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Everything posted by daffyy

  1. Throwing error ;/ DailyBoss.cpp: In member function 'bool CDailyBoss::IsDay()': DailyBoss.cpp:184: error: 'DailyBossSettings' is not a class or namespace DailyBoss.cpp:184: error: 'DailyBossSettings' is not a class or namespace Someone know how to fix?
  2. char_battle.cpp //PROF_UNIT pu1("r1"); if (pkAttacker->IsPC()) { if (GetLevel() - pkAttacker->GetLevel() >= -10) if (pkAttacker->GetRealAlignment() < 0) { if (pkAttacker->IsEquipUniqueItem(UNIQUE_ITEM_FASTER_ALIGNMENT_UP_BY_KILL)) pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(14); else pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(7); } else pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(2); pkAttacker->SetQuestNPCID(GetVID()); quest::CQuestManager::instance().Kill(pkAttacker->GetPlayerID(), GetRaceNum()); CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().KillLog(GetRaceNum()); if (!number(0, 9)) { if (pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_HP_RECOVERY)) { int iHP = pkAttacker->GetMaxHP() * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_HP_RECOVERY) / 100; pkAttacker->PointChange(POINT_HP, iHP); CreateFly(FLY_HP_SMALL, pkAttacker); } if (pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_SP_RECOVER)) { int iSP = pkAttacker->GetMaxSP() * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_KILL_SP_RECOVER) / 100; pkAttacker->PointChange(POINT_SP, iSP); CreateFly(FLY_SP_SMALL, pkAttacker); } } } //pu1.Pop(); Probably
  3. Hi, i have a problem with dragon's roar skill on shaman, roar can be used on selected target, but skill_proto table probably is good. (93, 'Dragon's Roar', 4, 1, 1, 0, 'HP', '-(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k)', '50+160*k', '', '', '20', '-(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k)', '', 'ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT', '', 'NONE', 'lv+5*iq *k', 'iq*0.2*k', '', '', '', '', '50+160*k', 0, 0, 'MAGIC', 15, '1', 0, 500); (same on clientside) Can u explain me how to fix it?
  4. Hi, When i kil first metin in DT nothing happens, I've tried several quests and nothing. Has anyone had such a problem and knows how to solve it? quest deviltower_zone begin state start begin when login begin if pc.get_map_index() == 66 then if pc.get_x() < 3840+88 or pc.get_y() < 6656+577 or pc.get_x() > 3840+236 or pc.get_y() > 6656+737 then pc.warp(590500, 110500) end pc.set_warp_location(65, 5905, 1105) elseif pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 then pc.set_warp_location(65, 5905, 1105) end end when deviltower_man.chat.locale.deviltower_man_chat begin if pc.get_level() < 60 then say_title("Strażnik Wieży Demonów: ") say(locale.deviltower_man_say_you_cant) else say_title("Strażnik Wieży Demonów: ") say(locale.deviltower_man_say) local s = select(locale.deviltower_enter,locale.deviltower_no_enter) if s == 1 then pc.setqf("dt", 1) d.join(66) else return end end end when login with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.getqf("dt") == 1 begin pc.setqf("dt", 0) d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower1_regen.txt") end when kill with npc.get_race() == 8015 begin timer("devil_stone1_1", 6) end when devil_stone1_1.timer begin local mapto7= pc.count_item(30302) -- ®ř·Ŕ¤ŁŞľ¬O§_¦s¦bŞşŻu¤`ĆF¶đ pc.remove_item(30302,mapto7) local boxto7= pc.count_item(30300) -- ®ř·Ŕ¤ŁŞľ¬O§_¦s¦bŞş¤ŁŞľ¦WŞş˝c¤l pc.remove_item(30300,boxto7) d.new_jump_all(66, special.devil_tower[1][1], special.devil_tower[1][2]) d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower2_regen.txt") d.set_warp_at_eliminate(4, d.get_map_index(), special.devil_tower[2][1], special.devil_tower[2][2], "data/dungeon/deviltower3_regen.txt") end --when devil_stone2.kill begin --d.jump_all_local(special.devil_tower[2][1], special.devil_tower[2][2]) --end when devil_stone3.kill begin --d.jump_all_local(special.devil_tower[3][1], special.devil_tower[3][2]) --d.set_exit_all_at_eliminate(6) --d.set_warp_at_eliminate(6, d.get_map_index(), 100, 100) --d.set_warp_at_eliminate(4, 66, 5376+532, 512+596+4) d.set_warp_at_eliminate(4, d.get_map_index(), special.devil_tower[3][1], special.devil_tower[3][2], "data/dungeon/deviltower4_regen.txt") d.check_eliminated() --d.exit_all() end function get_4floor_stone_pos() local positions = { {368, 629}, {419, 630}, {428, 653}, {422, 679}, {395, 689}, {369, 679}, {361, 658}, } for i = 1, 6 do local j = number(i, 7) if i != j then local t = positions[i]; positions[i] = positions[j]; positions[j] = t; end end --for i = 1, 7 do -- positions[i][1] = positions[i][1] * 100 -- positions[i][2] = positions[i][2] * 100 -- end return positions end when 8016.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin d.setf("level", 4) -- ¦A˛{¤j¶q©ÇŞ«¤Î»słyŻuĄŰŔY©M°˛ĄŰŔY --d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower4_regen.txt") local positions = deviltower_zone.get_4floor_stone_pos() for i = 1, 6 do chat(positions[i][1], positions[i][2]) d.set_unique("fake" .. i , d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[i][1], positions[i][2])) end chat(positions[7][1], positions[7][2]) local vid = d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[7][1], positions[7][2]) chat(vid) d.set_unique("real", vid) server_loop_timer('devil_stone4_update', 10, pc.get_map_index()) server_timer('devil_stone4_fail1', 5*60, pc.get_map_index()) d.notice("Dotarłe?do Bramy Wyboru na 3. piętrze. Wiele"); d.notice("kamieni Metin będzie drażni?Twoje oczy i uszy."); d.notice("Znajd?właściwy kamie?Metin i zniszcz go w"); d.notice("ciągu 15 minut! To jedyny sposób aby przejść "); d.notice("dalej."); end when devil_stone4_fail1.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Pozostało 10 minut!") server_timer('devil_stone4_fail2', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_fail2.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Pozostało 5 minut!") server_timer('devil_stone4_fail', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_fail.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Nie udało si? zostaniecie wylogowany!") d.exit_all() clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_update.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then if not d.is_unique_dead("real") then for i = 1, 6 do if d.getf("fakedead" .. i) == 0 then if d.unique_get_hp_perc("fake" .. i) < 50 then d.purge_unique("fake" .. i) d.setf("fakedead" .. i, 1) d.notice("To nie ten kamie?"); end end end else --d.clear_regen() --d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower5_regen.txt") server_timer("devil_stone4_end", 5, get_server_timer_arg()) d.notice("Wykazałe?si?doskonałym słuchem i instynktem"); d.notice("Zniszczyłe?prawidłowy kamie?Metin! Za chwil?") d.notice("dotrzesz na 4. pietro!") clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail1', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail2', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_fail', get_server_timer_arg()) end else server_timer('devil_stone4_stop_timer', 1, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone4_stop_timer.server_timer begin clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) end when devil_stone4_end.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.setf("level", 5) d.setf("stone_count", 5) d.notice("Dotarłe?do zamkniętej Bramy na 4. piętrze!") d.notice("Znajduje si?tu wiele potworów, które strzeg?") d.notice("tajemniczych kamieni - będziesz ich potrzebowa? ") d.notice("Bez nich nie dostaniesz si?na 5. poziom Wieży. ") d.notice("Zdobąd?Kamienie od potworów i użyj ich, aby") d.notice("odblokowa?Starożytne Pieczęci. Na wykonanie") d.notice("tego zadania masz tylko 20 minut - spiesz si? ") d.jump_all(special.devil_tower[4][1], special.devil_tower[4][2]) server_timer('devil_stone5_fail1', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone4_update', get_server_timer_arg()) -- 5ĽÓÄ~Äň¦A˛{ d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower5_regen.txt") -- 5ĽÓ«Ę¦LĄŰ¦A˛{ d.spawn_mob(20073, 421, 452) d.spawn_mob(20073, 380, 460) d.spawn_mob(20073, 428, 414) d.spawn_mob(20073, 398, 392) d.spawn_mob(20073, 359, 426) end end when devil_stone5_fail1.