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Everything posted by Chriss

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( Github ) Advanced Duel Options (50% by ZeNu) Delete Random HP DMG Fix New Command for General DMG Tactical DMG
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) VT: [Hidden Content]
  3. new download link: [Hidden Content]
  4. update: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] EDIT if you don't have update for class ImageBox class ImageBox(Window): def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): Window.__init__(self, layer) self.eventDict={} self.eventFunc = { "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP" : None, "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN" : None, "MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP" : None, "MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN" : None, "MOUSE_OVER_IN" : None, "MOUSE_OVER_OUT" : None } self.eventArgs = { "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP" : None, "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN" : None, "MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP" : None, "MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN" : None, "MOUSE_OVER_IN" : None, "MOUSE_OVER_OUT" : None } def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) self.eventFunc = None self.eventArgs = None def RegisterWindow(self, layer): self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterImageBox(self, layer) def LoadImage(self, imageName): self.name=imageName wndMgr.LoadImage(self.hWnd, imageName) if len(self.eventDict)!=0: print "LOAD IMAGE", self, self.eventDict def SetAlpha(self, alpha): wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) def SetColor(self, r, g, b, a): wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, r, g, b, a) def GetWidth(self): return wndMgr.GetWidth(self.hWnd) def GetHeight(self): return wndMgr.GetHeight(self.hWnd) def SetEvent(self, func, *args) : result = self.eventFunc.has_key(args[0]) if result : self.eventFunc[args[0]] = func self.eventArgs[args[0]] = args else : print "[ERROR] ui.py SetEvent, Can`t Find has_key : %s" % args[0] def SAFE_SetEvent(self, func, *args): result = self.eventFunc.has_key(args[0]) if result : self.eventFunc[args[0]] = __mem_func__(func) self.eventArgs[args[0]] = args else : print "[ERROR] ui.py SAFE_SetEvent, Can`t Find has_key : %s" % args[0] def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"]) def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN"]) def OnMouseRightButtonUp(self): if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP"]) def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN"]) def OnMouseOverIn(self) : if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_OVER_IN"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_OVER_IN"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_OVER_IN"]) def OnMouseOverOut(self) : if self.eventFunc["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"] : apply(self.eventFunc["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"], self.eventArgs["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"]) def SAFE_SetStringEvent(self, event, func,isa=FALSE): if not isa: self.eventDict[event]=__mem_func__(func) else: self.eventDict[event]=func def SetOnMouseLeftButtonUpEvent(self, event, *args): self.eventFunc["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"] = event self.eventArgs["MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP"] = args
  5. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. ClientManagerBoot.cpp //search static const char * s_szQuery = "SELECT " "shop.vnum, " "shop.npc_vnum, " "shop_item.item_vnum, " "shop_item.count " "FROM shop LEFT JOIN shop_item " "ON shop.vnum = shop_item.shop_vnum ORDER BY shop.vnum, shop_item.item_vnum"; //replace or adapt: static const char * s_szQuery = "SELECT " "shop.vnum, " "shop.npc_vnum, " "shop_item.item_vnum, " "shop_item.count " "FROM shop LEFT JOIN shop_item " "ON shop.vnum = shop_item.shop_vnum ORDER BY shop.vnum, shop_item.id"; // shop_item.item_vnum - shop_item.id shop_item.sql SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for shop_item -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `shop_item`; CREATE TABLE `shop_item` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `shop_vnum` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `item_vnum` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ) ENGINE = MyISAM CHARACTER SET = latin1 COLLATE = latin1_swedish_ci ROW_FORMAT = Fixed; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of shop_item -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `shop_item` VALUES (1, 1, 1009, 1); INSERT INTO `shop_item` VALUES (2, 1, 297, 1); INSERT INTO `shop_item` VALUES (3, 1, 4049, 1); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] VT: [Hidden Content]
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] VT: [Hidden Content]
  10. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] VT: [Hidden Content]
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello , tonight i feel good and i will share this system for free. Is one of my first systems made for my server , i know that isn't made by a pro (coding stuff i mean) but it works w/o problems. I don't force anyone to use it, if you don't like the way it is made, make yourself the one you want. You need to have Emoji Texline stuff implemented: [Hidden Content] edit: change PythonTextTail.cpp: TTextTail * pTextTail = RegisterTextTail(VirtualID, c_szChat, pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef().GetHeight() + 10.0f, c_TextTail_Chat_Color); to: TTextTail * pTextTail = RegisterTextTail(VirtualID, strContent.c_str(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef().GetHeight() + 10.0f, c_TextTail_Chat_Color);
  12. I fixed the problems, it was about 1 fix i had in my source . [Hidden Content]
  13. if you use this you will have many visual bugs bug /inv the effects are not displayed [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] and the gm effect is not displayed
  14. Add those affects in affect.h
  15. in cmd please change from SV_PLAYER TO GM_PLAYER cause i changed them in my server.
  16. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Hello , this is one of my first systems that i made for my pvp server 1-2 years ago and since then i was using it and it has no problems. I'm not a system's developer i only made things for my servers and this one i want to share with you.
  17. Hi , soon i will open an international pvm [Astro2.net] that i have been working for a long time. The server has reached the testing stage and I need people to help me ( the testers will receive at server opening md's depending on the time spent on the server and the bugs they found and also they can apply for helper/gm authority if they have serious intentions. I'm also looking for investitors with serious intentions. If you're interested and want to be part of our team , let me a private message. Thanks for your time .
  18. I think i solved it , i was using in shop.cpp autogiveitem() instead of createitem() when buy an item cause i made a multi buy system and i think that was the problem , the server wasn't saving the items correctly.
