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Everything posted by Sober

  1. Just upgrade your gamefile to 40k. Απλά αναβάθμισε το gamefile σου σε 40k μην βασανιέσαι έτσι.
  2. too bad for them anyways i just thought there was a special reason
  3. Just a small question... Why is gold type signed int and not unsigned int?? Why would gold get negative values? Ranges: signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647 unsigned: 0 to 4294967295
  4. I see so many people trying to eliminate this condition e.g if(!ch)... but i don't get it.How can someone use a command without having a character???
  5. It's been one year since the leak of the game source!Let's Celebrate!
  6. i guess it shows you that date because the value of quest flag "access222" is probably zero
  7. quest event1 begin state start begin when login with (pc.get_map_index()==103 and pc.getqf("timepass2")<=get_time()) or (pc.get_level()<95 and pc.get_map_index()==103) begin if pc.get_level()<95 then chat("You need to be at least level 95, you will be warped") end if pc.get_empire()==1 then pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) elseif pc.get_empire()==2 then pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) else pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) end end when 20090.chat."Akapo Map (LV.95)" begin if pc.getqf("timepass2") >= get_time() then say("You can't teleport now please wait.") elseif pc.get_level()<95 then say("You need to be at least level 95") else pc.setqf("timepass2",get_time()+24*60*60) say("You can go now, have fun.") pc.warp(45600,45600) end end end end
  8. quest event1 begin state start begin when login with (pc.get_map_index()==103 and pc.getqf("timepass2")<=get_time()) or (pc.get_level()<95 and pc.get_map_index()==103) begin if pc.get_level()<95 then chat("You need to be at least level 95, you will be warped") else if pc.get_level()>=95 then chat("Your time period has ended.") chat("Back later!") end if pc.get_empire()==1 then pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) elseif pc.get_empire()==2 then pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) else pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) end end end when 20090.chat."Akapo Map (LV.95)" begin if pc.getqf("timepass2") >= get_time() then say("You can't teleport now please wait.") elseif pc.get_level()<95 then say("You need to be at least level 95") else pc.setqf("timepass2",24*60*60) say("You can go now, have fun.") pc.warp(45600,45600) end end end end Okay this will work normaly i think sorry as i told you i don't have a running server atm
  9. quest event1 begin state start begin when login with (pc.get_map_index()==103 and pc.getqf("timepass2")>=get_time()) or (pc.get_level()<95 and pc.get_map_index()==103) begin if pc.get_level()<95 then chat("You need to be at least level 95, you will be warped") else if pc.get_level()>=95 then chat("Your time period has ended.") chat("Back later!") end if pc.get_empire()==1 then pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) elseif pc.get_empire()==2 then pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) else pc.warp(3812585, 3799162) end end end when 20090.chat."Akapo Map (LV.95)" begin if pc.getqf("timepass2") >= get_time() then say("You can't teleport now please wait.") elseif pc.get_level()<95 then say("You need to be at least level 95") else pc.setqf("timepass2",24*60*60) say("You can go now, have fun.") pc.warp(45600,45600) end end end end Okay try this out too, also i think that your cords should be (45600,45600) not (456,456)
  10. when login with (pc.get_map_index()==103 and pc.getqf("time_pass")<=get_time()) or pc.get_level()<95 begin change to when login with (pc.get_map_index()==103 and pc.getqf("time_pass")<=get_time()) or (pc.get_level()<95 and pc.get_map_index()==103) begin
  11. quest test begin state start begin when login with (pc.get_map_index()==INDEX and pc.getqf("time_pass")<=get_time()) or pc.get_level()<95 begin if pc.get_level()<95 then chat("You need to be at least level 95, you will be warped") else if pc.get_level()>=95 then chat("Your trial period has ended") end if pc.get_empire()==1 then pc.warp(cords,cords) elseif pc.get_empire()==2 then pc.warp(cords,cords) else pc.warp(cords,cords) end end when npcvnum.chat."I want to teleport for one hour" begin if pc.getqf("timepass") <= get_time() then say("You can't teleport now please wait.") elseif pc.get_level()<95 then say("You need to be at least level 95") else pc.setqf("timepass",24*60*60) say("You can go have fun") pc.warp(cords,cords) end end end end I haven't got a test server atm so i can't tell you if it will work, replace the cords and map index, and try it
  12. I can't prove you that God exists the same way you can't prove me that He doesn't exist.Also about science...Science only explains how this universe has been developed NOT how it is created.
  13. hahaha realy curious if he will be literaly a new character.I am realy curious to see how they will change the mechanism of the game...
  14. https://www.facebook.com/Metin2International/photos/a.206482792801606.47196.185670134882872/675618652554682/?type=1&theater Look at the link posted at gameforge's facebook page.It's real!Wolfman will be released soon at the official gameforge servers!
  15. UPDATE item_proto SET type = 18, subtype = 0 where VNUM=70007; invictus you had a typo
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