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Everything posted by Ropen

  1. can u share ur else if (GetSubType() == COSTUME_WEAPON) i have same problem in costume weapon too
  2. hello there i have a problem with Block System - Messenger From @ Mali that I can't unblock someone if he not online in the game ( if he is online it works fine ) I checked this but didn't find a solution could any one help? void MessengerManager::__RemoveFromBlockList(const std::string& account, const std::string& companion) { m_BlockRelation[account].erase(companion); m_InverseBlockRelation[companion].erase(account); LPCHARACTER ch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(account.c_str()); LPDESC d = ch ? ch->GetDesc() : NULL; if (d) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("%s is no longer blocked."), companion.c_str()); } void MessengerManager::RemoveFromBlockList(const std::string& account, const std::string& companion) { if (companion.size() == 0) return; char szCompanion[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; DBManager::instance().EscapeString(szCompanion, sizeof(szCompanion), companion.c_str(), companion.length()); DBManager::instance().Query("DELETE FROM messenger_block_list%s WHERE `account` = '%s' AND `companion` = '%s'", get_table_postfix(), account.c_str(), szCompanion); __RemoveFromBlockList(account, companion); TPacketGGMessenger p2ppck; p2ppck.bHeader = HEADER_GG_MESSENGER_BLOCK_REMOVE; strlcpy(p2ppck.szAccount, account.c_str(), sizeof(p2ppck.szAccount)); strlcpy(p2ppck.szCompanion, companion.c_str(), sizeof(p2ppck.szCompanion)); P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p2ppck, sizeof(TPacketGGMessenger)); }
  3. hello every one I tried to do quest function as shown below int npc_is_gm(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER npc = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr(); lua_pushboolean(L, npc->GetGMLevel() >= GM_HIGH_WIZARD); return 1; } int npc_get_gm_level(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER npc = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr(); lua_pushnumber(L, npc->GetGMLevel()); return 1; } But it didn't work in quest , does any one know where is the problem? The purpose of the function is to create a quest that will send the player to the city if he is killed by GM when death with npc.is_gm() begin if game.get_event_flag("send_home") == 1 and pc.get_map_index() == 182 then warp_to_village() end end @ Syreldar Maybe you can help at this
  4. ---------------- # edit Based on the last error in server syserr , I came to the conclusion that the problem is precisely here else if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_USE_ARROW_DAMAGE)) { LPITEM pkBow, pkArrow; if (1 == GetArrowAndBow(&pkBow, &pkArrow, 1)) { pkSk->SetPointVar("atk", CalcArrowDamage(this, this, pkBow, pkArrow, true)); // this line is the problem } else { pkSk->SetPointVar("atk", 0); } } but i don't know why it's make a core pkSk->SetPointVar("atk", CalcArrowDamage(this, this, pkBow, pkArrow, true)); It seems logical Chanel Syserr SYSERR: Aug 6 13:13:07 :: CalcMeleeDamage: CalcMeleeDamage should not handle bows (name: xABOLOMA1) SYSERR: Aug 6 13:15:19 :: operator(): CFuncShoot: I don't know this type [255] of range attack. SYSERR: Aug 6 13:17:58 :: Select: wrong QUEST_SELECT request! : 5475 SYSERR: Aug 6 13:21:49 :: operator(): CFuncShoot: I don't know this type [255] of range attack.
  5. dose any one know why this game core ? char.cpp : [Hidden Content] char_skill.cpp : [Hidden Content] event.cpp : [Hidden Content] -------- #0 msg #1 msg #3 msg #4 msg #5 msg Its a PvP Server . And there are no monsters except 4 types, with a total 20 monsters in all the game , also the hydra is not used in the server , I only have the first and second empires active no maps else .
