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Everything posted by NoobMaster1337

  1. hey guys, i am looking for a decoration with target render for great's offline shop. please do not try to sell me a other offline shop.
  2. You have to share your request here: https://metin2.dev/board/index.php?/forum/46-searching/ #moverequest
  3. With this you can use .txt files and can work with Filezilla. You should use WinSCP instead of Filezilla.
  4. Thats not possible. With BYTE/byte you just can set up to 255. You have to change it to WORD/Word if you want stack 2.000 items. There is no else way.
  5. Not tested: Replace the void CHARACTER::Reward(bool bItemDrop) function. (char_battle.cpp) void CHARACTER::Reward(bool bItemDrop) { if (GetRaceNum() == 5001) { PIXEL_POSITION pos; if (!SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMovablePosition(GetMapIndex(), GetX(), GetY(), pos)) return; LPITEM item; int iGold = number(GetMobTable().dwGoldMin, GetMobTable().dwGoldMax); iGold = iGold * CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetMobGoldAmountRate(NULL) / 100; iGold *= GetGoldMultipler(); int iSplitCount = number(25, 35); sys_log(0, "WAEGU Dead gold %d split %d", iGold, iSplitCount); for (int i = 1; i <= iSplitCount; ++i) { if ((item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(1, iGold / iSplitCount))) { if (i != 0) { pos.x = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.y = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.x += GetX(); pos.y += GetY(); } item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos); item->StartDestroyEvent(); } } return; } LPCHARACTER pkAttacker = DistributeExp(); if (!pkAttacker) return; if (pkAttacker->IsPC()) { if (GetLevel() - pkAttacker->GetLevel() >= -10) if (pkAttacker->GetRealAlignment() < 0) { if (pkAttacker->IsEquipUniqueItem(UNIQUE_ITEM_FASTER_ALIGNMENT_UP_BY_KILL)) pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(14); else pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(7); } else pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(2); pkAttacker->SetQuestNPCID(GetVID()); quest::CQuestManager::instance().Kill(pkAttacker->GetPlayerID(), GetRaceNum()); CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().KillLog(GetRaceNum()); if (!number(0, 9)) { if (pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_HP_RECOVERY)) { int iHP = pkAttacker->GetMaxHP() * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_HP_RECOVERY) / 100; pkAttacker->PointChange(POINT_HP, iHP); CreateFly(FLY_HP_SMALL, pkAttacker); } if (pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_SP_RECOVER)) { int iSP = pkAttacker->GetMaxSP() * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_SP_RECOVER) / 100; pkAttacker->PointChange(POINT_SP, iSP); CreateFly(FLY_SP_SMALL, pkAttacker); } } } if (!bItemDrop) return; PIXEL_POSITION pos = GetXYZ(); if (!SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMovablePosition(GetMapIndex(), pos.x, pos.y, pos)) return; if (test_server) sys_log(0, "Drop money : Attacker %s", pkAttacker->GetName()); RewardGold(pkAttacker); LPITEM item; static std::vector<LPITEM> s_vec_item; s_vec_item.clear(); if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItem(this, pkAttacker, s_vec_item)) { if (s_vec_item.size() == 0); else if (s_vec_item.size() == 1) { item = s_vec_item[0]; if (pkAttacker->GetEmptyInventory(item->GetSize()) != -1) { pkAttacker->AutoGiveItem(item->GetVnum(), item->GetCount()); } } pos.x = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.y = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.x += GetX(); pos.y += GetY(); sys_log(0, "DROP_ITEM: %s %d %d from %s", item->GetName(), pos.x, pos.y, GetName()); } else { int iItemIdx = s_vec_item.size() - 1; std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, LPCHARACTER> > pq; int total_dam = 0; for (auto it = m_map_kDamage.begin(); it != m_map_kDamage.end(); ++it) { int iDamage = it->second.iTotalDamage; if (iDamage > 0) { LPCHARACTER ch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(it->first); if (ch) { pq.push(std::make_pair(iDamage, ch)); total_dam += iDamage; } } } std::vector<LPCHARACTER> v; while (!pq.empty() && pq.top().first * 10 >= total_dam) { v.push_back(pq.top().second); pq.pop(); } if (v.empty()) { while (iItemIdx >= 0) { item = s_vec_item[iItemIdx--]; if (!item) { sys_err("item null in vector idx %d", iItemIdx + 1); continue; } item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos); item->StartDestroyEvent(); pos.x = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.y = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.x += GetX(); pos.y += GetY(); sys_log(0, "DROP_ITEM: %s %d %d by %s", item->GetName(), pos.x, pos.y, GetName()); } } else { auto it = v.begin(); while (iItemIdx >= 0) { item = s_vec_item[iItemIdx--]; if (!item) { sys_err("item null in vector idx %d", iItemIdx + 1); continue; } item->AddToGround(GetMapIndex(), pos); LPCHARACTER ch = *it; if (ch->GetParty()) ch = ch->GetParty()->GetNextOwnership(ch, GetX(), GetY()); if (ch->GetEmptyInventory(item->GetSize()) != -1) { ch->AutoGiveItem(item->GetVnum(), item->GetCount()); } } pos.x = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.y = number(-7, 7) * 20; pos.x += GetX(); pos.y += GetY(); sys_log(0, "DROP_ITEM: %s %d %d by %s", item->GetName(), pos.x, pos.y, GetName()); } } } } m_map_kDamage.clear(); }
  6. Changing epx/eix wont help you. You have to crypt your client also you have to change/remove the pack module in your client. If you remove that, it shouldnt be possible to get the files which you wanna save.
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