show() else: self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].Hide() hope someone can help :c
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