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Everything posted by AKUROS

  1. Hello, I need your help. I use Great's offline shop, sometimes it happens to me that the names of offline shops appear above the heads of the mobs. How can I solve this annoying problem? Thank you.
  2. Solved, only pg GM have this 'problem'. Replace in srcs
  3. When I create guild buildings, items / yang are not removed from the inventory How can I solve? Thanks.
  4. Can you help me insert the fix in great's offline shop please? I didn't understand what to put in bool CHARACTER :: CanWarp () const my char.h define: #ifdef OFFLINE_SHOP public: void OpenMyShop(const char * c_pszSign, TShopItemTable * pTable, BYTE bItemCount, DWORD days); void SendShops(bool isGm = false); void OpenShop(DWORD id, const char *name, bool onboot = false); void SetPrivShop(DWORD shop_id) { bprivShop = shop_id; } BOOL IsPrivShop(void) const { return bprivShop>0; } DWORD GetPrivShop() const { return bprivShop; } void SetPrivShopOwner(DWORD id) { bprivShopOwner = id; } DWORD GetPrivShopOwner() const { return bprivShopOwner; } void DeleteMyShop(); DWORD GetShopTime() const { return dw_ShopTime; } void SetShopTime(DWORD time) { dw_ShopTime = time; } void SetShopSign(const char * name); void LoadPrivShops(); TPrivShop GetPrivShopTable(DWORD id); void RemovePrivShopTable(DWORD id); void UpdatePrivShopTable(DWORD id, TPrivShop shop); void UpdateShopItems(); void SendShopCost(); private: PSHOP_MAP m_mapshops; DWORD bprivShop; DWORD bprivShopOwner; DWORD dw_ShopTime; public: void StartRefreshShopEvent(); protected: LPEVENT m_pkRefreshShopEvent; public: void StartShopEditModeEvent(); void SetShopEditMode(bool val); bool GetShopEditMode() { return m_bShopEditMode; } void SetShopEditModeTick(); DWORD GetShopEditModeTick() { return m_dwShopEditModeTick; } protected: LPEVENT m_pkEditShopEvent; bool m_bShopEditMode; DWORD m_dwShopEditModeTick; #endif #ifdef GIFT_SYSTEM protected: void AddGiftGrid(int page); int AddGiftGridItem(int page, int size); GIFT_MAP m_mapGiftGrid; LPEVENT m_pkGiftRefresh; DWORD m_dwLastGiftPage; public: void StartRefreshGift(); void LoadGiftPage(int page); void RefreshGift(); int GetGiftPages() { return m_mapGiftGrid.size(); } int GetLastGiftPage() { return m_dwLastGiftPage; } #endif
  5. Hi, i have this crash syserr error: 1101 00:10:34518 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 1101 00:10:34518 :: File "game.py", line 1357, in OnMouseLeftButtonUp 1101 00:10:34518 :: AttributeError 1101 00:10:34519 :: : 1101 00:10:34519 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp' 1101 00:10:34519 :: game.py def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(): //1357 return if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() ## QuickSlot if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType: player.RequestDeleteGlobalQuickSlot(attachedItemSlotPos) elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType: if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) elif player.ITEM_CHEQUE == attachedItemIndex: self.__PutCheque(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) else: self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) ## DragonSoul elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType or\ player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL_BOOK_INVENTORY == attachedType or\ player.SLOT_TYPE_UPGRADE_ITEMS_INVENTORY == attachedType or\ player.SLOT_TYPE_STONE_INVENTORY == attachedType or\ player.SLOT_TYPE_BOX_INVENTORY == attachedType or\ player.SLOT_TYPE_EFSUN_INVENTORY == attachedType or\ player.SLOT_TYPE_CICEK_INVENTORY == attachedType: self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() else: hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() if hyperlink: if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) ime.PasteString(link) else: self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) return else: player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK) #player.EndMouseWalking() return True interfacemodule.py def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): if not self.wndGuildBuilding: return if not self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode(): return True return False Could you help me solve this error? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I have a problem. Whenever I change the map or character, Quest scroll disappears. It also disappears when logging in with another character, this is fixed only after restarting the client. It does not generate syserr. Do you know how I can solve it? Thanks
  7. Great offline shop -> [Hidden Content] VirusTotal: [Hidden Content] Fix 1: [Hidden Content] Fix 2: [Hidden Content] Fix 3: #include "../libgame/include/grid.h" // Aratılır. #include "../../libgame/include/grid.h" //Şeklinde değiştirilir. #ifdef SHOP_ONLY_ALLOWED_INDEX bool block = (shop_max > 0 ? (get_offline_shops_count() >= shop_max): false); #else bool block = (get_offline_shops_count() >= shop_max); #endif if (block) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("SHOP_MAP_MAX")); return; } } // Aratılır. {char.cpp} bool block = false; #ifdef SHOP_ONLY_ALLOWED_INDEX if (shop_max > 0) { #else if (shop_max == 0) block = true; else { #endif std::auto_ptr <SQLMsg> pkMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT map_index from player_shop WHERE channel=%d and status='OK' and map_index=%d", g_bChannel, GetMapIndex())); SQLResult* pRes = pkMsg->Get(); if (pRes->uiNumRows >= shop_max) block = true; } if (block) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("SHOP_MAP_MAX")); return; } } // Şeklinde değiştirilir. I advise against other systems. They will ask you for money for this shop specially only aesthetically by adding some functions. I use this system in my server since 2018.
  8. Rpm / WPM Can you tell me more about it? Thanks
  9. Hello guys, i have a newly opened server and i have a big problem. Many players use the dmg hack on my server, most likely the lalaker. I have also tried changing packets but the hack continues to work. I also followed Rankacito's guide but it gives me problems, when I give mobs swords I don't always deal damage ... without using hacks. I also tried to contact svside.com, but I don't like having to use an external library on my server. Is it possible that you can't fix this hack? Please help me.
  10. It gives me a lot of problems, even if players don't use hacks they don't inflict damage on mobs, or they inflict them but not always. How can i solve?
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