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Pozostało 15 minut!") server_timer('devil_stone5_fail2', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone5_fail2.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Pozostało 10 minut!") server_timer('devil_stone5_fail3', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone5_fail3.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Pozostało 5 minut!") server_timer('devil_stone5_fail', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg()) end end when devil_stone5_fail.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("Nie udało si? zostaniesz wylogowany!") d.exit_all() end end --when devil_stone4.kill begin --d.setf("level", 5) --d.setf("stone_count", 4) --d.clear_regen() --d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower5_regen.txt") --d.jump_all_local(special.devil_tower[4][1], special.devil_tower[4][2]) --end when 1062.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and d.getf("level") == 5 begin local KILL_COUNT_FOR_DROP_KEY = 50 --if is_test_server() then --KILL_COUNT_FOR_DROP_KEY = 1 --end local n =d.getf("count") + 1 d.setf("count", n) if n == KILL_COUNT_FOR_DROP_KEY then -- ±Ľ¤UÂę°Í game.drop_item(50084, 1) d.setf("count", 0) end end when devil_stone5.take with item.vnum == 50084 begin npc.purge() item.remove() d.setf("stone_count", d.getf("stone_count") - 1) if d.getf("stone_count") <= 0 then d.setf("level", 6) d.clear_regen() d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower6_regen.txt") d.notice("Wszystkie Starożytne Pieczęci zostały otwarte.") d.notice("Teraz dotrzesz na 5. poziom Wieży Demonów. ") d.notice("Zabij wszystkie potwory na 5. piętrze, jednak ") d.notice("uważaj Piętro to należy do Króla Demonów! ") d.jump_all(special.devil_tower[5][1], special.devil_tower[5][2]) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail1', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail2', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail3', get_server_timer_arg()) clear_server_timer('devil_stone5_fail', get_server_timer_arg()) else d.notice("Otworzyłe?pieczęć! Pozostało jeszcze: "..d.getf("stone_count").."!") end end when devil_stone6.kill begin -- ¶Ç°e¨ě·Ň¸t©Ň¦bŞş¦aąĎ -- §_«hˇA¶}ł]¤@­Ó·s·Ň¸t --d.jump_all(special.devil_tower[6][1], special.devil_tower[6][2]) d.kill_all() -- d.set_warp_at_eliminate(3*60, 66, 5376+532, 512+596+4) d.check_eliminated() local reward_alchemist = {20074, 20075, 20076} d.spawn_mob(reward_alchemist[number(1,3)], 425, 216); d.setqf("can_refine", 1) end -------------------------------------- -- ĄŃ¶i¤J7ĽÓ¦Ü¨ěąF8ĽÓ¤§«e -------------------------------------- when 20074.chat."Wyższe piętro" with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin say_title("Zbrojmistrz Wieży Demonów ") say("Co?! Chcesz uda?si?na 6. poziom Wieży? ") say("Wyprawa na wyższe poziomy wymaga") say("naprawd?dobrego przygotowania.") say("Jeżeli osiągnąłe?75. poziom mog?") say("przenieść Ci?na wyższe piętro.") wait() if pc.level >=75 then say_title("Zbrojmistrz Wieży Demonów ") say("Masz odpowiedni poziom i dlatego masz spore ") say("szanse na przetrwanie na wyższych piętrach.") say("Mozesz wejść") timer("devil_jump_7", 6) return end say("Możesz przejsc dalej!") say("") say("") wait() pc.warp(590500, 110500) return end when 20075.chat."Wyższe piętro" with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin say_title("Platnerz Wieży Demonów ") say("Co?! Chcesz uda?si?na 6. poziom Wieży? ") say("Wyprawa na wyższe