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  1. Hello friends I've built the source code in mainline without using the Test Client für 40250. There is no error in the SYSERR file. AUTH_CONFIG AUTH_SYSLOG GAME_CONFIG GAME_SYSLOG serverinfo.py DB_CONF_TXT DB_SYSLOG
  2. ty sir ty sir, I am just use libbsd I don't know how to use libevent ty for reply sir, apparently I will need to learn c ++ in detail
  3. I don't have a problem with compiling already. I can't connect to the game the only file that i can't make change fdwatch.c because i'm at start-up level in c ++ #define __LIBTHECORE__ #include "stdafx.h" LPFDWATCH fdwatch_new(int nfiles) { LPFDWATCH fdw; int kq; kq = kqueue(); if (kq == -1) { sys_err("%s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } CREATE(fdw, FDWATCH, 1); fdw->kq = kq; fdw->nfiles = nfiles; fdw->nkqevents = 0; CREATE(fdw->kqevents, KEVENT, nfiles * 2); CREATE(fdw->kqrevents, KEVENT, nfiles * 2); CREATE(fdw->fd_event_idx, int, nfiles); CREATE(fdw->fd_rw, int, nfiles); CREATE(fdw->fd_data, void*, nfiles); return (fdw); } void fdwatch_delete(LPFDWATCH fdw) { free(fdw->fd_data); free(fdw->fd_rw); free(fdw->kqevents); free(fdw->kqrevents); free(fdw->fd_event_idx); free(fdw); } int fdwatch(LPFDWATCH fdw, struct timeval *timeout) { int i, r; struct timespec ts; if (fdw->nkqevents) sys_log(2, "fdwatch: nkqevents %d", fdw->nkqevents); if (!timeout) { ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0; r = kevent(fdw->kq, fdw->kqevents, fdw->nkqevents, fdw->kqrevents, fdw->nfiles, &ts); } else { ts.tv_sec = timeout->tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = timeout->tv_usec; r = kevent(fdw->kq, fdw->kqevents, fdw->nkqevents, fdw->kqrevents, fdw->nfiles, &ts); } fdw->nkqevents = 0; if (r == -1) return -1; memset(fdw->fd_event_idx, 0, sizeof(int) * fdw->nfiles); for (i = 0; i < r; i++) { int fd = fdw->kqrevents[i].ident; if (fd >= fdw->nfiles) sys_err("ident overflow %d nfiles: %d", fdw->kqrevents[i].ident, fdw->nfiles); else { if (fdw->kqrevents[i].filter == EVFILT_WRITE) fdw->fd_event_idx[fd] = i; } } return (r); } void fdwatch_register(LPFDWATCH fdw, int flag, int fd, int rw) { if (flag == EV_DELETE) { if (fdw->fd_rw[fd] & FDW_READ) { fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].ident = fd; fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].flags = flag; fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].filter = EVFILT_READ; ++fdw->nkqevents; } if (fdw->fd_rw[fd] & FDW_WRITE) { fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].ident = fd; fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].flags = flag; fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].filter = EVFILT_WRITE; ++fdw->nkqevents; } } else { fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].ident = fd; fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].flags = flag; fdw->kqevents[fdw->nkqevents].filter = (rw == FDW_READ) ? EVFILT_READ : EVFILT_WRITE; ++fdw->nkqevents; } } void fdwatch_clear_fd(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { fdw->fd_data[fd] = NULL; fdw->fd_rw[fd] = 0; } void fdwatch_add_fd(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd, void * client_data, int rw, int oneshot) { int flag; if (fd >= fdw->nfiles) { sys_err("fd overflow %d", fd); return; } if (fdw->fd_rw[fd] & rw) return; fdw->fd_rw[fd] |= rw; sys_log(2, "FDWATCH_REGISTER fdw %p fd %d rw %d data %p", fdw, fd, rw, client_data); if (!oneshot) flag = EV_ADD; else { sys_log(2, "ADD ONESHOT fd_rw %d", fdw->fd_rw[fd]); flag = EV_ADD | EV_ONESHOT; fdw->fd_rw[fd] |= FDW_WRITE_ONESHOT; } fdw->fd_data[fd] = client_data; fdwatch_register(fdw, flag, fd, rw); } void fdwatch_del_fd(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { fdwatch_register(fdw, EV_DELETE, fd, 0); fdwatch_clear_fd(fdw, fd); } void fdwatch_clear_event(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd, unsigned int event_idx) { assert(event_idx < fdw->nfiles * 2); if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].ident != fd) return; fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].ident = 0; } int fdwatch_check_event(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd, unsigned int event_idx) { assert(event_idx < fdw->nfiles * 2); if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].ident != fd) return 0; if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].flags & EV_ERROR) return FDW_EOF; if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].flags & EV_EOF) return FDW_EOF; if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].filter == EVFILT_READ) { if (fdw->fd_rw[fd] & FDW_READ) return FDW_READ; } else if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].filter == EVFILT_WRITE) { if (fdw->fd_rw[fd] & FDW_WRITE) { if (fdw->fd_rw[fd] & FDW_WRITE_ONESHOT) fdw->fd_rw[fd] &= ~FDW_WRITE; return FDW_WRITE; } } else sys_err("fdwatch_check_event: Unknown filter %d (descriptor %d)", fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].filter, fd); return 0; } int fdwatch_get_ident(LPFDWATCH fdw, unsigned int event_idx) { assert(event_idx < fdw->nfiles * 2); return fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].ident; } int fdwatch_get_buffer_size(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { int event_idx = fdw->fd_event_idx[fd]; if (fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].filter == EVFILT_WRITE) return fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].data; return 0; } void * fdwatch_get_client_data(LPFDWATCH fdw, unsigned int event_idx) { int fd; assert(event_idx < fdw->nfiles * 2); fd = fdw->kqrevents[event_idx].ident; if (fd >= fdw->nfiles) return NULL; return (fdw->fd_data[fd]); } #else // ifndef __USE_SELECT__ LPFDWATCH fdwatch_new(int nfiles) { LPFDWATCH fdw; // nfiles value is limited to FD_SETSIZE (64) CREATE(fdw, FDWATCH, 1); fdw->nfiles = MIN(nfiles, FD_SETSIZE); FD_ZERO(&fdw->rfd_set); FD_ZERO(&fdw->wfd_set); CREATE(fdw->select_fds, socket_t, nfiles); CREATE(fdw->select_rfdidx, int, nfiles); fdw->nselect_fds = 0; CREATE(fdw->fd_rw, int, nfiles); CREATE(fdw->fd_data, void*, nfiles); return (fdw); } void fdwatch_delete(LPFDWATCH fdw) { free(fdw->fd_data); free(fdw->fd_rw); free(fdw->select_fds); free(fdw->select_rfdidx); free(fdw); } static int fdwatch_get_fdidx(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fdw->nselect_fds; ++i) { if (fdw->select_fds[i] == fd) { return i; } } return -1; } void fdwatch_add_fd(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd, void* client_data, int rw, int oneshot) { int idx = fdwatch_get_fdidx(fdw, fd); if (idx < 0) { if (fdw->nselect_fds >= fdw->nfiles) { return; } idx = fdw->nselect_fds; fdw->select_fds[fdw->nselect_fds++] = fd; fdw->fd_rw[idx] = rw; } else { fdw->fd_rw[idx] |= rw; } fdw->fd_data[idx] = client_data; if (rw & FDW_READ) FD_SET(fd, &fdw->rfd_set); if (rw & FDW_WRITE) FD_SET(fd, &fdw->wfd_set); } void fdwatch_del_fd(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { if (fdw->nselect_fds <= 0) { return; } int idx = fdwatch_get_fdidx(fdw, fd); if (idx < 0) { return; } --fdw->nselect_fds; fdw->select_fds[idx] = fdw->select_fds[fdw->nselect_fds]; fdw->fd_data[idx] = fdw->fd_data[fdw->nselect_fds]; fdw->fd_rw[idx] = fdw->fd_rw[fdw->nselect_fds]; FD_CLR(fd, &fdw->rfd_set); FD_CLR(fd, &fdw->wfd_set); } int fdwatch(LPFDWATCH fdw, struct timeval *timeout) { int r, i, event_idx; struct timeval tv; fdw->working_rfd_set = fdw->rfd_set; fdw->working_wfd_set = fdw->wfd_set; if (!timeout) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; r = select(0, &fdw->working_rfd_set, &fdw->working_wfd_set, (fd_set*) 0, &tv); } else { tv = *timeout; r = select(0, &fdw->working_rfd_set, &fdw->working_wfd_set, (fd_set*) 0, &tv); } if (r == -1) return -1; event_idx = 0; for (i = 0; i < fdw->nselect_fds; ++i) { if (fdwatch_check_fd(fdw, fdw->select_fds[i])) fdw->select_rfdidx[event_idx++] = i; } return event_idx; } int fdwatch_check_fd(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { int idx = fdwatch_get_fdidx(fdw, fd); if (idx < 0) { return 