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Everything posted by cjunior2011

  1. Hello again, I got tips from all the answers and my final code was this: elif itemType == item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME and itemSubType == item.COSTUME_TYPE_MOUNT: MountVnum = item.GetValue(1) if MountVnum != 0: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 2, MountVnum) Thanks to all who responded, great day! #Solved
  2. I edited his code to look like the code that is already working on costumes and armor and it looks like this: PetsAndMounts = { 71186 : 20249, } if PetsAndMounts.has_key(itemVnum): self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 2, PetsAndMounts[itemVnum]) result.. that's work!! but is it possible to improve this code so I do not have to add all mounts manually? btw ty for de help!
  3. my mount system protos with npc nvum value0, right? btw this dont work, nothing happen
  4. I have a problem to show the rendering only seals of mounts and pets please i try this: elif item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME == itemType: if itemSubType == item.COSTUME_TYPE_MOUNT: MountVnum = item.GetValue(4) if MountVnum != 0: self.__ModelPreview(MountVnum) and this: elif item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_COSTUME: if item.GetItemSubType() == item.COSTUME_TYPE_MOUNT: MountVnum = item.GetValue(4) if MountVnum != 0: self.__ModelPreview(MountVnum) but nothing happen:
  5. This worked without any problem, nice work dude, thanks!
  6. Move this line 1542: void RegisterGlobalFunctionTable(lua_State* L) to before this 1620: { extern int quest_setstate(lua_State* L); luaL_reg global_functions[] = { { "sys_err", _syserr }, { "sys_log", _syslog }, { "char_log", _char_log }, { "item_log", _item_log }, { "set_state", quest_setstate }, { "set_skin", _set_skin }, like this:
  7. @Mali61 i have a problem with v2 error: code: syserr codes: what did I do wrong?
  8. #Solved thank u very much, its solved my problem, @IShungite
  9. this problem happens with any item after restarting the server, I think it is not because of the soulbind system, I need to do some tests without enabling the system and testing with clean files without any system, thank you anyway!
  10. try: service mysql-server status and verify that mysql is running
  11. Even though it does not change anything, due to the error it is displaying, it is due to an incorrect password. Test the same id and password set in navicat.
  12. CPythonNetworkStream::RecvSafeBoxSetPacket(): PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp*
  13. New problem after reset server items equiped or with bind they looked like this: equiped item: [Hidden Content] item that was bind / bound / blocked: [Hidden Content] any solution or is it normal to lose the bind after resetting the server?
  14. when I take the item out of the warehouse, it continues without the bind/lock. I'll test this, thx. edit: I adapted your code to my system and it worked perfectly, thank you @OtherChoice and @WeedHex! #SOLVED #ifdef ENABLE_SOULBIND_SYSTEM if (pkItem->IsSealed()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Can't put sealed items in the warehouse"); return; } #endif
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