poziomy wymaga") say("naprawd?dobrego przygotowania.") say("Jeżeli osiągnąłe?75. poziom mog?") say("przenieść Ci?na wyższe piętro.") wait() if pc.level >=75 then say_title("Platnerz Wieży Demonów ") say("Masz odpowiedni poziom i dlatego masz spore ") say("szanse na przetrwanie na wyższych piętrach.") say("Mozesz wejść") timer("devil_jump_7", 6) return end say("Możesz przejsc dalej!") say("") say("") wait() pc.warp(590500, 110500) return end when 20076.chat."Wyższe piętro" with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin say_title("Jubiler Wieży Demonów ") say("Co?! Chcesz uda?si?na 6. poziom Wieży? ") say("Wyprawa na wyższe poziomy wymaga") say("naprawd?dobrego przygotowania.") say("Jeżeli osiągnąłe?75. poziom mog?") say("przenieść Ci?na wyższe piętro.") wait() if pc.level >=75 then say_title("Jubiler Wieży Demonów ") say("Masz odpowiedni poziom i dlatego masz spore ") say("szanse na przetrwanie na wyższych piętrach.") say("Mozesz wejść") timer("devil_jump_7", 6) return end say("Możesz przejsc dalej!") say("") say("") wait() pc.warp(590500, 110500) return end when devil_jump_7.timer begin d.notice("Mapa Zin-Sa-Gui otwiera drog?na następne") d.notice("piętro. Zniszcz kamienie Metin, aby j?odnaleźć ") d.clear_regen() d.spawn_mob(8018, 639, 658) d.spawn_mob(8018, 611, 637) d.spawn_mob(8018, 596, 674) d.spawn_mob(8018, 629, 670) d.setf("level", 7) d.jump_all(3840+590, 6656+638) end when 8018.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin local cont = d.getf("7_stone_kill") + 1 d.setf("7_stone_kill", cont) if cont >= 4 then d.setf("7_stone_kill", 0) d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower7_regen.txt") end end when 8019.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin game.drop_item(30300, 1) end when 30300.use with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin pc.remove_item("30300", 1) local pct = number(1,10) if pct == 1 then -- ±Ľ¤UŻu¦aąĎ game.drop_item(30302, 1) d.clear_regen() else -- ±Ľ¤U°˛¦aąĎ game.drop_item(30301, 1) end end when 30302.use with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin -- ¶Ç°e¨ě8ĽÓ say_title("Informacja:") say("Ta mapa przeniesie Ci?na 8 . poziom Wieży ") say("Demonów.") pc.remove_item("30302", 1) timer("devil_jump_8", 6) d.clear_regen() end -------------------------------------------- -- ĄŃ¶i¤J8ĽÓ¦Ü¨ěąF9ĽÓ¤§«e -------------------------------------------- when devil_jump_8.timer begin d.notice("Znajd?odpowiedni klucz!") d.notice("Potrzebujesz klucza Zin-Bong-In aby") d.notice("móc otworzy?pieczęć Sa-Soein i dosta?") d.notice("si?na następne piętro Wieży.") d.setf("level", 8) d.jump_all(3840+590, 6656+403) d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower8_regen.txt") d.spawn_mob(20366, 640, 460) local _count= pc.count_item(30302)-- ®ř·ŔŻu¤`ĆF¶đ pc.remove_item(30302,_count) end when 1040.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin local pct1 = number(1, 5) if pct1 == 1 then local pct2 = number(1, 10) if pct2 == 1 then -- ±Ľ¤UŻuÂę°Í game.drop_item(30304, 1) else -- ±Ľ¤U°˛Âę°Í game.drop_item(30303, 1) end else return end end when 20366.take with item.vnum == 30304 begin -- 9ĽÓ«Ę¦L¸Ń°Ł npc.purge() item.remove() timer("devil_jump_9", 6) end --------------------------------------------- -- ĄŃ¶i¤J9ĽÓ¦Üµ˛§ô --------------------------------------------- when devil_jump_9.timer begin d.notice("Zabij Przywódc?Demonów! ") d.setf("level", 9) d.jump_all(3840+590, 6656+155) d.clear_regen() d.regen_file("data/dungeon/deviltower9_regen.txt") end when 1093.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin d.kill_all() timer("devil_end_jump", 60) end when devil_end_jump.timer begin d.exit_all() end end end
  5. Hi, On the maps are safe zones where it should not be, does anyone know how to generate a good server_attr? blue selection = safe zone, but on maps should not be. In the selected area i can't spawn monsters but npcs