0; } int result = 0; if ((fdw->fd_rw[idx] & FDW_READ) && FD_ISSET(fd, &fdw->working_rfd_set)) { result |= FDW_READ; } if ((fdw->fd_rw[idx] & FDW_WRITE) && FD_ISSET(fd, &fdw->working_wfd_set)) { result |= FDW_WRITE; } return result; } void * fdwatch_get_client_data(LPFDWATCH fdw, unsigned int event_idx) { int idx = fdw->select_rfdidx[event_idx]; if (idx < 0 || fdw->nfiles <= idx) { return NULL; } return fdw->fd_data[idx]; } int fdwatch_get_ident(LPFDWATCH fdw, unsigned int event_idx) { int idx = fdw->select_rfdidx[event_idx]; if (idx < 0 || fdw->nfiles <= idx) { return 0; } return (int)fdw->select_fds[idx]; } void fdwatch_clear_event(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd, unsigned int event_idx) { int idx = fdw->select_rfdidx[event_idx]; if (idx < 0 || fdw->nfiles <= idx) { return; } socket_t rfd = fdw->select_fds[idx]; if (fd != rfd) { return; } FD_CLR(fd, &fdw->working_rfd_set); FD_CLR(fd, &fdw->working_wfd_set); } int fdwatch_check_event(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd, unsigned int event_idx) { int idx = fdw->select_rfdidx[event_idx]; if (idx < 0 || fdw->nfiles <= idx) { return 0; } socket_t rfd = fdw->select_fds[idx]; if (fd != rfd) { return 0; } int result = fdwatch_check_fd(fdw, fd); if (result & FDW_READ) { return FDW_READ; } else if (result & FDW_WRITE) { return FDW_WRITE; } return 0; } int fdwatch_get_buffer_size(LPFDWATCH fdw, socket_t fd) { return INT_MAX; // XXX TODO } these codes need to change for linux Did you test the game, bro? And Did you use epoll or libevent? for libthecore
  4. but he did it iMer. I am understand Freebsd using kqueue and Windows using Select and Linux using epoll or libevent just I need to change the fdwatch.c file
  5. Whether you're right, but many companies such as servers or server digitaloce company in turkey makes Linux installation.I just have a problem you'il be connecting to the server.
  6. Hi, I compiled the source code of kraizy in debian, but the syserr I received when I started SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:50 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 4353 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:52 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:52 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) SYSLOG: Dec 15 23:15:52 :: ClientManager pointer is 0xbfdb181c SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:52 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:52 :: Connection closed. (host: È)·˜¤˜¤s (2164, 1, 2, "ÁøȲÿÿÿÿ±Ã+4) Dec 15 23:15:52 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:52 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:52 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:52 :: Connection closed. (host: ¨)·””ace into item_proto ÿÿÿÿum, ) Dec 15 23:15:52 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:52 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:53 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: Connection closed. (host: ¨)·””ace into item_proto ÿÿÿÿum, ) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:53 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: Connection closed. (host: ¨)·””ace into item_proto ÿÿÿÿum, ) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:53 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: Connection closed. (host: äh <ı­) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:53 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: Connection closed. (host: ˜(·,®) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:53 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: Connection closed. (host: ˜(·<ı­) Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: returned. 0 ~ 0 Dec 15 23:15:53 :: ItemIDRange: Build 0 ~ 0 start: 0 NOT USE remain count is below 10000 SYSERR: Dec 15 23:15:53 :: socket_accept: accept: Resource temporarily unavailable (fd 18) and when I start the auth client it stays on the connecting to the server screen
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