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Everything posted by devdeto

  1. Client syserr, someone help me? 0702 18:19:35730 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0702 18:19:35730 :: File "game.py", line 1579, in OnUpdate 0702 18:19:35730 :: File "title_system.py", line 983, in OnUpdate 0702 18:19:35731 :: IndexError 0702 18:19:35731 :: : 0702 18:19:35731 :: tuple index out of range 0702 18:19:35731 ::
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Downloading is no longer alive and paid so I share with you! I hope it will benefit! Features: [+] Extremely easy to implement in your client, just build and go. [+] No need addiontal sofware or framework full based native coding [+] Full based heuristic protections [+] Will detect any type of anti-cheat, injector etc. [+] Complete anti injection for the entire process. [+] Stops DLL injection(Manual Map, Thread Hjacking,Reflective and other ring3 methods) [+] Stops remote code injections and other code cave methods. [+] Advanced anti hooking methods and hook protections [+] Hint: Self thread protections(suspend or kill) Server-Side Based [+] Advanced anti-debugging methods. [+] Advanced anti analysis methods. [+] Its incredibly hard to dump the process and get an idea of how its working. [+] Optional: [+] Detects potentially cheat files in the game folder(py,asi,mix)
  3. Userinterface.cpp 1, put it to the beginning PVOID* find(const char *szFunc, HMODULE hModule) { if (!hModule) hModule = GetModuleHandle(0); PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER img_dos_headers = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)hModule; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS img_nt_headers = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((byte*)img_dos_headers + img_dos_headers->e_lfanew); PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR img_import_desc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)((byte*)img_dos_headers + img_nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress); if (img_dos_headers->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) printf("e_magic dos sig\n"); for (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *iid = img_import_desc; iid->Name != 0; iid++) { for (int func_idx = 0; *(func_idx + (void**)(iid->FirstThunk + (size_t)hModule)) != nullptr; func_idx++) { char* mod_func_name = (char*)(*(func_idx + (size_t*)(iid->OriginalFirstThunk + (size_t)hModule)) + (size_t)hModule + 2); const intptr_t nmod_func_name = (intptr_t)mod_func_name; if (nmod_func_name >= 0) { if (!::strcmp(szFunc, mod_func_name)) return func_idx + (void**)(iid->FirstThunk + (size_t)hModule); } } } return 0; } std::uint32_t detour_ptr(const char *szFunc, PVOID newfunction, HMODULE module) { void **&&func_ptr = find(szFunc, module); if (*func_ptr == newfunction || *func_ptr == nullptr) return 0; DWORD old_rights; DWORD new_rights = PAGE_READWRITE; VirtualProtect(func_ptr, sizeof (uintptr_t), new_rights, &old_rights); uintptr_t ret = (uintptr_t)*func_ptr; *func_ptr = newfunction; VirtualProtect(func_ptr, sizeof (uintptr_t), old_rights, &new_rights); return ret; } 2, include #include <windows.h> #include <cstdint> 3, WriteProcessMemory prototype, hook using WriteProcessMemoryFn = BOOL(__stdcall*)(HANDLE, LPVOID, LPCVOID, SIZE_T, SIZE_T*); WriteProcessMemoryFn oWriteProcessMemory; BOOL __stdcall hkWriteProcessMemory(HANDLE hProcess, LPVOID lpBaseAddress, LPCVOID lpBuffer, SIZE_T nSize, SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten) { return oWriteProcessMemory(nullptr, lpBaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, lpNumberOfBytesWritten); } 4, search--> bool Main(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine) and put it to the beginning oWriteProcessMemory = (WriteProcessMemoryFn)detour_ptr("WriteProcessMemory", (PVOID)hkWriteProcessMemory, GetModuleHandleA("Kernel32.dll")); This not only protects the MemoryBreak, but also all the cheats that WriteProcessMemory changes the game. Now he's hooked, so if something invites WriteProcessMemory to get a nullpt to the handle. Original post
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