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  • Birthday 11/15/1995


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  1. bump, same problem here quest quest charge_cash_by_voucher begin state start begin function charge(amount, charge_type) if charge_type == nil then charge_type = "coins" end if 0 < amount then -- syntax : pc.charge_cash(amount, charge_type) -- warning: 1. 'charge_type' : "cash"(default) | "mileage" -- 2. 'amount' must be positive number. local result = pc.charge_cash(amount, charge_type) if true == result then local item_id = item.get_id() char_log(item_id, "CHARGE_CASH_BY_VOUCHER", amount) syschat(string.format(gameforge.charge_cash_by_voucher._010_syschat, amount)) local flag_name = "total_" .. charge_type pc.setqf(flag_name, pc.getqf(flag_name) + amount) item.remove() end end return false end when 80014.use or 80015.use or 80016.use or 80017.use begin local amount = item.get_value(0) charge_cash_by_voucher.charge(amount, "coins") end end end Edit, nevermind. in db/src/ClientManager.cpp search for this function void CClientManager::ChargeCash(const TRequestChargeCash* packet) and change in this function sprintf(szQuery, "update account set `cash` = `cash` + %d where id = %d limit 1", packet->dwAmount, packet->dwAID); with sprintf(szQuery, "update account set `coins` = `coins` + %d where id = %d limit 1", packet->dwAmount, packet->dwAID);
  2. I really appreciate Mitachi's work because he also explain little things here and there, when i don't understand something. Also his code is clean and straight to the point. Communication 10/10, very patient and he understands customer's needs. Highly recommended!
  3. No syserr unfortunately. Also I didn't do any changes in source to affect players to not get experience. It's happening sometimes to random people. No matter if they level in a party or solo.
  4. bump. i know this is a old theard, but i have the same problem sometimes. some random players get their exp locked and they have to close the client and enter the game again, the exp gain blocks out of nowhere
  5. How can you fix it for r40k with .txt protos? Thanks in advance, Okami.
  6. I know this theard is old af, but maybe someone else will look for answer. If you reversed xSag's changes for Yang on taskbar and still have issues with yang refresh, then: root/interfacemodule.py search for function def RefreshStatus(self): under self.wndCharacter.RefreshStatus() add self.wndInventory.RefreshStatus() In your case with metin2pandora client it should look like (the whole function) def RefreshStatus(self): self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStatus() self.wndCharacter.RefreshStatus() self.wndInventory.RefreshStatus() if self.wndEnergyBar: self.wndEnergyBar.RefreshStatus() if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshStatus() xSag made that change for MDs in inventory (which is bullshit imo) and removed self.wndInventory.RefreshStatus() completly because the MDs uses another refresh function. Good luck.
  7. reupload please? edit: nevermind, i did not notice internal download
  8. Dear all, First of all, thank you for your interest into reading this theard. Old Metin2 is now looking for a metin2 experienced developer in oder to fix a bug/error regarding the bonus apply on our server. If you have knowledge of C++ and metin2 development please contact me on Discord at Okami#1001 or by email at [email protected] We will discuss more in private, please without no name developers as i'm looking for a trustworthy person. Thank you. Regards, Okami.
  9. It's not my business with this topic, but, as a past customer of Braxy's services i'm really happy with the work he done for me, i don't get why you guys are fighting? LUA is a free-of-learn language program, same as C++/Python/Java and so on, if he learned from you it's normal that he will use the same structure, as you were his master, then he is free to change whatever he wants to expand his knowledge, also don't forget we're all involved in a ILLEGAL ACTIVITY and the work you're argue with, that's ''your own'' is actually not, you're earning this money from a illegal activity in a metin2 private community so better to stop fighting for a sh*t that can end in every second due to copyright in my vision, once you're working for ymir/webzen and develop something for official servers that has been leaked, then you can come on this private community to say that is your work, if this source of this game wasn't leaked probably you don't even exist on this community, same as me and other 10k people. Best of luck
  10. Just posted here in case someone need in one day like me... Open from you db source Main.cpp Search #ifdef __FreeBSD__ _malloc_options = "A"; #endif Replace with #if defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__GNUC__) _malloc_options = "A"; #endif
  11. bump same problem here @MUZI know it's funny cause this topic was from 2016, i found the solution Perhaps my server accept connections from outside of the server with auth exploit, however i have fixed it.
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