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  1. My uishop.py import net import player import item import snd import shop import net import wndMgr import app import chat import ui import uiCommon import mouseModule import localeInfo import constInfo ################################################################################################### ## Shop class ShopDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.tooltipItem = 0 self.xShopStart = 0 self.yShopStart = 0 self.questionDialog = None self.popup = None self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None self.shopPrice = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def __GetRealIndex(self, i): return self.tabIdx * shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT + i def Refresh(self): getItemID=shop.GetItemID getItemCount=shop.GetItemCount setItemID=self.itemSlotWindow.SetItemSlot for i in xrange(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): idx = self.__GetRealIndex(i) itemCount = getItemCount(idx) if itemCount <= 1: itemCount = 0 setItemID(i, getItemID(idx), itemCount) wndMgr.RefreshSlot(self.itemSlotWindow.GetWindowHandle()) def SetShopPrice(self, arg): slots = arg.split("|") for i in xrange(40): self.shopPrice[i] = int(slots[i]) def SetItemData(self, pos, itemID, itemCount, itemPrice): shop.SetItemData(pos, itemID, itemCount, itemPrice) def LoadDialog(self): try: PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/shopdialog.py") except: import exception exception.Abort("ShopDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") smallTab1 = None smallTab2 = None smallTab3 = None middleTab1 = None middleTab2 = None try: GetObject = self.GetChild self.itemSlotWindow = GetObject("ItemSlot") self.btnBuy = GetObject("BuyButton") self.btnSell = GetObject("SellButton") self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") middleTab1 = GetObject("MiddleTab1") middleTab2 = GetObject("MiddleTab2") smallTab1 = GetObject("SmallTab1") smallTab2 = GetObject("SmallTab2") smallTab3 = GetObject("SmallTab3") except: import exception exception.Abort("ShopDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") self.itemSlotWindow.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EMPTY", self.SelectEmptySlot) self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EXIST", self.SelectItemSlot) self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("RIGHT", "EXIST", self.UnselectItemSlot) self.itemSlotWindow.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) self.itemSlotWindow.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) self.btnBuy.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelShopping)) self.btnBuy.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnBuy)) self.btnSell.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelShopping)) self.btnSell.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSell)) self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AskClosePrivateShop)) self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) self.smallRadioButtonGroup = ui.RadioButtonGroup.Create([[smallTab1, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(0), None], [smallTab2, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(1), None], [smallTab3, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(2), None]]) self.middleRadioButtonGroup = ui.RadioButtonGroup.Create([[middleTab1, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(0), None], [middleTab2, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(1), None]]) self.__HideMiddleTabs() self.__HideSmallTabs() self.tabIdx = 0 self.coinType = shop.SHOP_COIN_TYPE_GOLD self.Refresh() def __ShowBuySellButton(self): self.btnBuy.Show() self.btnSell.Show() def __ShowMiddleTabs(self): self.middleRadioButtonGroup.Show() def __ShowSmallTabs(self): self.smallRadioButtonGroup.Show() def __HideBuySellButton(self): self.btnBuy.Hide() self.btnSell.Hide() def __HideMiddleTabs(self): self.middleRadioButtonGroup.Hide() def __HideSmallTabs(self): self.smallRadioButtonGroup.Hide() def __SetTabNames(self): if shop.GetTabCount() == 2: self.middleRadioButtonGroup.SetText(0, shop.GetTabName(0)) self.middleRadioButtonGroup.SetText(1, shop.GetTabName(1)) elif shop.GetTabCount() == 3: self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(0, shop.GetTabName(0)) self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(1, shop.GetTabName(1)) self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(2, shop.GetTabName(2)) def Destroy(self): self.shopPrice = None constInfo.IsItemShop = 0 self.Close() self.ClearDictionary() self.tooltipItem = 0 self.itemSlotWindow = 0 self.btnBuy = 0 self.btnSell = 0 self.btnClose = 0 self.titleBar = 0 self.questionDialog = None self.popup = None def Open(self, vid): isPrivateShop = False isMainPlayerPrivateShop = False import chr if chr.IsNPC(vid): isPrivateShop = False else: isPrivateShop = True if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): isMainPlayerPrivateShop = True self.btnBuy.Hide() self.btnSell.Hide() self.btnClose.Show() else: isMainPlayerPrivateShop = False self.btnBuy.Show() self.btnSell.Show() self.btnClose.Hide() shop.Open(isPrivateShop, isMainPlayerPrivateShop) self.tabIdx = 0 if isPrivateShop: self.__HideMiddleTabs() self.__HideSmallTabs() else: if shop.GetTabCount() == 1: self.__ShowBuySellButton() self.__HideMiddleTabs() self.__HideSmallTabs() elif shop.GetTabCount() == 2: self.__HideBuySellButton() self.__ShowMiddleTabs() self.__HideSmallTabs() self.__SetTabNames() self.middleRadioButtonGroup.OnClick(0) elif shop.GetTabCount() == 3: self.