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  1. no not for gm when I choose a skill I will get them p1 i need to edit them from p1 to m1 like this the quest give it to me p1 and i want edit them to m1
  2. hello how i can edit the skill from p1 to m1 when i choose skill from lvl 5 ?
  3. hello i have dungeon with cooldon when i finish the dungeon i have to wait 40 min to enter again i want to clear the time but dont know how can someone help me please quest nemere_zone begin state start begin function clear(arg) clear_server_timer("nemere_zone_prepare", arg) clear_server_timer("nemere_zone_end", arg) clear_server_timer("nemere_zone_complete", arg) if d.find(arg) then d.setf(arg, "was_completed", 1) d.kill_all(arg) d.clear_regen(arg) d.exit_all_lobby(arg, 1) end end when nemere_zone_complete.server_timer begin nemere_zone.clear(get_server_timer_arg()) end when 6191.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin local idx = pc.get_map_index() if idx >= 3520000 and idx < 3530000 then if d.getf(idx, "floor") == 9 then d.setf(idx, "was_completed", 1) d.complete(6191, 2400, 352, "nemere_zone") if party.is_party() then notice_all(919, party.get_leader_name()) else notice_all(920, pc.get_name()) end d.notice(idx, 1258, "", true) d.notice(idx, 1261, "", true) d.kill_all(idx) d.clear_regen(idx) local bonus = 0 + game.get_event_flag("dungeon_bonus") if math.random(1, 100) <= bonus then d.spawn_mob(idx, 5002, 927, 335) end server_timer("nemere_zone_complete", 30, idx) end end end when nemere_zone_end.server_timer begin local arg = get_server_timer_arg() d.notice(arg, 1040, "", true) d.notice(arg, 1041, "", true) nemere_zone.clear(arg) end when nemere_zone_prepare.server_timer begin local arg = get_server_timer_arg() if d.find(arg) then d.spawn_mob(arg, 6191, 927, 335) server_timer("nemere_zone_end", 2999, arg) d.notice(arg, 1128, "50", true) d.notice(arg, 1119, "", true) else nemere_zone.clear(arg) end end when logout begin local idx = pc.get_map_index() if idx >= 3520000 and idx < 3530000 then pc.setf("nemere_zone", "disconnect", get_global_time() + 300) end end when login begin local idx = pc.get_map_index() if idx == 352 then pc.warp(535400, 1428400) elseif idx >= 3520000 and idx < 3530000 then pc.set_warp_location(219, 5354, 14284) pc.setf("nemere_zone", "idx", idx) pc.setf("nemere_zone", "ch", pc.get_channel_id()) if d.getf(idx, "floor") == 0 then if not party.is_party() then d.setf(idx, "floor", 9) server_timer("nemere_zone_prepare", 1, idx) d.setf(idx, "was_completed", 0) else if party.is_leader() then d.setf(idx, "floor", 9) server_timer("nemere_zone_prepare", 1, idx) d.setf(idx, "was_completed", 0) end end end end end when 20395.chat."ÈÑÌ ÌÏíÏ¿ " begin local lang = pc.get_language() say_title(string.format("%s:", mob_name(20395))) say("") say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_1, pc.get_name())) local mapIdx = pc.get_map_index() if mapIdx != 219 then return end say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_2) local agree = select(gameforge[lang].common.yes, gameforge[lang].common.no) say_title(string.format("%s:", mob_name(20395))) say("") if agree == 2 then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_3) return end local goahead = 1 local rejoinTIME = pc.getf("nemere_zone", "disconnect") - get_global_time() if rejoinTIME > 0 then local rejoinIDX = pc.getf("nemere_zone", "idx") if rejoinIDX > 0 then local rejoinCH = pc.getf("nemere_zone", "ch") if rejoinCH != 0 and rejoinCH != pc.get_channel_id() then say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_26, rejoinCH)) return end if rejoinCH != 0 and d.find(rejoinIDX) then if d.getf(rejoinIDX, "was_completed") == 0 then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_4) local agree2 = select(gameforge[lang].common.yes, gameforge[lang].common.no) if agree2 == 2 then say_title(string.format("%s:", mob_name(20395))) say("") say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_3) return end local f = d.getf(rejoinIDX, "floor") if f == 9 then goahead = 0 pc.warp(604700, 192600, rejoinIDX) end end end end end if goahead == 1 then pc.setf("nemere_zone", "disconnect", 0) pc.setf("nemere_zone", "idx", 0) pc.setf("nemere_zone", "ch", 0) say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_5) say_reward(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_6, 85)) say_reward(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_7, 105)) say_reward(string.format("- %s: %d", item_name(71175), 1)) if party.is_party() then say_reward(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_8) end say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_9) local n = select(gameforge[lang].common.yes, gameforge[lang].common.no) say_title(string.format("%s:", mob_name(20395))) say("") if n == 2 then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_3) return end local flag = string.format("ww_352_%d", pc.get_channel_id()) local ww_flag = game.get_event_flag(flag) - get_global_time() if ww_flag > 0 then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_28) say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_29, ww_flag)) return end myname = pc.get_name() result, cooldown, name = d.check_entrance(85, 105, 71175, 0, 1, "nemere_zone.cooldown") if result == 0 then say(gameforge[lang].common.unknownerr) elseif result == 2 then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_10) elseif result == 3 then if myname == name then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_20) else say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_19, name)) end elseif result == 4 then if myname == name then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_12) else say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_11, name)) end elseif result == 5 then if myname == name then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_14) else say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_13, name)) end elseif result == 6 or result == 7 then if myname == name then say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_18, 1, item_name(71175))) else say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_17, name, 1, item_name(71175))) end elseif result == 8 then local h = math.floor(cooldown / 3600) local m = math.floor((cooldown - (3600 * h)) / 60) local hS = gameforge[lang].common.hours if h == 1 then hS = gameforge[lang].common.hour end local mS = gameforge[lang].common.minutes if m == 1 then mS = gameforge[lang].common.minute end if myname == name then say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_16, h, hS, m, mS)) else say(string.format(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_15, name, h, hS, m, mS)) end elseif result == 1 then say(gameforge[lang].common.dungeon_21) wait() d.remove_item(71175, 1, 0, 0, 30331, 255, 30332, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2400, "nemere_zone") game.set_event_flag(string.format("ww_352_%d", pc.get_channel_id()), get_global_time() + 5) d.join_cords(352, 6047, 1926) end end end end end
  4. hello i open navicat and press on account and table but empty help please [Hidden Content]
  5. hello my problem when ı start server that happen help me please
  6. hello i install map and i find this problem help please sysr photo
  7. hello everyone i need help with this problem please i want change it to arabic i have added functions isarabk but didnt work and uiscript does not accept ltr help me and thanks you [Hidden Content]
  8. hello everyone please i need Accessories all equipment without weapon and armor please help
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