  6. On default server_attr teleport works, but all the mobs not spawn.
  7. 2 maps are bugged, first map coordinates = 0x0 , second map coordinates = 4x4 First map: BasePosition 773500 1950600 Second Map BasePosition 777777700 777777700 Atlasinfo looks good: (naga1, timeattack_02) metin2_map_naga1 777777700 777777700 5 5 season1/metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_03 999900 999900 3 3 season1/metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_02 773500 1950600 3 3 season1/metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_01 777700 777700 2 4 map_a2 256000 665600 6 6 map_b2 102400 51200 6 6 map_c2 665600 281600 6 6 map_n_snowm_01 358400 153600 6 6 metin2_map_a1 409600 896000 4 5 metin2_map_a3 307200 819200 4 4 metin2_map_b1 0 102400 4 5 metin2_map_b3 102400 204800 4 4 metin2_map_c1 921600 204800 4 5 metin2_map_c3 819200 204800 4 4 metin2_map_deviltower1 204800 665600 3 3 metin2_map_milgyo 537600 51200 4 4 metin2_map_n_desert_01 204800 486400 6 6 metin2_map_n_flame_01 588800 614400 6 6 metin2_map_spiderdungeon 51200 486400 3 3 metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02 665600 435200 4 4 metin2_map_t1 0 25600 3 3 metin2_map_t2 6400 0 1 1 metin2_map_t3 32000 0 1 1 metin2_map_t4 57600 0 1 1 metin2_map_t5 793600 0 1 1 metin2_map_monkeydungeon 819200 51200 3 3 metin2_map_monkeydungeon 768000 435200 3 3 metin2_map_monkeydungeon 844800 435200 3 3 metin2_map_monkeydungeon 921600 435200 3 3 metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02 128000 640000 3 3 metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03 128000 716800 3 3 metin2_map_wedding_01 819200 0 1 1 metin2_map_guild_01 128000 0 2 2 metin2_map_guild_02 179200 0 2 2 metin2_map_guild_03 230400 0 2 2 metin2_map_trent 281600 0 2 2 metin2_map_trent02 1049600 0 4 4 gm_guild_build 83200 0 1 1 metin2_map_duel 844800 0 1 1 season1/metin2_map_WL_01 1049600 716800 6 6 season1/metin2_map_nusluck01 819200 716800 4 4 season1/metin2_map_oxevent 870400 0 2 2 season1/metin2_map_sungzi 921600 0 2 2 metin2_map_bf 972800 0 2 2 metin2_map_bf_02 921600 51200 2 2 metin2_map_bf_03 972800 51200 2 2 metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass01 1024000 102400 4 4 metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass02 1024000 204800 4 4 metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass03 1024000 307200 4 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1126400 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1126400 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1126400 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1152000 0 3 3 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1177600 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1177600 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1177600 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1228800 0 4 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1228800 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1228800 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1228800 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo 1331200 0 3 3 season1/metin2_map_sungzi 1408000 0 3 3 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1484800 0 3 3 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1561600 0 3 3 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01 1280000 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02 1280000 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03 1280000 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1331200 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1331200 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1331200 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1382400 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1382400 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1382400 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1433600 102400 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4 season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4 season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4 season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2 season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2 season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 972800 153600 2 2 season2/map_n_snowm_02 0 1049600 6 6 season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a 153600 1049600 4 4 season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02 307200 1049600 6 6 season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02 460800 1049600 6 6 season2/metin2_map_a2_1 614400 1049600 6 6 season2/metin2_map_trent_a 768000 1049600 2 2 season2/metin2_map_trent02_a 921600 1049600 3 3 season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1203200 6 6 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1203200 6 6 season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1356800 6 6 season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1510400 6 6 season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1664000 6 6 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1356800 6 6 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1510400 6 6 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1664000 6 6 season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2 season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2 season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2 season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02 563200 435200 4 4 season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss_1 819200 1100800 2 2 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss_2 819200 1152000 2 2 metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3 metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead 1024000 1664000 6 6 metin2_map_Mt_Thunder 1126400 1510400 4 6 metin2_map_dawnmistwood 1177600 1664000 7 4 metin2_map_BayBlackSand 1049600 1510400 3 6 metin2_map_n_flame_dungeon_01 742400 614400 3 3 metin2_map_n_snow_dungeon_01 512000 153600 4 3
  8. Fixed, New problem - When i go to map start coordinates = 0x0, but in Town.txt are typed correct. When i use /go map_name = 0x0, but second use /go coordinates_in_Town.txt transfers to correct coordinates, I changed server_attr because the default was the limit of monsters, and now something like this ...