__HideBuySellButton() self.__HideMiddleTabs() self.__ShowSmallTabs() self.__SetTabNames() self.middleRadioButtonGroup.OnClick(1) self.Refresh() self.SetTop() self.Show() (self.xShopStart, self.yShopStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() def Close(self): self.shopPrice = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] constInfo.IsItemShop = 0 if self.itemBuyQuestionDialog: self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.Close() self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) if self.questionDialog: self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() shop.Close() net.SendShopEndPacket() self.CancelShopping() self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() self.Hide() def GetIndexFromSlotPos(self, slotPos): return self.tabIdx * shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT + slotPos def OnClickTabButton(self, idx): self.tabIdx = idx self.Refresh() def AskClosePrivateShop(self): questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION) questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClosePrivateShop)) questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) questionDialog.Open() self.questionDialog = questionDialog constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) return True def OnClosePrivateShop(self): net.SendChatPacket("/close_shop") self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() return True def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return True def OnPressExitKey(self): self.Close() return True def OnBuy(self): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SHOP_BUY_INFO) app.SetCursor(app.BUY) self.btnSell.SetUp() def OnSell(self): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SHOP_SELL_INFO) app.SetCursor(app.SELL) self.btnBuy.SetUp() def CancelShopping(self): self.btnBuy.SetUp() self.btnSell.SetUp() app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): self.pop = None constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) ## 용혼석 팔리는 기능 추가. def SellAttachedItem(self): if shop.IsPrivateShop(): mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() return attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() if localeInfo.IsBRAZIL() == 0: attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType or player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: if localeInfo.IsBRAZIL(): itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) else: item.SelectItem(attachedItemIndex) if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_SELL): popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() popup.SetText(localeInfo.SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM) popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) popup.Open() self.popup = popup return itemtype = player.INVENTORY if localeInfo.IsBRAZIL() == 0: if player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: itemtype = player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY if player.IsValuableItem(itemtype, attachedSlotPos): itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice() if item.Is1GoldItem(): itemPrice = attachedCount / itemPrice / 5 else: itemPrice = itemPrice * max(1, attachedCount) / 5 itemName = item.GetItemName() questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, attachedCount, itemPrice)) questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg1=attachedSlotPos, arg2=attachedCount, arg3 = itemtype: self.OnSellItem(arg1, arg2, arg3)) questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) questionDialog.Open() self.questionDialog = questionDialog constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) else: self.OnSellItem(attachedSlotPos, attachedCount, itemtype) else: snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() def OnSellItem(self, slotPos, count, itemtype): net.SendShopSellPacketNew(slotPos, count, itemtype) snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() def NieMamPP(self): self.popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() self.popup.SetText("Voce nao tem AP suficientes.") self.popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) self.popup.Open() def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): if not self.questionDialog: return self.questionDialog.Close() self.questionDialog = None constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() if isAttached: self.SellAttachedItem() def UnselectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): if constInfo.GET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: return if shop.IsPrivateShop(): self.AskBuyItem(selectedSlotPos) else: if constInfo.IsItemShop == 1: self.BuyFromIS(selectedSlotPos) else: net.SendShopBuyPacket(self.__GetRealIndex(selectedSlotPos)) def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): if constInfo.GET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: return isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() selectedSlotPos = self.__GetRealIndex(selectedSlotPos) if isAttached: self.SellAttachedItem() else: if True == shop.IsMainPlayerPrivateShop(): return curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() if app.BUY == curCursorNum: self.AskBuyItem(selectedSlotPos) elif app.SELL == curCursorNum: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SHOP_SELL_INFO) else: selectedItemID = shop.GetItemID(selectedSlotPos) itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(selectedSlotPos) type = player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP if shop.IsPrivateShop(): type = player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, type, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID, itemCount) mouseModule.mouseController.SetCallBack("INVENTORY", ui.