  19. The problem is that the item is deleted immediately after the crash and I can't figure out what's wrong with it..
  20. i found this in syserr DestroyItem: WTH! Invalid item owner. owner pointer : 0x32e92000
  21. void CHARACTER::Destroy() { CloseMyShop(); if (m_pkRegen) { if (m_pkDungeon) { if (m_pkDungeon->IsValidRegen(m_pkRegen, regen_id_)) { --m_pkRegen->count; } } else { if (is_valid_regen(m_pkRegen)) --m_pkRegen->count; } m_pkRegen = NULL; } if (m_pkDungeon) { SetDungeon(NULL); } #ifdef __PET_SYSTEM__ if (m_petSystem) { m_petSystem->Destroy(); delete m_petSystem; m_petSystem = 0; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM if (m_mountSystem) { m_mountSystem->Destroy(); delete m_mountSystem; m_mountSystem = 0; } if(GetMountVnum()) { RemoveAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT); RemoveAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT_BONUS); } #endif HorseSummon(false); if (GetRider()) GetRider()->ClearHorseInfo(); if (GetDesc()) GetDesc()->BindCharacter(NULL); if (m_pkExchange) m_pkExchange->Cancel(); SetVictim(NULL); if (GetShop()) { GetShop()->RemoveGuest(this); SetShop(NULL); } ClearStone(); ClearSync(); ClearTarget(); if (NULL == m_pkMobData) { DragonSoul_CleanUp(); ClearItem(); } LPPARTY party = m_pkParty; if (party) { if (party->GetLeaderPID() == GetVID() && !IsPC()) { M2_DELETE(party); } else { party->Unlink(this); if (!IsPC()) party->Quit(GetVID()); } SetParty(NULL); } if (m_pkMobInst) { M2_DELETE(m_pkMobInst); m_pkMobInst = NULL; } m_pkMobData = NULL; if (m_pkSafebox) { M2_DELETE(m_pkSafebox); m_pkSafebox = NULL; } if (m_pkMall) { M2_DELETE(m_pkMall); m_pkMall = NULL; } m_set_pkChrSpawnedBy.clear(); StopMuyeongEvent(); event_cancel(&m_pkWarpNPCEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkRecoveryEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkDeadEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkSaveEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkTimedEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkStunEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkFishingEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkPoisonEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkFireEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkPartyRequestEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkWarpEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkCheckSpeedHackEvent); event_cancel(&m_pkMiningEvent); for (itertype(m_mapMobSkillEvent) it = m_mapMobSkillEvent.begin(); it != m_mapMobSkillEvent.end(); ++it) { LPEVENT pkEvent = it->second; event_cancel(&pkEvent); } m_mapMobSkillEvent.clear(); ClearAffect(); for (TMapBuffOnAttrs::iterator it = m_map_buff_on_attrs.begin(); it != m_map_buff_on_attrs.end(); it++) { if (NULL != it->second) { M2_DELETE(it->second); } } m_map_buff_on_attrs.clear(); event_cancel(&m_pkDestroyWhenIdleEvent); if (m_pSkillLevels) { M2_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pSkillLevels); m_pSkillLevels = NULL; } CEntity::Destroy(); if (GetSectree()) GetSectree()->RemoveEntity(this); #ifdef ENABLE_SYNC_HACK_FIX sync_hack = 0; sync_count = 0; sync_time = 0; #endif }
  22. it was deleted on clear.sh , i will post it when the server will make the crashcore again
  23. Hello m2dev , i am working on my server and i solved a lot in it but with this problem i need some help . I don't know how to make this crashcore or when it happens and i don't have any idea of what is wrong. Here are the crashcore details: [Hidden Content] clearitem function: void CHARACTER::ClearItem() { int i; LPITEM item; for (i = 0; i < INVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_SLOT_MAX; ++i) { if ((item = GetInventoryItem(i))) { item->SetSkipSave(true); ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FlushDelayedSave(item); item->RemoveFromCharacter(); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(item); SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); } } for (i = 0; i < DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) { if ((item = GetItem(TItemPos(DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i)))) { item->SetSkipSave(true); ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FlushDelayedSave(item); item->RemoveFromCharacter(); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(item); } } } and destroy function: void ITEM_MANAGER::DestroyItem(LPITEM item) { if (item->GetSectree()) item->RemoveFromGround(); if (item->GetOwner()) { if (CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(item->GetOwner()->GetPlayerID()) != NULL) { sys_err("DestroyItem: GetOwner %s %s!!", item->GetName(), item->GetOwner()->GetName()); item->RemoveFromCharacter(); } else { sys_err ("WTH! Invalid item owner. owner pointer : %p", item->GetOwner()); } } TR1_NS::unordered_set<LPITEM>::iterator it = m_set_pkItemForDelayedSave.find(item); if (it != m_set_pkItemForDelayedSave.end()) m_set_pkItemForDelayedSave.erase(it); DWORD dwID = item->GetID(); sys_log(2, "ITEM_DESTROY %s:%u", item->GetName(), dwID); if (!item->GetSkipSave() && dwID) { DWORD dwOwnerID = item->GetLastOwnerPID(); db_clientdesc->DBPacketHeader(HEADER_GD_ITEM_DESTROY, 0, sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD)); db_clientdesc->Packet(&dwID, sizeof(DWORD)); db_clientdesc->Packet(&dwOwnerID, sizeof(DWORD)); } else { sys_log(2, "ITEM_DESTROY_SKIP %s:%u (skip=%d)", item->GetName(), dwID, item->GetSkipSave()); } if (dwID) m_map_pkItemByID.erase(dwID); m_VIDMap.erase(item->GetVID()); M2_DELETE(item); } any idea is welcome , thank you for your time.
  24. UP !! - EN,RO,PL,PT,CZ,HU,TR are ready !! Searching for someone who can translate in DE !!!
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