  6. thx bro its works good for encoding but can i stop it for all warning ? like that warning ---- edit thx i used -Wno-unused-private-field
  7. i can't do that in all files there is LC_TEXT will corrupted , and i want to disable warning any way
  8. hello dose any one know how can i stop clang warning in compiler ? I tried this solution but it didn't work #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded" // your code for which the warning gets suppressed #pragma clang diagnostic pop that is my makefile from game [Hidden Content]
  9. if i used mysql_direct_query like that local name = input(); mysql_direct_query("UPDATE player.player SET block_map = '1' WHERE name = "..name..""); could i use mysql_direct_query to get block_map value ? and relying on it block the player like that ? local myname = pc.get_name() ; local results, ret = mysql_direct_query(string.format("SELECT `block_map` FROM `player`.`player` WHERE `name` = '%s' LIMIT 1;", myname)); if (results > 0) then say ("u can't enter") else pc.warp( 947100 , 169800 ) end -- if/else Is it an effective method ? or will there be problems ?
  10. so if i want to check i will use pc.getf ? if pc.getf ("map_control", "cannot_enter") == 1 then say(" u can't enter the map ") else pc.warp( 947100 , 169800 ) end about mysql_direct_query My experience with it , not enough so I don't like to risk using it now
  11. hi dev's i asked how can i block a player from entering a map by using pc.setqf and pc.getqf by give him a pc.setqf from input ex : i will use that check in quest if pc.getqf("cannot_enter") == 1 then say(" u can't enter the map ") else pc.warp( 947100 , 169800 ) end now i want to give a player ( not me ) a ( pc.setqf ) from input by typing his name quest test begin state start begin when 10581.chat." Block Player " with pc.is_gm() begin say_event_title(mob_name(10581)) say() say(" type the name of the player which u want to block here ") local name = input(); ---------------------------- Error 404 ): ---------------------------------- -- How can i set a pc.setqf("cannot_enter", 1) -- for the name from input ? end end end
  12. yeah , i think WeedHex means my previous attempts this one command("code ",name," 1")
  13. if i select a plyer and cilick on the item that i use in quest could " the selected player " being my variable in command ? I think this does it [ target.pc() ]
  14. i didn't recognize it it works Perfect now thnx alot can i get the target name as avariable to the command ?
  15. Thank you for caring its a voice chat system the code syntax is voice_chat [name] [id] so i type quest in this way quest private_voice_chat begin state start begin when 40003.use begin say_event_title(item_name(40003)) say() say_light_blue(" type the receiver name ") say() name = tonumber(input()) say_event_title(item_name(40003)) say() say_light_blue(" choose voice ") say() local voice = select(" voice 1 ", " voice 2 ", " cancel ") if voice == 1 then command(string.format("voice_chat %s 1", name)); elseif voice == 2 then command(string.format("voice_chat %s 2", name)); else return end end end end but it didn't work if i used code in game /voice_chat [name] [id] it works
  16. hi there i asked if there is any way to add variable from input to command in the quest i tried to make it like that -- name is a input variable command("code "..name.." 1") command("code ",name," 1") command("code "+name+" 1") local test = command("code ") chat(test..name.." ") local test = command("code ") + name + " 1" chat(test) the code was not executed correctly in the game any one know the solution ? thnx alot
  17. Some help if you can guys @ VegaS™ @ Mali @ martysama0134
  18. Hi devs , I would like to upgrade the View Equipment system to get the character's points such as HP , SP , Str , magic attack , magic defense,..etc. Details in this window [Hidden Content] I tried to use as ex : self.GetChild("MATT_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalMagAtkText()) def __GetTotalMagAtkText(self): minMagAtk=player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT)+player.GetStatus(player.MIN_MAGIC_WEP) maxMagAtk=player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT)+player.GetStatus(player.MAX_MAGIC_WEP) if minMagAtk==maxMagAtk: return "%d" % (minMagAtk) else: return "%d-%d" % (minMagAtk, maxMagAtk) But it showed the details of my character, not the target [Hidden Content] Does anyone know a way to do this? thnx all
  19. can you explain more ? Because I took a full proto line from another client that does not have this issue and nothing has changed
  20. thnx bro but how can i solve that error ?
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