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Everything posted by Grimmjow

  1. Your code fix all sequence problem? Or just header 254 ( PONG ) PS: He's right, the sequence system is not completely finished, to delete it remains the best solution ( for me )
  2. Add after that: def SetSlotCoolTime(self, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime = 0.0):
  3. Eterpack.cpp static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey[] = { 45129401, 92367215, 681285731, 1710201, }; static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey[] = { 78952482, 527348324, 1632942, 486274726, };
  4. You need use gr2 from official, and for use it, you need item_scale
  5. Do you have this function -_-' ? if isCostumeAcce != 0: if metinSlot != 0: absChance = int(metinSlot[1]) if absChance > 0: self.AppendSpace(5) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.ACCE_ABSORB_CHANCE % (absChance), self.CONDITION_COLOR)
  6. Hi, The scale systeme dont need to use msm, only value3. it's linked by item_list.txt : 85001 WING icon/item/85001.tga d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_001.gr2 And the item_scale used for position of sash / Job etc ... Sorry for my english
  7. Your way of thinking is very bad, It's not a big deal for pay 50 ... I will not insult you, I say this so humorous.
  8. 50€ for this? You are a stupid man ... Send me your char_batte.cpp / InstanceBaseEffect.cpp messenger private
  9. Yes ui.py i think but you can ask @VegaS, he dont have this bug in Titan.ro
  10. Try now PythonNetworkStreamCommand - Copie.cpp
  11. Send me your PythonNetworkStreamCommand.cpp in project Userinterface
  12. This bug come when you make 2 item, make only one item and tell me if you see icon
  13. Hello charp, DWORD g_start_position[4][2] = Is used when you leave a war for exemple. WORD g_create_position[4][2] = Edit basic contact after character creation.
  14. I think he meant that you should creat a new class in ui.py I do not know if it can be useful but i have found this: class TaskBar(Window): class MiniMap(Window): class MapTextToolTip(Window): def __init__(self): ui.Window.__init__(self) textLine = ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() textLine.SetOutline() textLine.SetHorizontalAlignRight() textLine.Show() self.textLine = textLine def __del__(self): ui.Window.__del__(self) def SetText(self, text): self.textLine.SetText(text) def SetTooltipPosition(self, PosX, PosY): if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): w, h = self.textLine.GetTextSize() self.textLine.SetPosition(PosX - w - 5, PosY) else: self.textLine.SetPosition(PosX - 5, PosY) def SetTextColor(self, TextColor): self.textLine.SetPackedFontColor(TextColor) def GetTextSize(self): return self.textLine.GetTextSize() def __init__(self): ui.Window.__init__(self) self.AddFlag("not_pick") self.tooltipInfo = None self.btnAtlas = None self.Show() def OnUpdate(self): miniMap.UpdateAtlas() self.UpdateMiniMapToolTip() def UpdateMiniMapToolTip(self): (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() if self.tooltipInfo: if True == CustomIsIn(mouseX, mouseY, self): (bFind, sName, iPosX, iPosY, dwTextColor) = miniMap.GetInfo(mouseX, mouseY) if bFind == 0: self.tooltipInfo.Hide() elif not self.CanSeeInfo: self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%s)" % (sName, localeInfo.UI_POS_UNKNOWN)) self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - 5, mouseY) self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) self.tooltipInfo.Show() else: if localeInfo.IsARABIC() and sName[-1].isalnum(): self.tooltipInfo.SetText("(%s)%d, %d" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) else: self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%d, %d)" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - 5, mouseY) self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) self.tooltipInfo.Show() else: self.tooltipInfo.Hide() def AddToolTip(self, parent): self.tooltipInfo = self.MapTextToolTip() self.tooltipInfo.SetParent(parent) self.tooltipInfo.Hide() def OnRender(self): (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() fx = float(x) fy = float(y) miniMap.Render(fx, fy) def HideAtlas(self): miniMap.HideAtlas() def BuildButtons(self, parent): self.btnAtlas = Button() self.btnAtlas.SetParent(parent) self.btnAtlas.SetUpVisual("illumina/controls/special/taskbar/btn_atlas_01_normal.tga") self.btnAtlas.SetOverVisual("illumina/controls/special/taskbar/btn_atlas_02_hover.tga") self.btnAtlas.SetDownVisual("illumina/controls/special/taskbar/btn_atlas_03_active.tga") self.btnAtlas.SetToolTipText(localeInfo.MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP, 0, -25) self.btnAtlas.