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  1. Hello everyone, I have a problem with aggreagte monster function and some other things that I couldn't understand why is also happening. As you can see at 0:03 mobs are able to attack me even If they're not around I think something breaks my character's position data. My AggregateMonster Func: struct FuncAggregateMonster { LPCHARACTER m_ch; FuncAggregateMonster(LPCHARACTER ch) { m_ch = ch; } void operator()(LPENTITY ent) { if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER) ent; if (ch->IsPC()) return; if (!ch->IsMonster()) return; if (ch->GetVictim()) return; if (number(1, 100) <= 100) // 임시로 50% 확률로 적을 끌어온다 if (DISTANCE_APPROX(ch->GetX() - m_ch->GetX(), ch->GetY() - m_ch->GetY()) < 5000) if (ch->CanBeginFight()) ch->BeginFight(m_ch); } } }; void CHARACTER::AggregateMonster() { LPSECTREE pSec = GetSectree(); if (pSec) { FuncAggregateMonster f(this); pSec->ForEachAround(f); } } struct FuncPullMonster { LPCHARACTER m_ch; int m_iLength; FuncPullMonster(LPCHARACTER ch, int iLength = 300) { m_ch = ch; m_iLength = iLength; } void operator()(LPENTITY ent) { if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER) ent; if (ch->IsPC()) return; if (!ch->IsMonster()) return; //if (ch->GetVictim() && ch->GetVictim() != m_ch) //return; float fDist = DISTANCE_APPROX(m_ch->GetX() - ch->GetX(), m_ch->GetY() - ch->GetY()); if (fDist > 3000 || fDist < 100) return; float fNewDist = fDist - m_iLength; if (fNewDist < 100) fNewDist = 100; float degree = GetDegreeFromPositionXY(ch->GetX(), ch->GetY(), m_ch->GetX(), m_ch->GetY()); float fx; float fy; GetDeltaByDegree(degree, fDist - fNewDist, &fx, &fy); long tx = (long)(ch->GetX() + fx); long ty = (long)(ch->GetY() + fy); ch->Sync(tx, ty); ch->Goto(tx, ty); ch->CalculateMoveDuration(); ch->SyncPacket(); } } };
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