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  1. Thank you very much! It is awesome. Here is image
  2. Hello everyone, In PythonItem.cpp, there is function for original effect for items on the ground. void CPythonItem::Create() { CEffectManager::Instance().RegisterEffect2("d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mse", &m_dwDropItemEffectID); } I want to add effects for different item IDs separately. For example: for item ID 71084, 71085 I want to use effect dropitem_rare.mse and for all other items I want to use original dropitem.mse, Can somebody help me with this please? Thank you for all your advices.
  3. char.cpp find: if (GetLevel() >= 5) PointChange(POINT_SKILL, 1);
  4. Thank you for your advice. I have this this code in ActorInstanceBattle.cpp but it doesnt work. It is not working after I added shoulder sash system. When I load backup without sash, metin stones shaking normally. Maybe I added some code badly, but there is no changes in ActorInstanceBattle.cpp
  5. Thank you for this. I edit some lines and It works pretty well. But there is a problem at player rankings. It shows only player who are in guild. Players without guilds are not in ladder. When i delete the "guild" part from query it shows all players My rankings.php: <div class="content"> <div class="content-bg"> <div class="content-bg-bottom"> <h2>100 nejlepších hráčů - podle dosažené úrovně a zkušeností </h2> <div id="ranking"> <br /> <table border="1"> <tr> <th width="10">Umístění</th> <th width="100">Jméno</th> <th width="70">Level</th> <th width="70">Zkušeností</th> <th width="80">Cech</th> <th width="70">Rasa</th> <th width="40">Říše</th> </tr> <?php mysqli_select_db($sqlServ, 'player'); $rank = "SELECT p.id, p.account_id, p.`name`, p.job, p.playtime, p.`level`, p.exp, g.`name` AS g_name, i.empire AS empire FROM player AS p INNER JOIN guild_member AS gm ON gm.pid = p.id INNER JOIN guild AS g ON g.id = gm.guild_id INNER JOIN player_index AS i ON i.id = p.account_id WHERE p.`name` NOT LIKE '[%]%' ORDER BY p.`level` DESC, p.exp DESC, playtime DESC LIMIT 100"; $query = mysqli_query($sqlServ, $rank); $i = 0; while($array = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $i = $i + 1; echo "<tr> <th width=\"10\"><font color=\"black\">" . $i . "</font></th> <th width=\"100\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["name"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"70\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["level"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"70\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["exp"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"80\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["g_name"] . "</font></th>"; if($array["job"] == 0) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/warrior_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array["job"] == 1) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/assassin_w.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array["job"] == 2) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/sura_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array["job"] == 3) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/shaman_w.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array["job"] == 4) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/warrior_w.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array["job"] == 5) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/assassin_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array["job"] == 6) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/sura_w.png\"></th>"; } else { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/shaman_m.png\"></th>"; } if($array["empire"] == 1) { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/1_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } elseif($array["empire"] == 2) { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/2_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } else { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/3_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?> <br /> </div> <center><strong><a class="btn" href="?s=guildrank">Žebříček cechů</a></strong><br /></center> <br class="clearfloat" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shadow">&nbsp;</div> Can you help me with this? Here is screenshot of my website
  6. Hello everyone. I am using [Replica] Old Metin2 Website. I edited pretty much things, but I need help with query for guild at player ranking page and guild leader at guild ranking page. I tried so many variants like $guild = "SELECT example FROM example WHERE example = " . $array["example"] . ""; etc. But i didnt find the right solution Here my rankings.php <div class="content"> <div class="content-bg"> <div class="content-bg-bottom"> <h2>100 nejlepších hráčů - podle dosažené úrovně a zkušeností </h2> <div id="ranking"> <br /> <table border="1"> <tr> <th width="10">Umístění</th> <th width="100">Jméno</th> <th width="70">Level</th> <th width="70">Zkušeností</th> <th width="80">Cech</th> <th width="70">Rasa</th> <th width="40">Říše</th> </tr> <?php mysqli_select_db($sqlServ, 'player'); $rank = "SELECT * from player WHERE name NOT LIKE '[%]%' order by level desc, exp desc, playtime desc limit 100"; $query = mysqli_query($sqlServ, $rank); $i = 0; while($array = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $i = $i + 1; echo "<tr> <th width=\"10\"><font color=\"black\">" . $i . "</font></th> <th width=\"100\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["name"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"70\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["level"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"70\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["exp"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"80\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["guild"] . "</font></th>"; //placeholder for right guild query $job = "SELECT job from player where job = " . $array["job"] . ""; $query2 = mysqli_query($sqlServ, $job); $array2 = mysqli_fetch_array($query2); if($array2["job"] == 0) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/warrior_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array2["job"] == 1) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/assassin_w.