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowAtlas)) self.btnAtlas.SetPosition(191, 19) self.btnAtlas.Show() def ShowAtlas(self): miniMap.ShowAtlas() def CanSeeInfo(self): return True def GetMapsUnallowed(self): return { "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : FALSE, "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : FALSE, "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : FALSE, "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : FALSE, } class ExpBar(Window): image = None class TextToolTip(ui.Window): def __init__(self): ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") textLine = ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() textLine.SetOutline() textLine.Show() self.textLine = textLine def __del__(self): ui.Window.__del__(self) def SetText(self, text): self.textLine.SetText(text) def OnRender(self): (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) def __init__(self): Window.__init__(self) self.image = ExpandedImageBox() self.image.AddFlag("not_pick") self.image.LoadImage("illumina/controls/special/taskbar/progress_exp_full.tga") self.image.SetParent(self) self.image.Show() self.SetSize(self.image.GetWidth(), self.image.GetHeight()) self.SetPosition(241, 89) self.Show() def __del__(self): self.Hide() Window.__del__(self) def AddToolTip(self, parent): self.tooltipInfo = self.TextToolTip() self.tooltipInfo.SetParent(parent) self.tooltipInfo.Hide() def OnUpdate(self): import player curEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)) nextEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.NEXT_EXP)) Percentage = -1 + float(curEXP)/float(nextEXP) self.image.SetRenderingRect(0.0, Percentage, 0.0, 0.0) (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() if self.tooltipInfo: if True == CustomIsIn(mouseX, mouseY, self): self.tooltipInfo.Show() self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s : %.2f%%" % (localeInfo.TASKBAR_EXP, float(curEXP) / max(1, float(nextEXP)) * 100)) else: self.tooltipInfo.Hide() def __init__(self): Window.__init__(self) self.path = "illumina/controls/special/taskbar/" self.width = max(1280, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()) self.height = 158 self.repeat = 220 self.bar = None self.atlas = None self.exp_Bar = None self.BuildMiniMap() self.BuildBar() self.BuildExpBar() self.BuildButtons() self.SetPosition( (wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.width )/2,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.height) self.SetSize(self.width, self.height) self.Show() self.BuildToolTips() def __del__(self): self.Hide() Window.__del__(self) def BuildBar(self): self.bar = [] files = ["bar_" +dir+".tga" for dir in ("repeat","left", "middle", "right", ) ] for x in files: part = ExpandedImageBox() part.AddFlag("not_pick") part.LoadImage("illumina/controls/special/taskbar/" + x) part.SetParent(self) part.Show() self.bar.append(part) self.bar[0].SetPosition(self.bar[1].GetWidth() ,self.height - self.bar[0].GetHeight()) self.bar[0].SetPercentage(float(self.width) - float(self.bar[1].GetWidth()) - float(self.bar[3].GetWidth()), float(self.repeat)) self.bar[1].SetPosition(0,self.height -124) self.bar[2].SetPosition( (self.width - self.bar[2].GetWidth()) / 2 , self.height - self.bar[2].GetHeight()) self.bar[3].SetPosition(self.width - self.bar[3].GetWidth(),0) def BuildMiniMap(self): miniMap.Create() miniMap.SetScale(2.0) miniMap.RegisterAtlasWindow(self) self.Atlas = self.MiniMap() self.Atlas.SetParent(self) self.Atlas.SetSize(128, 128) self.Atlas.SetPosition(self.width - 280, 15) self.Atlas.Show() def BuildExpBar(self): self.exp_Bar = self.ExpBar() self.exp_Bar.SetParent(self.bar[1]) def BuildButtons(self): self.Atlas.BuildButtons(self.bar[3]) def BuildToolTips(self): self.Atlas.AddToolTip(self) self.exp_Bar.AddToolTip(self)
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