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  1. I usually close the cores using ESC in Windows, with this change is it now possible to close using CTRL + C?
  2. Can you share libs or tuturial for compile in Windows Server?
  3. uint16_t CHARACTER::FindCharacterVID(const char* name) { const LPCHARACTER ch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::Instance().FindPC(name); return ch ? ch->GetVID() : 0; } not tested.
  4. Hi, i m searching this effect, someone know what is?
  5. Vegas is right... Robson Oliboni is a retard, he frustrated in life, he is a shame, a failure.
  6. Could someone help me, where is the fixed bonuses of weapons located in the source? I found the armor located at char.cpp : ComputeBattlePoints(), , but I can't find where the weapon's fixed bonuses are calculated. Thank you all.
  7. Hello, I'm testing the class "BigBoardControl" Code: class BigBoardControl(ui.Bar): FONT_WIDTH = 18 FONT_HEIGHT = 18 LINE_WIDTH = 500 LINE_HEIGHT = FONT_HEIGHT + 5 STEP_HEIGHT = LINE_HEIGHT * 2 LINE_CHANGE_LIMIT_WIDTH = 450 BIG_TEXTBAR_MAX_HIGHT = 1000 FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST = [ "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_new_0.sub", "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_new_1.sub", ] FRAME_IMAGE_STEP = 256 FRAME_BASE_X = -20 FRAME_BASE_Y = -12 def __init__(self): ui.Bar.__init__(self) self.AddFlag("not_pick") self.tipList = [] self.curPos = 0 self.dstPos = 0 self.nextScrollTime = 0 self.scrollstop = 0 self.pretexsize = 0 self.nexttextsize = 0 self.changeline = 0 self.addtipListcount = 0 self.SetPosition(0, 150) self.SetSize(512, 55) self.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.__CreateTextBar() self.__LoadFrameImages() def __LoadFrameImages(self): x = self.FRAME_BASE_X y = self.FRAME_BASE_Y self.imgList = [] for imgFileName in self.FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST: self.imgList.append(self.__LoadImage(x, y, imgFileName)) def __LoadImage(self, x, y, fileName): img = ui.ImageBox() img.SetParent(self) img.AddFlag("not_pick") img.LoadImage(fileName) img.SetPosition(x, y) img.Show() return img def __del__(self): self.tipList = [] self.textBar.ClearBar() self.Hide() ui.Bar.__del__(self) def __CreateTextBar(self): x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() self.textBar = BigTextBar(self.LINE_WIDTH, self.BIG_TEXTBAR_MAX_HIGHT, self.FONT_HEIGHT) self.textBar.SetParent(self) self.textBar.SetPosition(6, 8) self.textBar.SetTextColor(242, 231, 193) self.textBar.SetClipRect(0, y+8, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), y+8+self.STEP_HEIGHT) self.textBar.Show() def __CleanOldTip(self): self.tipList = [] self.textBar.ClearBar() self.Hide() def __RefreshBoard(self): self.textBar.ClearBar() preaddtipListcount = self.addtipListcount self.addtipListcount = 0 index = 0 for text in self.tipList: (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text) if index == 0: self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, " ") index += 1 self.addtipListcount += 1 if index == (len(self.tipList) - (len(self.tipList) - self.pretexsize))+1 and not self.pretexsize == 0: self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, " ") index += 1 self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, " ") index += 1 self.addtipListcount += 2 self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, text) index += 1 if self.tipList: index += 1 self.addtipListcount += 1 self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, " ") def SetTip(self, text): if not app.IsVisibleNotice(): return if text == "#start" or text == "#end" or text == "#send": pass else: self.__AppendText(text) if text == "#start" or text == "#send": if text == "#send" and self.pretexsize == 0: text = "#end" self.__RefreshBoard() if text == "#start": self.STEP_HEIGHT = (self.LINE_HEIGHT * (len(self.tipList) + self.addtipListcount)) self.pretexsize = len(self.tipList) x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() self.textBar.SetClipRect(0, y+8, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), y+8+self.STEP_HEIGHT) self.SetSize(512, 10 + (self.LINE_HEIGHT * (len(self.tipList) + self.addtipListcount))+10) self.imgList[1].SetPosition(self.FRAME_BASE_X, self.STEP_HEIGHT + 10) self.scrollstop = 0 self.changeline = 1 if text == "#send": self.scrollstop = 1 self.nexttextsize = len(self.tipList) - self.pretexsize if not self.IsShow(): self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 8 - self.curPos) self.Show() if text == "#end": self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 8 - self.curPos) self.textcount = 0 self.changeline = 0 self.pretexsize = 0 self.nexttextsize = 0 self.addtipListcount = 0 self.__CleanOldTip() I made: def Test(self): self.BINARY_SetBigControlMessage("message1") self.BINARY_SetBigControlMessage("message1") self.BINARY_SetBigControlMessage("#send") However, the code does not pause, it goes straight as soon as it shows the message, does anyone have any idea how this code works correctly? Originally, it shows the message, stops at the message and then continues. Thanks.
  8. I have this problem, and I want to pay someone to fix it for me. It's like a ghost drop item, I dont have Idea.
  9. Does anyone know what happened to WoM2 and WoM3?
  10. Someone know how to fix this problem for AMD VISHERA users? Thanks.
  11. I had the same problem with the paid version of the great offline shop.
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