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Kidro last won the day on July 16 2020

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About Kidro

  • Birthday 02/25/2000

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  1. else { iMaxHP = m_pkMobData->m_table.dwMaxHP; iMaxSP = 0; iMaxStamina = 0; SetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED, m_pkMobData->m_table.sAttackSpeed); #ifdef ENABLE_MOB_MOVEMENT_SPEED_300 SetPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED, m_pkMobData->m_table.sMovingSpeed+300); #else SetPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED, m_pkMobData->m_table.sMovingSpeed); #endif SetPoint(POINT_CASTING_SPEED, m_pkMobData->m_table.sAttackSpeed); } easy, the mobs have everytime mov speed
  2. Hey, if you receive error '0122 23:42:20675 :: Invalid url start [Hidden Content]' replace the whole function with: def MakeHyperlinkTooltip(self, hyperlink): tokens = hyperlink.split(":") if tokens and len(tokens): type = tokens[0] if "item" == type: self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.SetHyperlinkItem(tokens) elif "msg" == type and str(tokens[1]) != player.GetMainCharacterName(): self.OpenWhisperDialog(str(tokens[1])) elif "web" == type and (tokens[1].startswith("httpXxX") or tokens[1].startswith("httpsXxX")): link = tokens[1].replace("XxX", "://") OpenLinkQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() OpenLinkQuestionDialog.SetText1(localeInfo.CHAT_OPEN_LINK_DANGER) OpenLinkQuestionDialog.SetText2(localeInfo.CHAT_OPEN_LINK) OpenLinkQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.AnswerOpenLink(arg)) OpenLinkQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.AnswerOpenLink(arg)) constInfo.link = link OpenLinkQuestionDialog.Open() self.OpenLinkQuestionDialog = OpenLinkQuestionDialog elif "sysweb" == type: open_url_in_browser(tokens[1].replace("XxX", "://")) elif "Kidro" == type or "msg" == type and str(tokens[1]) != player.GetMainCharacterName(): self.OpenWhisperDialog(str(tokens[1])) The problem is from: constInfo.link = "start " + tokens[1].replace("XxX", "://").replace("&","^&") Here's what seems to be happening: The URL is being prefixed with "start ", which is not part of a valid URL. The ampersand (&) is being replaced with ^&, which is also not standard in URLs and likely causing the issue.
  3. Nice. It works very well. A little problem, after every teleport the window open again and again and again Fix: game.py search: class GameWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): under self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None add self.maintenance = None self.maintenance = uimaintenance.MaintenanceWindow() search in def Close(self): for self.affectShower = None and add under: self.maintenance = None replace whole function: def Maintenancegui(self,time,duration): with def Maintenancegui(self,time,duration): if self.maintenance: self.maintenance.Open(time,duration)
  4. lol, just modify in constants.cpp [Hidden Content] default is 36, 44 modify with 44, 44 [Hidden Content]
  5. Kidro


    reverse text prank 1 april.. I searched for 10 minutes to post this topic
  6. Idk if i m allowed to do this but i highly recommend that person and his server
  7. "You'll soon get banned here anyway., but i'll still say it: You have no place here, in the end you're trash and in the trash you belong, right there with the other monkeys who support you and your wrongdoings." LUA isn't a language created by you. everyone learns from somewhere and gets somewhere, if you are left behind and you lose customers this does not mean that you can do this to persons who sell their personal code, who works clean, optimized and has many active projects, you are very arrogant and you talk to everyone from above , this does not help you in life to speak badly to people and behave like that, why will he be banned? why will the people who bought from him and support him because they know the way he work will be banned too? from my point of view these are childish things, as a mature person you should appreciate people who are trying to learn and sell their own work, not ban them. From my point of view, stupidity has reached its maximum in the Metin2 community (I speak in general). Braxy always did everything right on my computer when I paid him, he is a very skilled person in this and besides he didn't forget to be human. Good luck!
  8. RESELL - Sell the work of people without their authorization "i was using your structure BUT that was in the past" where does braxy mention that he sold something on Syreldar's structure? Stop being a puppy, read carefully, thanks.
  9. Uhm, ok. char_horse.cpp search bool CHARACTER::StartRiding() { add under if (GetMapIndex() == xx || GetMapIndex() == xx) { StopRiding(); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("The horse has been disabled in this map.")); return false; }
  10. input_login.cpp Search else { if (CWarMapManager::instance().IsWarMap(ch->GetMapIndex()) || marriage::WeddingManager::instance().IsWeddingMap(ch->GetMapIndex())) { if (!test_server) ch->WarpSet(EMPIRE_START_X(ch->GetEmpire()), EMPIRE_START_Y(ch->GetEmpire())); } } under if (ch->GetMapIndex() == ur index) { if (ch->IsRiding()) { ch->StopRiding(); } }
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