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Everything posted by Hysteria

  1. day after day, we see the retirement of the best people in the metin2 community This is very sad. I hope you come back soon
  2. Welcome back Bro keep Going posting stuff like this
  3. i don't why i'm answering for old topic but nevemind the fix for this is go to interfacemodule.py on def close(self): ## search for if self.wndCharacter: self.wndCharacter.Destroy() ##and add self.wndCharacter.Hide() ## make it look like this if self.wndCharacter: self.wndCharacter.Hide() self.wndCharacter.Destroy()
  4. this is the best fix if someone need it void CQuestManager::CancelServerTimers(DWORD arg) { itertype(m_mapServerTimer) it = m_mapServerTimer.begin(); for (; it != m_mapServerTimer.end(); ) { if (it->first.second == arg) { LPEVENT event = it->second; event_cancel(&event); m_mapServerTimer.erase(it++); } else ++it; } }
  5. fix highlight system : find AutoGiveItem(getitem->GetVnum(), getitem->GetCount(), -1, false); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(getitem); } else AutoGiveItem(getitem); change with #ifdef ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM AutoGiveItem(getitem->GetVnum(), getitem->GetCount(), -1, false, false); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(getitem); #else AutoGiveItem(getitem->GetVnum(), getitem->GetCount(), -1, false); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(getitem); #endif } else #ifdef ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM AutoGiveItem(getitem, false, false); #else AutoGiveItem(getitem, false); #endif not tested
  6. char szLevel[256]; _snprintf(szLevel, sizeof(szLevel), "(Lv: %u)", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_LEVEL)); get level by different way
  7. in InstanceBase.cpp somebody disable return; thats why this bug is coming out
  8. make sure you put the right .dds file for the skill in ETC/d/ymir work/ui
  9. fix online/offline problem fix in " void CParty::SendPartyJoinAllToOne " and " void CParty::SendPartyUnlinkOneToAll " and " void CParty::SendPartyLinkOneToAll " and " void CParty::UpdateOnlineState " and " void CParty::UpdateOfflineState " function compare the file between yours and good luck party.cpp party.h
  10. Someone who knows this bug or telling me where to look i think it is contrived [Hidden Content]
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