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Everything posted by HUNgarocel1

  1. Thank you, nice webdesing
  2. Hi! Like this: SHOP_ERROR_DICT = { ------- } if app.ENABLE_RENEWAL_SHOPEX: SHOP_ERROR_DICT["..."].... def NumberToShopEXP(n): .......
  3. Hi Devs! I put in the system, "The Dungeon Ranking System". Everything okey in client side but, i use the quest for the open the GUI and here the problem. Syserr: Mar 19 03:59:27 :: OnClick Yak-Hwan[vnum 20377 ServerUniqueID 41623, pid 0] by DAdmin SYSERR: Mar 19 03:59:29 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "dragonlair_ranking"]:7: attempt to call field `OpenRanking' (a nil value) SYSERR: Mar 19 03:59:29 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest dragonlair_ranking.(null) letter questlua_dragonlair.cpp: (I need the questlua.h?) Include: #include "stdafx.h" #include "questmanager.h" #include "DragonLair.h" #include "char.h" #include "guild.h" int dl_OpenRanking(lua_State* L) { CDragonLairManager::instance().OpenRanking(CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr()); return 0; } and void RegisterDragonLairFunctionTable() { luaL_reg dl_functions[] = { { "startRaid", dl_startRaid }, { "OpenRanking", dl_OpenRanking }, { NULL, NULL } }; CQuestManager::instance(). AddLuaFunctionTable("DragonLair", dl_functions); } quest: quest dragonlair_ranking begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= 75 begin send_letter("Ejderha Avcýlarý Sýralamasý ") end when button or info begin say_title("Ejderha Bekçisi Yak-Hwan ") say("") say("Ejderha Bekçisi Yak-Hwan seni arýyor onun yanýna gitmelisin. ") local v = find_npc_by_vnum(20378) if 0!=v then target.vid(20378) end set_state(information) end end state information begin when 20378.chat."Ejderha Avcýlarý " begin say_title("Ejderha Bekçisi Yak-Hwan: ") say("") say("Artýk 75. seviyeye ulaþtýn ejderha avcýsý olmaya ") say("hak kazandýn. Her Mavi ejderha öldürüþünde 1 puan ") say("kazanacaksýn. Ve topladýðýn her puan seni sýralamada ") say("tutacak.") say_reward("Ejderha avcýlarý sýralamasýný baþlatmak istiyor musun? ") local s = select("Evet, istiyorum.","Hayýr, istemiyorum. ") if s == 1 then say_title("Ejderha Bekçisi Yak-Hwan: ") say("") say_reward("Ejderha avcýlarý sýralamasý baþladý. ") set_state(farming) else end end end state farming begin when 20378.chat."Ejderha Avcýlarý Sýralamasý " begin say_title("Ejderha Bekçisi Yak-Hwan: ") say("") say("Sýralamayý þimdi açmak istiyor musun? ") local s = select("Evet, istiyorum.","Hayýr, istemiyorum. ") if s == 1 then setskin(NOWINDOW) DragonLair.OpenRanking() else end end end end Where is the problem u think? Thanks for the answer! King Regards
  4. Hi! Check the skilldesc in your client and the number (i colored it red). example: 1 WARRIOR Három irányú vágás Tripla vágás Tripla metszés Villámgyorsan vágd meg az ellenséget. Frontális vágás 3-szor ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Össz támadó érték %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 I hope, it works for you. King Regards
  5. No, i'm not a troll.. Yes @TMP4 this just a simple question. Its normal? Check my syslog: SYSLOG I worried, because its too many i think...
  6. Hi Dev's! I have a little interesting problem and i dont have any idea what is it.. Problem: (database syslog) What is the solution for this? Thank you in advance for your help! Best Regards
  7. What is the solution to this? EDIT: my fault, i was careless while writing..
  8. Login putty (FreeBSD 11.3) Write this: portsnap fetch update and portsnap fetch extract - wait 2 minutes. If you need mysql write this code: pkg install mysql56-server or you need MariaDB write this: pkg install mariadb103-server Write this code: ee /etc/rc.conf and put this code somewhere: mysql_enable="YES" Run mysql: service mysql-server start download this lib and put /usr/lib32 OR upload lib32.tar.gz to /usr/lib32 and write this: cd /usr/lib32 and tar zxf lib32.tar.gz Now upload your SF and unpack. Rewrite the config file your IP and reboot. I hope it'll work.
  9. Hy community! Soo, i have difficulty with dragon soul system. I can't open in inventory, but at npc can open.. Why can this be? --> image <-- Thank you in advance! Best Regards!
  10. Hi Dev! I have a little bug or something.. So i trade another player, and marking his item, not mine. Img: Please help for me Best regards
  11. Hy Dev's! I have a big problem..I edited locale_stringe and not too good. Use encode central-eu windows 1250?! I would like to use Hungarian. Thanks in advance
  12. Hi! I have a problem.. So i put on my server this system. Everything alright.. but i can't call the pet for item. All syss empty! Can you find a solution?
  13. Try this maybe if current search char.cpp WORD CHARACTER::GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const and paste case PART_WEAPON: if (GetWear(WEAR_COSTUME_WEAPON) != 0) { return GetPart(PART_WEAPON); } return 0;
  14. Hy guys! I do not see the properties of the item, why? Syss: 0227 18:33:51752 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0227 18:33:51752 :: File "ui.py", line 1848, in OnOverInItem 0227 18:33:51752 :: File "ui.py", line 199, in __call__ 0227 18:33:51752 :: File "ui.py", line 190, in __call__ 0227 18:33:51753 :: File "igshop.py", line 383, in OverInItem 0227 18:33:51753 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 1257, in AddItemData 0227 18:33:51753 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 1656, in __AdjustMaxWidth 0227 18:33:51753 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 1668, in __AdjustAttrMaxWidth 0227 18:33:51754 :: IndexError 0227 18:33:51754 :: : 0227 18:33:51754 :: list index out of range 0227 18:33:51754 ::
  15. 0129 19:54:19095 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0129 19:54:19095 :: File "networkModule.py", line 247, in SetGamePhase 0129 19:54:19096 :: File "game.py", line 99, in __init__ 0129 19:54:19096 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 352, in MakeInterface 0129 19:54:19096 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 181, in __MakeWindows 0129 19:54:19096 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 266, in __init__ 0129 19:54:19096 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 375, in __LoadWindow 0129 19:54:19096 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 293, in BindWindow 0129 19:54:19097 :: AttributeError 0129 19:54:19097 :: : 0129 19:54:19097 :: 'InventoryWindow' object has no attribute 'bindWnds' 0129 19:54:19097 :: Hy guys! I have problem ?
  16. Hy Devs! (Firstly.. sorry but my english knowledge is not good) I have a little bug. The selling price does not work. I modified the selling price of an item (80005-80007). Example: Buy this item 20.000.000, its oke. BUT i set sell price same. Just give 4.000.000. (This item is only a mistake if it costs millions.) What is wrong? Thank you all answer! Have a great day!
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