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About Danilo89

  • Birthday 01/02/1989

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  1. Thanks for the reply, as soon as I try I'll tell you something
  2. Thanks for the reply, as soon as I try I'll tell you how it went.
  3. thank you for the answer I don't know how to do it
  4. Hi all, can anyone help me create a quest? Basically I need to make sure that when I bring these 5 items: "30181-30182-30183-30184-30185" to this NPC: "30123". based on the breed he delivers he gives me the hwang thanks in advance
  5. nothing to do I can not do it are a real disaster!
  6. it is the Temple of Ochao normal map, I would like that monster to change position once killed the coordinates are the ones I put in the first post. it is the Temple of Ochao normal map, I would like that monster to change position once killed the coordinates are the ones I put in the first post.
  7. Hi everyone, I am fixing the ochao temple and I have problems with the (Guardian En-Tai vnum: 6405). I need help with a quest that makes me randomly spawn in various areas of the map the coordinates I have already taken here: local coordinates = {{8892, 14464}, {8835, 14276}, {8639, 14224}, {8570, 14292}, {8671, 14465}, {8825, 14688}, {8796, 14787}} can you help me please?
  8. Hi everyone, I need a lot of help in this quest. I state that I'm not good. then I would like that at the first login he is given a chest in this case it is 56000 and that when I use it it gives me all those things is it possible? when 56000.use begin--Baule dei War pc . give_item2 ( "14005" , 1 ) -- Bracciale pc . give_item2 ( "15005" , 1 ) -- Scarpe pc . give_item2 ( "16005" , 1 ) -- Collana pc . give_item2 ( "17005" , 1 ) -- Orecchini pc . give_item2 ( "27003" , 1 ) -- Pozione Rossa pc . give_item2 ( "27006" , 1 ) -- Pozione Blu pc . give_item2 ( "72702" , 1 ) -- Scarpe del vento+ pc . give_item2 ( "50052" , 1 ) -- chiama cavallo pc . give_item2 ( "52006" , 1 ) -- Sigillo Cinghiale Selvaggio 7g 3% FCM pc . give_item2 ( "53025" , 1 ) -- Baby Leopardo 7g pc . give_item2 ( "70057" , 1 ) -- Mantello del Coraggio pc . give_item2 ( "70058" , 1 ) -- Anello del Teletrasporto pc . give_item2 ( "50187" , 1 ) if pc . job == 0 then ---**************************---X WAR pc . give_item2 ( "15" , 1 ) -- Spada+5 pc . give_item2 ( "11205" , 1 ) -- Corazza del Monaco+5 pc . give_item2 ( "13005" , 1 ) -- Scudo da Battaglia+5 pc . give_item2 ( "12205" , 1 ) -- Elmo Tradizionale+5 elseif pc . job == 1 then ---**************************---X NINJA pc . give_item2 ( "1005" , 1 ) -- Pugnale+5 pc . give_item2 ( "11405" , 1 ) -- Abito Azzurro+5 pc . give_item2 ( "13005" , 1 ) -- Scudo da Battaglia+5 pc . give_item2 ( "12345" , 1 ) -- Cappuccio in Pelle+5 pc . give_item2 ( "15" , 1 ) -- Spada+5 elseif pc . job == 2 then ---**************************---X SURA pc . give_item2 ( "15" , 1 ) -- Spada+5 pc . give_item2 ( "11605" , 1 ) -- Corazza Requiem pc . give_item2 ( "12485" , 1 ) -- Elmo Insanguinato+5 pc . give_item2 ( "13005" , 1 ) -- Scudo da Battaglia+5 elseif pc . job == 3 then ---**************************---X SHAMY pc . give_item2 ( "7005" , 1 ) -- Ventaglio+5 pc . give_item2 ( "5005" , 1 ) -- Campana di Rame+5 pc . give_item2 ( "13005" , 1 ) -- Scudo da Battaglia+5 pc . give_item2 ( "12625" , 1 ) -- Cappello del Monaco pc . give_item2 ( "11805" , 1 ) -- Vestito Porpora+5 item.equip() pc.set_skill_level(122, 2) -- Combo a Livello 2 pc.set_skill_level(131, 10) -- Chiama Cavallo horse.set_level(11) -- Livello del Cavallo pc.remove_item(56000, 1) end
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