__mem_func__(self.DropToInventory)) snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") def DropToInventory(self): attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() self.AskBuyItem(attachedSlotPos, constInfo.IsItemShop) def BuyFromIS(self, slotPos, type=0): constInfo.INPUT_DATA = slotPos event.QuestButtonClick(constInfo.IS_QUEST) if type == 1: self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.Close() self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None def AskBuyFromIS(self, slotPos): itemIndex = shop.GetItemID(slotPos) itemPrice = shop.GetItemPrice(slotPos) itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(slotPos) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) itemName = item.GetItemName() itemBuyQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetText("Voce quer comprar " + itemName + " com " + (localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(self.shopPrice[slotPos])[:-5]) + " AP?") itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.BuyFromIS(slotPos, 1)) itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg, type)) itemBuyQuestionDialog.Open() itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos = slotPos self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = itemBuyQuestionDialog def AskBuyItem(self, slotPos, type=0): if type == 1: self.AskBuyFromIS(slotPos) return slotPos = self.__GetRealIndex(slotPos) itemIndex = shop.GetItemID(slotPos) itemPrice = shop.GetItemPrice(slotPos) itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(slotPos) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) itemName = item.GetItemName() itemBuyQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(itemPrice))) itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg)) itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg)) itemBuyQuestionDialog.Open() itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos = slotPos self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = itemBuyQuestionDialog constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) def AnswerBuyItem(self, flag): if flag: pos = self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos net.SendShopBuyPacket(pos) self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.Close() self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None constInfo.SET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): slotIndex = self.__GetRealIndex(slotIndex) if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): return if 0 != self.tooltipItem: if constInfo.IsItemShop == 0: self.tooltipItem.SetShopItem(slotIndex, 0, 0) else: self.tooltipItem.SetShopItem(slotIndex, self.shopPrice[slotIndex], 1) def OverOutItem(self): if 0 != self.tooltipItem: self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() def OnUpdate(self): USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() if abs(x - self.xShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE: self.Close() class MallPageDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def Destroy(self): self.ClearDictionary() def Open(self): scriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() scriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/mallpagedialog.py") self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) (x, y)=self.GetGlobalPosition() x+=10 y+=30 MALL_PAGE_WIDTH = 600 MALL_PAGE_HEIGHT = 480 app.ShowWebPage( "[Hidden Content]", (x, y, x+MALL_PAGE_WIDTH, y+MALL_PAGE_HEIGHT)) self.Lock() self.Show() def Close(self): app.HideWebPage() self.Unlock() self.Hide() def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return True syserr: 1205 01:20:08069 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 1205 01:20:08069 :: File "game.py", line 2748, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run 1205 01:20:08069 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run 1205 01:20:08069 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__ 1205 01:20:08069 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__ 1205 01:20:08070 :: File "game.py", line 2722, in SetIsPrice 1205 01:20:08070 :: File "uiShop.py", line 53, in SetShopPrice 1205 01:20:08070 :: IndexError 1205 01:20:08070 :: : 1205 01:20:08070 :: list index out of range 1205 01:20:08070 :: 1205 01:20:08070 :: Unknown Server Command SetPrice 100|200|200|200|50|300|200|150|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0 | SetPrice 1205 01:20:13602 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 1205 01:20:13602 :: File "ui.py", line 1471, in OnUnselectItemSlot 1205 01:20:13602 :: File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__ 1205 01:20:13603 :: File "ui.py", line 79, in __call__ 1205 01:20:13603 :: File "uiShop.py", line 383, in UnselectItemSlot 1205 01:20:13603 :: File "uiShop.py", line 426, in BuyFromIS 1205 01:20:13603 :: NameError 1205 01:20:13603 :: : 1205 01:20:13603 :: global name 'event' is not defined 1205 01:20:13603 :: link the topic [Hidden Content] help