  9. Hi, I have a problem (most likely with game), so when i approach to mobs i start attacking them without animation (like waithack). I tried on 3 different clients, but on any it was the same. (40k clear client) Video: How i can fix it? I have no idea what the problem may be.
  10. Hi, When I increased experience I noticed something strange, so monsters with "17221065" exp and "156" level takes my experience (-), but monsters with "32059028" and "166" level adds experience. (+) The situation is reversed at higher character levels, What could be wrong? I'm just starting rummage in metin2 servers, so I'm do it 4 fun, but that's kind of strange to me with experience New problem - When i go to map start coordinates = 0x0, but in Town.txt are typed correct. When i use /go map_name = 0x0, but second use /go coordinates_in_Town.txt transfers to correct coordinates, I changed server_attr because the default was the limit of monsters, and now something like this ...
  11. damn >.< Thanks! Problem is no empty line in map/index
  12. First problem solved : add to atlasinfo "season" Second problem : one time server start but when i go to new map and restart server, channels always turn off (game) only db and Auth working. (syserr clear) #0 SECTREE_MANAGER::Build (this=0xbfbfb918, c_pszListFileName=0xbfbfae88 "locale/poland/map/index", c_pszMapBasePath=0x28c0d28c "locale/poland/map") at sectree_manager.cpp:754 754 *strrchr(buf, '\n') = '\0'; #1 0x081422df in CInputDB::Boot (this=0x28d2697c, data=0x2b5531bc "\201sM\207") at input_db.cpp:991 #2 0x08143d2c in CInputDB::Analyze (this=0x28d2697c, d=0x28d26600, bHeader=<value optimized out>, c_pData=0x2b400009 "y3\025") at input_db.cpp:2165 #3 0x0813e0c3 in CInputDB::Process (this=0x28d2697c, d=0x28d26600, orig=0x2b400000, bytes=1389736, r_iBytesProceed=@0xbfbfb554) at input_db.cpp:2555 #4 0x08100c93 in DESC::ProcessInput (this=0x28d26600) at desc.cpp:303 #5 0x0825975c in io_loop (fdw=0x299859e0) at main.cpp:1048 #6 0x0825a0b1 in idle () at main.cpp:935 #7 0x0825b701 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfbfec34) at main.cpp:602
  13. Hi, i tried to add maps: metin2_map_naga1 metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_03 metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_02 metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_01 but when i go to map client crash: 1109 02:21:23697 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_01/mapproperty.txt] 1109 02:21:23698 :: CMapBase::LoadProperty(FileName=metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_01\MapProperty.txt) - LoadMultipleTextData ERROR ĆÄŔĎŔĚ ľřŔ» °ˇ´ÉĽşŔĚ ¸ą˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů. 1109 02:21:23699 :: CMapManager::LoadMap() Invalid Map Type 1109 02:21:23699 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL 1109 02:21:23725 :: granny_shared_vbs: 1109 02:21:23725 :: 0: 40 1109 02:21:23726 :: 1: 20 1109 02:21:23726 :: 2: 20 1109 02:21:23727 :: 3: 40 1109 02:21:23728 :: 4: 1 1109 02:21:23728 :: 5: 20 1109 02:21:23728 :: 6: 2 1109 02:21:23728 :: 7: 0 1109 02:21:23729 :: 8: 0 Serverside: Setting: ScriptType MapSetting CellScale 200 HeightScale 0.500000 ViewRadius 128 MapSize 2 4 BasePosition 777700 777700 TextureSet textureset\metin2_n_flame_01.txt Environment map_n_flame_01.msenv MapProperty: ScriptType MapProperty MapType "Outdoor" Index: 251 metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_01 (others maps same) Clientside: atlasinfo: metin2_map_dragon_timeattack_01 777700 777700 2 4 in pack/season map files exist (others maps same) Why is this happening? I for the first time add map, please tell me what is wrong
  14. Hi, I try to make alignment adding beans, but my quest suckk... quest BeansUse begin state start begin when 30043.use begin local rank = pc.get_alignment() pc.change_alignment(rank + 1500) item.remove() end end end I did something like that and didn't work Suggestions?
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