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Everything posted by Unc3nZureD

  1. Just checked the executable manually and it's definitely infected. If it's really not you trying to fool us around, then I have the sad news for you: Your machine is probably part of a zombie network I would suggest to completely reinstall your OS and scan all your backups with some antivirus software, preferable more than one.
  2. Sure, it's pretty easy! Please click the image in my signature which takes you to the right tutorial!
  3. Hello, I'm looking for a good C++ developer who is able to implement a simple, but completely new communication between the client and the server. The point is pretty straightforward, the client should be able to send the server some kind of keep-alive packet, that "Hey I am alive!". The server should be able to check the last time such a packet came from specific user and if it isn't coming, then disconnect the user. You should be able to implement it into multiple servers (you can reuse your existing code). I will pay you for each server where you will implement it. Note that once you create the code, it's just some copypaste for you, but I'm still paying the full price, so it may be some quick win for both of us If you need any further information about the topic, please PM me here or DM me at Unc3nZureD#9313 We will discuss exact prices in private message
  4. Using this little snippet you will suddenly become immune against m2bob. You don't need anything special, just copy this code anywhere and start it as a thread (code included). Pretty interesting that you don't need any ExitProcess or similar Step 1: Copy this code to UserMain.cpp DWORD WINAPI FunWithBob(LPVOID) { MSG msg; HWND window = CreateWindowExA(0, "#32769", "Client protected by Process Hacker from m2dev", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 42, 42, nullptr, nullptr, GetModuleHandle(0), nullptr); if (window) { // Hide is the default, but let's just make sure ShowWindow(window, SW_HIDE); while (GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } return 0xDEADBABE; } Step 2: Now call this thread from anywhere in your code CreateThread(nullptr, 0, &FunWithBob, nullptr, 0, nullptr); Step 3: Your are protected. Have fun Disclaimer: This is a pretty weak method and - I think - is going to be patched soon, but it's still a funny way and pretty useful while m2bob coder is not fixing it.
  5. Haha, thanks for this topic, didn't laugh so much for quite long Finally, someone who knows something about RE * The moment when you're re-thinking your life, why the fuck am I trying to develop self-healing & advanced anticheat-system with advanced syscall emulation & others *
  6. To fix back_inserter error, try to: #include <iterator> For the others I can't say anything, as at the moment I haven't got source at me.
  7. I can't really understand What is "power to reboot"? Could you tell it a bit longer and easier to understand? What is the exact problem? Can you give us screenshot? If I'm understanding right your client ONLY WORKS ON XP. Right? Or it works everywhere, but NOT XP? Which Visual Studio are you using to compile your source?
  8. Not that easy to die! Todays SSDs can even handle ONE PETABYTE (1024 Terbyte!) Data traffic, which is not too small And even if the SSD would die, the server owner had to replace it, not the user
  9. (Just a side note: both nullptr and auto is a C++11 feature ) C++14 mostly IMPROVED the capability of auto. I mean, from now you can use auto as the return value of a function (only if it's obvious). Even there were some improvements with auto & lambda function connection, so now it's easier to use. And not to mention a quite interesting thing: [[deprecated]]. Have a look at it It's quite nice when it comes to a bigger project management, not only a small home-made Another awesome feature of C++14 is that now you can initialize an int (or anything else) in binary format! Just like you create a hex 0xFFAA. now you can make 0b0011100110 But as far as I can see it's enough to have C++11 to compile that code (No offense) Please tell me if I'm wrong (P.s.: It's a really nice, clean & easily readable code!)
  10. Lol, *Facepalm* By the way, I would choose HDD. Why? Because you are safe on storage and metin2 is written to be able to operate even on normal HDD too. SSD would only boost your SQL processing power, which would give you some advantage if you want to both run the server and make manual queries to the log - which is... Not that often used What you most need for a server is CPU power & RAM. And of course sometimes space for backups or logs.
  11. What are your intentions? Usually 16Gb is too small for a windows installation, so I would chose none 64Gb HDD isn't too much, but at least you can put things on it Actually you can either buy an USB3 pendrive, which has the same capacity for less price. Are you sure that they are 16 and 64? Not 160 & 640?
  12. It's works 100% but only if you CAN use it and KNOW what it does.
  13. With this code you can LIST ALL THE DLLs loaded by the game. (Except some advanced case) [Hidden Content]
  14. Hi With this, you are going to be able to go trough the loaded DLL list of your process easily without using APIs like EnumProcessModules, or any similar So, first you will need these stuffs, just paste it: #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> // Optional for printing typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PWSTR Buffer; } UNICODE_STRING, *PUNICODE_STRING; typedef struct LDR_DATA_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; PVOID BaseAddress; PVOID EntryPoint; ULONG SizeOfImage; UNICODE_STRING FullDllName; UNICODE_STRING BaseDllName; ULONG Flags; SHORT LoadCount; SHORT TlsIndex; LIST_ENTRY HashTableEntry; ULONG TimeDateStamp; } LDR_DATA_ENTRY, *PLDR_DATA_ENTRY; __declspec(naked) PLDR_DATA_ENTRY GetLdrDataEntry() { __asm { mov eax, fs:[0x30] mov eax, [eax + 0x0C] mov eax, [eax + 0x1C] retn } } Now you've got everything to perform a loop thru' the modules! Note that this ONLY works with x86. On x64 it's a littlebit different. If you need x64 code, PM me. void LoopModules() { PLDR_DATA_ENTRY cursor = GetLdrDataEntry(); // Get the address of LDR_DATA_ENTRY while (cursor->BaseAddress) // while until the list ends { cursor = (PLDR_DATA_ENTRY)cursor->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink; // current bookmark printf("Name: [%S] \n>\t Address: [0x%p]\n>\t Entrypoint: [0x%p]\n", cursor->BaseDllName.Buffer, cursor->BaseAddress, cursor->EntryPoint); // Now you know every information of the module. } } Result: This is this simplest tutorial I could make, so this way you can easily detect modules even if WinAPI is hooked. There's at least one more method to find injected modules, but this one is the easiest and least complex. Good luck
  15. Well, I can't disable HS for you (if so, you still wouldn't be able to play), but here's a dump of the executable: [Hidden Content] Have fun!
  16. Probably he updated his BSD version, since he told that vanilla is optimized for BSD 9.2+ versions.
  17. Try this one: http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/97086304/file.html I didn't test it, but it should work.
  18. Probably a stupid thing, but what if you open your exe in a hex editor, and simply NULL the syslog.txt text?
  19. Oh, of course Of course,it's better than nothing Dont take the,comment before as an offend, just a feedback
  20. What if I rename the DLL to .banana and inject that file? P.s.: my_pyd is wrong. you declared it as my_pid before Edit: Manual mapping or any kind of deletion from module list will still be hidden and useable Edit2: On my windows, the right syntax is taskilist -M -FI "PID eq Here_comes_PID" Are you sure that your script works at all?
  21. Method 1 can be blocked this way: [Hidden Content] Method 2 can be blocked if you somehow check the lib files originality or virtualize it. Method 3 can be solved multiple ways. You must have an anticheat protection. Detect the injection or the injectors. Method 4 can be blocked if you rename or delete .mix extension from mss32.dll No Torrent can be "blocked" if you deny .bat or .cmd files in your folder (it can cause problems with some Patchers) If you want a decent anti-cheat protection, I can suggest mine, as it perfectly protect all the hacking methods known by me. (If you find anything that I didn't know of, I will freely update it!) [Hidden Content]
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