  2. quests: quest pet_system_send_back begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("SetPetSendAwayButtonIndex "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when info or button begin local v, pet_ = pc.getf("pet_system", "pet_spawn_id"), pc.getf("pet_system", "pet_spawn") local effect = pet_info[v][3] local az = "d:ymir workeffectetcappear_dienpc2_appear.mse" if pet_ == nil or v == nil then return end if effect != 0 then pet.spawn_effect (pet_, az) end pet.remove_bonus() pet.unsummon(pet_) pc.setf("pet_system","pet_spawn",0) pc.setf("pet_system","pet_spawn_id",0) cleartimer("refresh_pet_stats") end end end quest pet_system_slots_button begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("SetPetClearItemSlotButtonIndex "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when info or button begin local pet,it = pc.getf("pet_system","pet_spawn"),pc.getqf("type_item") cmdchat("GetInputStringStart") local btype = input(cmdchat("GetPetClearSlot")) cmdchat("GetInputStringEnd") pc.setqf("type_item", btype) local b = {[0]="SetPetHead",[1]="SetPetNeck",[2]="SetPetFoot"} cmdchat(b[it].." 0") local k = pc.getf("pet_system", b[it].."_"..pet) if k != 0 then pc.give_item2(k,1) affect.remove_collect(item_info[k][2], item_info[k][3], 60*60*24*360*60) pc.setf("pet_system", b[it].."_"..pet, 0) pc.setqf("type_item", -1) end end end end ch1 syserr: SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:14 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_send_back"]:2: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:14 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_send_back.start click SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:18 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_send_back"]:2: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:18 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_send_back.start click SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:18 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_send_back"]:2: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:18 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_send_back.start click SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:19 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_send_back"]:2: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:19 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_send_back.start click SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:19 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_send_back"]:2: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:19 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_send_back.start click SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:36 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_slots_button"]:7: attempt to concatenate field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:36 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_slots_button.start click SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:41 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "pet_system_slots_button"]:7: attempt to concatenate field `?' (a nil value) SYSERR: Nov 26 14:46:41 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest pet_system_slots_button.start click
  3. Open "logs" guildstorage in-game close client syserr client: uiguildstorage.py(line:675) __LoadScript ui.py(line:2709) GetChild test.__LoadScript.BindObject - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'LM_LogsGroupBox' 1120 13:56:52202 :: ============================================================================================================ 1120 13:56:52202 :: Abort!!!!
  4. Help me please!!!! function insert_item(cell,slot,tab) item.select_cell(cell) local attr = {{item.get_attr_type(0),item.attr_value(0)}, {item.get_attr_type(1),item.attr_value(1)}, {item.get_attr_type(2),item.attr_value(2)}, {item.get_attr_type(3),item.attr_value(3)},{item.get_attr_type(4),item.attr_value(4)},{item.get_attr_type(5),item.attr_value(5)},{item.get_attr_type(6),item.attr_value(6)}} local socket, itemVnum, itemCount = {item.get_socket(0), item.get_socket(1), item.get_socket(2),item.get_socket(3),item.get_socket(4),item.get_socket(5)}, item.get_vnum(), item.get_count() if not guildstorage.item_can_store(itemVnum) then syschat'Dieses Item kann nicht gelagert werden.' return end guildstorage.add_log(pc.get_name(),'Item','einlagern',item_name(itemVnum)..' ('..itemCount..')') local guildstorage = io.open("/".."Guildstorage/"..pc.get_guild().."/storage.txt", "a+") if not pc.can_warp() then return end item.select(cell) if item.vnum == 0 then return end --if item.rem(item.get_count()) then item.remove() guildstorage:write(itemVnum.."#"..itemCount.."#"..(slot+120*tab).."#"..socket[1].."#"..socket[2].."#"..socket[3].."#"..socket[4].."#"..socket[5].."#"..socket[6].."#"..attr[1][1].."#"..attr[1][2].."#"..attr[2][1].."#"..attr[2][2].."#"..attr[3][1].."#"..attr[3][2].."#"..attr[4][1].."#"..attr[4][2].."#"..attr[5][1].."#"..attr[5][2].."#"..attr[6][1].."#"..attr[6][2].."#"..attr[7][1].."#"..attr[7][2].."n") guildstorage:flush() guildstorage:close() cmdchat('GUILDSTORAGE_ADDITEMSLOT '..slot..' '..tab..' '..itemVnum..' '..itemCount..' '..socket[1]..' '..socket[2]..' '..socket[3]..' '..socket[4]..' '..socket[5]..' '..socket[6]..' '..attr[1][1]..' '..attr[1][2]..' '..attr[2][1]..' '..attr[2][2]..' '..attr[3][1]..' '..attr[3][2]..' '..attr[4][1]..' '..attr[4][2]..' '..attr[5][1]..' '..attr[5][2]..' '..attr[6][1]..' '..attr[6][2]..' '..attr[7][1]..' '..attr[7][2]) --else --syschat("Du hast das Item nicht mehr") --end end works, but, he doubles stacked item... --if item.rem(item.get_count()) then << no works. help me '-'
