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Everything posted by LordZiege

  1. Thanks for release, but as far as i know it will not work with directx8, cause CreateOffscreenPlainSurface is not present there. Little snippet where you can capture the whole screen with directx8 (not only game window sadly) bool CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() { HRESULT hr; D3DDISPLAYMODE mode; if (FAILED(hr = ms_lpd3dDevice->GetDisplayMode(&mode))) { TraceError("CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() - GetDisplayMode failed!"); return false; } LPDIRECT3DSURFACE8 surf; if (FAILED(hr = ms_lpd3dDevice->CreateImageSurface(mode.Width, mode.Height, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, &surf))) { TraceError("CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() - CreateImageSurface failed!"); return false; } if (FAILED(hr = ms_lpd3dDevice->GetFrontBuffer(surf))) { TraceError("CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() - GetFrontBuffer failed!"); surf->Release(); return false; } else { if (!CreateDirectory("screenshot", NULL) && ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError()) { TraceError("CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() - Failed to create or find screenshot folder failed!"); return false; } SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; sprintf_s(szFileName, "screenshot/screenshot_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.bmp", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile(szFileName, D3DXIFF_BMP, surf, NULL, NULL); } if (surf) { surf->Release(); surf = nullptr; } return true; }
  2. He already had a function for removing skills by clicking the affect icon. I adapted/expanded the function.
  3. Hi guys, when switching from dynamic python library to static one, everthings working fine for now. (python version 2.7.6, the same version as the dynamic one that was in my client before). But everytime i close my client, this syserr shows up and i dont know how fix it. Anyone maybe has an idea?
  4. Check syserr on game core and db, maybe its a bad query for the player table
  5. You could find the problem easier, if you'd follow this. As @ Draveniou1also mentioned, you need to debug the client through visual studio to find the point where it fails.
  6. Looks like your client and server are not compatible. Its not normal that you have so much packet errors. The reason why, is that the client sends packets to the server, but the server didnt know that packet. (Maybe its missing at server side or have another number)
  7. Create a debug binary and run it through visual studio oder attach the process of the debug binary to visual studio. Then you will find the source parts which cause the crashes.
  8. that gif is a known bug from that mount system renewal, thats why this system is shit. not the only bug, also there are attributes duplications etc.
  9. Even after the fix, the logbox didnt show up. (syserr is empty)
  10. I found a little bug, if you have the same item as drop, both with count 1 but different pct, the target info only show the one with higher pct, but not that one with lower pct. Anyone has fixxed that problem? (When you make different counts, it works, only problem is with same count), mob_drop_item: [Hidden Content] ingame: [Hidden Content]
  11. Maybe next time you should buy the special inventory and not using released one
  12. i found a litle problem with very long bonuses
  13. Try with: if (GetNewPetSystem() && GetNewPetSystem()->IsActivePet())
  14. How they enter then via backdoor? If its available on the internet, its easy to scan for open ports and brute force on that ports (ssh, mysql, etc.)
  15. Thats mostly when you use insecure mysql server installation with default mysql users. In 99% of time, its not a backdoor, only your own fault.
  16. Syserr is empty in client? Did you changed something related to refreshbagslot in uiinventory?
  17. Debug the game.core file and you'll get your answer
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