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Gurgarath last won the day on July 20 2022

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  1. This topic is making me ecstatic! First time I have seen such assets and trust me I have crawled the net and the archives a lot to find an old client and old informations on the game. I love to understand what was there back then, how they changed it, why and so on. This map with that minimap looks like a first iteration of the Chunjo map and it looks fantastic. I think the village map is still around in our client nowadays. It would really be fantastic to find an old client. It is definitely a gem. We should definitely archive everything that we can to piece the things together. About PCBang, there was also a feature on China that would disallow people to get addicted, after 3h of overtime, you would receive half of the rates, and after 5h, you would not get anything from playing the game. There was also skills for Sura with which you could only target dead bodies to "aspire" something from them. Many scrapped things from the game that I would love to properly understand and even, see by myself.
  2. I love that kind of stuff. Good findings, everything is so interesting. Including the mask thingy or the scrapped "common map" from the screenshot. I also wonder what font they used and if they used it bold back then. Thanks for those findings! It's a bummer the exe is not working / we do not have a full client from that era.
  3. Clean lua code, swift answers, professional but also friendly. I recommend!
  4. Love me some of that sweet old nostalgia post. I often dig up stuff like this on the internet, mostly to no avail. It is crazy how things we saw everywhere and everyday became vaporware in the span of just a few years or a cataclysmic digital event (Megaupload). I still remember how I was going crazy with my VirtualPC in the sweet year 2009 on my Vista desktop trying to make it handle the hamachi server. Good times
  5. Having an open source client would be excellent but the amount of work is crazy. Using OpenGL or Vulkan would be an alternative to DX, and a good one at that. But the amount of work is crazy for only a few % of the players (I am not taking into account the benefits it would bring to the game who are increasingly interesting other than cross-platform). Those players will usually just run Wine or a VM to make the game run, which shifts the compatibility work to the player
  6. Well, well, well. Syreldar is absolutely right and we should have checked. On the original mainline and novaline, the "Original" function is your "Fixed" function. Your "Original" is a completely custom function that of course doesn't work because of NULL checks on integers. I thought it was an original shenanigans as it wouldn't be unlikely, but no. By default, everyone has a working function, this tutorial is by essence not necessary. What sources do you use though?
  7. Hello, thanks for the tutorial, but I would still advise you to keep the nullptr checks for relevant parts. I don't think it will go null, but you never know until it gets null. int item_set_socket(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); LPITEM item = q.GetCurrentItem(); if (item == NULL) return 0; if (item && lua_isnumber(L, 1) && lua_isnumber(L, 2)) { int idx = (int) lua_tonumber(L, 1); int value = (int) lua_tonumber(L, 2); if (idx >=0 && idx < ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM) item->SetSocket(idx, value); } return 0; }
  8. Hello, thank you for your share, but if you want REAL realtime information without making your database blow up because you send a thousand queries; use the game's API. Which will really send you real time statistics and will have a reallly really small impact on performances (as it is P2P querying between cores basically).
  9. There might have been a mistake on who it belongs. All credit in fact goes to @ arves100. When I talked with @ FrenchForeignLegion I said that the original source of the SDK might have been me (because I had it for years and sent it occasionally). But it turns out this is NOT the version I sent and that this is also an implementation and not only an SDK. I just wanted to clarify my part in this! Been using that for years now and it is really cool indeed!
  10. Thank you for telling me. It seems like my Mega.nz account just got nuked and everything except folders was removed. Why? I don't know. But if you ever have sensitive stuff on it, back-up it elsewhere. I indeed kept the file elsewhere and I did good. Here is the back-up link: Download Alternative download links → Alternate_1 or Alternate_2 or Alternate_3
  11. This is what I said in my own topic, except the PASSWORD() which I actually forgot (I already did not use MySQL5 hashing when I upgraded). This is this simple, indeed, drop-in replacement, just enclose reserved keywords from queries with backticks `, use another password encryption and execute queries with disabled strict mode
  12. Our answers cannot be clearer. It is basically a full tutorial on sources changes from MySQL <= 5.7 to MySQL 8. For the database export, basically read the errors and fix them. Most of them can be fixed by adding "INSERT IGNORE INTO" and by disabling MySQL strict mode in my.cnf (or session-wide, but prone to issues).
  13. Hello, fairly easy. It is a drop-in replacement basically and once you have compiled (which should only eventually trigger deprecations warnings), you will have to edit all the queries containing "reserved keywords" to enclose them with backticks `. One of the new one is "Window" as you can see and this is a keyword we use in our queries, notably in item.sql. [Hidden Content]
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