  5. The quest / quest tombola begin state start begin function tablica(vnum, pozycja, pozycja2) local itemy = { { {71001, 1}, {71084, 25}, {71085, 25}, {25040, 3}, {27992, 2}, {27993, 2}, {27994, 2}, {27987, 5}, {72002, 1}, {71027, 5}, {71028, 5}, {71029, 5}, {71030, 5}, {71036, 1}, {50008, 15}, {70021, 3}, {71001, 1}, }, { {25041, 1}, {71084, 25}, {71085, 25}, {25040, 3}, {27992, 2}, {27993, 2}, {27994, 2}, {27987, 5}, {72002, 1}, {71027, 5}, {71028, 5}, {71029, 5}, {71030, 5}, {71036, 1}, {50008, 15}, {70021, 3}, {25041, 1}, } } return itemy[vnum][pozycja][pozycja2] end when login begin cmdchat("tombola "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when 9005.chat."Open Tombola" with pc.is_gm() begin local losowo = number(1,2) local str = " " for i = 1,16 do if i == 16 then str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2) else str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2).."|" end end cmdchat("OnPrepare "..str) cmdchat("openTombola") setskin(NOWINDOW) end when info or button begin local losowo = number(1,2) local str = " " for i = 1,16 do if i == 16 then str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2) else str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2).."|" end end cmdchat("OnPrepare "..str) if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < 3 then syschat("You do not have enough space in your inventory.") return end cmdchat("get_input_start") local czynnosc = input(cmdchat("get_input_value")) cmdchat("get_input_end") if czynnosc == "tombola|begin" then pc.setqf("slot", number(1, 16)) cmdchat("OnRun "..number(2,3)*16+pc.getqf("slot").."|5") elseif czynnosc == "tombola|end" then syschat("Congrats! acquired "..tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 2).."x "..item_name(tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 1)).." as a prize at Tombola!") pc.give_item2(tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 1), tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 2)) end end end end Problem: The wheel does not spin but open, does not receive item. No have syserr on client.
  6. When attack mobs, a mysterious disconnection occurs, do not know why, could anyone help me? There is nothing in syserr. ch1. syslog: Jun 10 21:37:00 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=57752, npc=902) Jun 10 21:37:01 :: DISCONNECT: Test (DESC::~DESC) Jun 10 21:37:01 :: SAVE: Test 482195x961755 Jun 10 21:37:01 :: QUEST clear timer 0 Jun 10 21:37:01 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #25 auth syslog: Jun 10 21:17:03 :: SetRemainSecs test 0 type 2 Jun 10 21:17:03 :: BILLING: PUSH test 63 type 2 Jun 10 21:17:03 :: BILLING: OFF test key 113245294 ptr 0x28d80eb0 Jun 10 21:17:04 :: FLUSH_USE_TIME: count 1 db syserr: SYSERR: Jun 10 21:13:07 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 26993 SYSERR: Jun 10 21:13:07 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default syslog: Jun 10 21:17:02 :: [ 2350] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/2 Jun 10 21:17:03 :: SetPlay off 113245294 test Jun 10 21:17:07 :: [ 2400] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:12 :: [ 2450] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:17 :: [ 2500] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:22 :: [ 2550] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:27 :: [ 2600] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:32 :: [ 2650] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:37 :: [ 2700] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:42 :: [ 2750] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:47 :: [ 2800] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:52 :: [ 2850] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:17:57 :: [ 2900] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:02 :: [ 2950] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:07 :: [ 3000] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:12 :: [ 3050] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:17 :: [ 3100] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:22 :: [ 3150] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:27 :: [ 3200] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:32 :: [ 3250] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:37 :: [ 3300] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:42 :: [ 3350] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:47 :: [ 3400] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:52 :: [ 3450] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:18:57 :: [ 3500] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:02 :: [ 3550] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:07 :: [ 3600] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:12 :: [ 3650] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:17 :: [ 3700] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:22 :: [ 3750] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:27 :: [ 3800] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:32 :: [ 3850] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:37 :: [ 3900] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:42 :: [ 3950] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:47 :: [ 4000] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:52 :: [ 4050] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 Jun 10 21:19:57 :: [ 4100] return 0/0/0 async 0/0/0 game99 syslog: Jun 10 21:34:52 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Jun 10 21:34:52 time_gap 0 Jun 10 21:35:52 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Jun 10 21:35:52 time_gap 0 Jun 10 21:35:58 :: P2P: Login Test Jun 10 21:36:52 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Jun 10 21:36:52 time_gap 0 Jun 10 21:37:01 :: P2P: Logout Test Jun 10 21:37:52 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Jun 10 21:37:52 time_gap 0 sorry my bad english
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