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Everything posted by AZICKO

  1. As I indicated, I did not thoroughly test the serverfiles. Currently I am working on Metin2 Download, I will check for issues a bit later.
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Original system forked from Mali61 Link Adapted by ASIKOO
  3. [Hidden Content] based on old system, not update PS: I just adapted, it's optimizable
  4. Metin2 Download has been updated! Update 3.8 for Metin2 Download... Account Manager Login Logout Register (Disabled) Account Files (Permissions in Manage Panel) Lost Password Reset Password Miscellaneous unimportant change Improved file extension detection Virus Total API is ready Improvement of the research system Added a quick edit button when viewing a developer, category or file PHPMailer Lib Google reCaptcha Lib For the following members, Veltor88, Gurgarath, Tatsumaru, Owsap, Finnis, Blackdragonx61, Martysama, Vanilla, Ace, Sanii you must contact me in order to assign your account (You must give me an email address) and reset your password. You are officially (if you accept it) the beta testers. If you own a file and it does not appear on your management panel on Metin2 Download, you must also contact me in order to assign it to you (You must give me the URL of the file). I won't force anyone to use Metin2 Download, I check the forum topics and Githubs to watch for updates. Currently, files larger than 100MB cannot be uploaded to Metin2 Download due to the CloudFlare limitation on POST requests. A dedicated file upload update will take place to fragment uploads. Registrations will be open soon.
  5. Virus scan is complete (1238 files) 1073 safe files 39 suspicions files 126 files not scanned (>32MB) I have to find a solution for the suspicious files, google, malwarebytes and mcafee don't like it... xD
  6. Small logo improvement Added two new themes
  7. recompile everything with m2sh in this order (one per one): 310 307 308 309 305 306 304 303 302 301
  8. The files template now displays the actual status of the VirusTotal API. The task is performed every 5 minutes and is made up of three steps. Return Codes Header 200 done 204 request rate limit exceeded (500 per day or 15000 per month) 400 bad request 403 forbidden 413 file exceeds the allowed size (32MB) Response Code 0 file not found on VirusTotal -2 file being analyzed 1 done Status 0 file not scanned 1 awaiting analysis 2 file being analyzed 3 done -1 file exceeds the allowed size (32MB) Analysis steps
  9. The scanning of the files has started (by VirusTotal). Only files less than 32MB can be scanned. Around 1100 files will be scanned.
  10. Metin2 Download has been updated! Update 3.7 for Metin2 Download... SQL queries have been fixed, again and again (SQL error) Discord Notice Manager for file replacements (Manage panel) Added the ability to rename the file during a new revision or when replacing the file (Manage panel) Multi-site management has been fixed Allow or prevent robots to index the file with file option Preparing the VirusTotal API Rewriting templates New template for the files page A fixed bar at the top of the website Graphics Improvement A file can now be searched by the key SEO Improvement A massive scan will take place to analyze the +1000 files available on the download center. A large file will not be able to be analyzed by the API and will not be able to have an anti-virus result. I plan an automatic analysis every hour (during a new upload or a new revision of the file), a queue will created and one file will be analyzed per hour, this will be managed by a CRON task.
  11. You forgot to say that you were added to the forum menu...
  12. I do not understand, are you using a VPN? Proxy?
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