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  1. I edited this function: bool CHARACTER::Follow(LPCHARACTER pkChr, float fMinDistance) { if (IsPC()) { sys_err("CHARACTER::Follow : PC cannot use this method", GetName()); return false; } // TRENT_MONSTER if (IS_SET(m_pointsInstant.dwAIFlag, AIFLAG_NOMOVE)) { if (pkChr->IsPC()) { // If i'm in a party. I must obey party leader's AI. if (!GetParty() || !GetParty()->GetLeader() || GetParty()->GetLeader() == this) { if (get_dword_time() - m_pkMobInst->m_dwLastAttackedTime >= 15000) { if (m_pkMobData->m_table.wAttackRange < DISTANCE_APPROX(pkChr->GetX() - GetX(), pkChr->GetY() - GetY())) if (Return()) return true; } } } return false; } // END_OF_TRENT_MONSTER long x = pkChr->GetX(); long y = pkChr->GetY(); if (pkChr->IsPC()) { // If i'm in a party. I must obey party leader's AI. if (!GetParty() || !GetParty()->GetLeader() || GetParty()->GetLeader() == this) { if (get_dword_time() - m_pkMobInst->m_dwLastAttackedTime >= 15000) { if (5000 < DISTANCE_APPROX(m_pkMobInst->m_posLastAttacked.x - GetX(), m_pkMobInst->m_posLastAttacked.y - GetY())) if (Return()) return true; } } } if (IsGuardNPC()) { if (5000 < DISTANCE_APPROX(m_pkMobInst->m_posLastAttacked.x - GetX(), m_pkMobInst->m_posLastAttacked.y - GetY())) if (Return()) return true; } SetRotationToXY(x, y); float fDist = DISTANCE_SQRT(x - GetX(), y - GetY()); if (fDist <= fMinDistance) return false; float fx, fy; if (IsChangeAttackPosition(pkChr) && GetMobRank() < MOB_RANK_BOSS) { SetChangeAttackPositionTime(); int retry = 16; int dx, dy; int rot = (int) GetDegreeFromPositionXY(x, y, GetX(), GetY()); while (--retry) { if (fDist < 500.0f) GetDeltaByDegree((rot + number(-90, 90) + number(-90, 90)) % 360, fMinDistance, &fx, &fy); else GetDeltaByDegree(number(0, 359), fMinDistance, &fx, &fy); dx = x + (int) fx; dy = y + (int) fy; LPSECTREE tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(GetMapIndex(), dx, dy); if (NULL == tree) break; if (0 == (tree->GetAttribute(dx, dy) & (ATTR_BLOCK | ATTR_OBJECT))) break; } //sys_log(0, "근처 어딘가로 이동 %s retry %d", GetName(), retry); if (!Goto(dx, dy)) return false; } else { float fDistToGo = fDist - fMinDistance; GetDeltaByDegree(GetRotation(), fDistToGo, &fx, &fy); //sys_log(0, "직선으로 이동 %s", GetName()); if (!Goto(GetX() + (int) fx, GetY() + (int) fy)) return false; } SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); //MonsterLog("쫓아가기; %s", pkChr->GetName()); return true; } Undefined/delete this ( #ifdef __BOSS_SECURITY__#ifdef NEW_PET_SYSTEM ) But don't work.. /horse_summon the horse not follow me.
  2. Hi all! When i summon the horse the horse not going the character. Forexample: I am going the Town guard , the horse stay and go back not going the character. How to fix this problem? Which file edit horse bug fix?
  3. Hi. game.py error: 0722 15:00:20345 :: File "networkModule.py", line 245, in SetGamePhase 0722 15:00:20345 :: File "system.py", line 130, in __pack_import 0722 15:00:20345 :: File " 0722 15:00:20345 :: game.py 0722 15:00:20345 :: ", line 0722 15:00:20345 :: 726 0722 15:00:20345 :: 0722 15:00:20345 :: 0722 15:00:20345 :: if constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE == 1: 0722 15:00:20345 :: 0722 15:00:20345 :: 0722 15:00:20345 :: ^ 0722 15:00:20345 :: IndentationError 0722 15:00:20345 :: : 0722 15:00:20345 :: expected an indented block 0722 15:00:20345 :: What is the problem? I try but not work.
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