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array2["job"] == 2) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/sura_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array2["job"] == 3) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/shaman_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array2["job"] == 4) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/warrior_w.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array2["job"] == 5) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/assassin_m.png\"></th>"; } elseif($array2["job"] == 6) { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/sura_w.png\"></th>"; } else { echo "<th width=\"70\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/shaman_w.png\"></th>"; } $reich = "SELECT empire from player_index where id = " . $array["account_id"] . ""; $query3 = mysqli_query($sqlServ, $reich); $array3 = mysqli_fetch_array($query3); if($array3["empire"] == 1) { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/1_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } elseif($array3["empire"] == 2) { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/2_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } else { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/3_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?> <br /> </div> <center><strong><a class="btn" href="?s=guildrank">Žebříček cechů</a></strong><br /></center> <br class="clearfloat" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shadow">&nbsp;</div> and here is my guild rank.php <div class="content"> <div class="content-bg"> <div class="content-bg-bottom"> <h2>100 nejlepších cechů - podle dosažených bodů ve válkách</h2> <div id="ranking"> <br /> <table border="1"> <tr> <th width="10">Umístění</th> <th width="90">Název</th> <th width="50">Level</th> <th width="50">Vítězství</th> <th width="50">Remízy</th> <th width="40">Prohry</th> <th width="50">Body</th> <th width="70">Vůdce</th> <th width="40">Říše </th> </tr> <?php mysqli_select_db($sqlServ, 'player'); $rank = "SELECT * from guild order by ladder_point desc limit 100"; $query = mysqli_query($sqlServ, $rank); $i = 0; while($array = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $i = $i + 1; echo "<tr> <th width=\"10\"><font color=\"black\">" . $i . "</font></th> <th width=\"90\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["name"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"50\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["level"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"50\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["win"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"50\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["draw"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"40\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["loss"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"50\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["ladder_point"] . "</font></th> <th width=\"50\"><font color=\"black\">" . $array["guild_leader"] . "</font></th>"; //placeholder for right guild leader query $reich = "SELECT empire from player_index where id = " . $array2["account_id"] . ""; $query2 = mysqli_query($sqlServ, $reich); if($array2["empire"] == 1) { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/1_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } elseif($array2["empire"] == 2) { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/2_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } else { echo "<th width=\"40\" td align=\"center\"><img src=\"img/3_s.png\"></th></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?> <br /> </div> <center><strong><a class="btn" href="?s=rankings">Žebříček hráčů</a></strong><br /></center> <br class="clearfloat" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shadow">&nbsp;</div> There is screenshot of my ranking page There is screeshot of my guild rank page It is in Czech language so there are some translations if you need: cech = guild, vůdce = leader Can someone please help me to setup right query? Thank you for all advices.
  7. Thanks, very usefull. With this tutorial I figured out how to implement effects for various effects for potions.
  8. Hello community, I have a little problem with this system. Everything works good, except options for experience, items and currency. Experience does nothing Items hides recieved experience Currency hides recieved yangs and items at the same time Anybody knows how to solve it? I uploaded all touched files from this system in the link bellow, so you can check all my files. All touched filles I tried to implement this system 3 times with the same results. The same problem has @blaxis on this topic, but there is no solution. Thanks for every suggestions.
  9. Hello community, First of all, I added switchbot and then make a button at inventory window for bonus switcher (Like this), which was good enough for me in the moment. Then I added Official character details by Mali and decided to move button for switchbot from inventory window to character details window (Like this) I created a new button and added it to the character details window but the bonus switcher does not open without any error. I followed this tutorial for make it work in inventory window: In locale/xx/ui/inventorywindow.py I simply added a button with ("name":"Button2",) and everything works fine. When I put ("name":"Button2",) to the button I created in character details window, nothing happens even when I try to put there ("name" : "DSSButton",) I tried to put functions to root/uicharacterdeails.py and also to root/uicharacter.py but every time I ended with some missing attribute errors. I found some threads people asking for similar questions, but mostly it was for buttons at inventory window and nothing was really helpfull for me. So can you help me make this button work please? Thank you for your replies and sorry for my english.
  10. Hello community, I'm using Metin2 Project 2014.1 | Kraizy Updated Edition and I have a problem, that the belts gives me bonuses, but I can't see them in description. I compared uitooltip from another client, everything is the same. Edit: Also I can't see slots when I put diamonds on belts. Can anybody help me with this?
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