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Everything posted by Den

  1. int item_unequip_selected(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { sys_err("Argument error."); lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } BYTE bCell = lua_tonumber(L, 1); //bcell == BYTE, iCell == INT, dCell == DWORD .... if (bCell < 0 || bCell >= WEAR_MAX_NUM) { sys_err("Invalid wear position %d. Index out of range(0..%d)", bCell, WEAR_MAX_NUM); lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } //LPITEM item = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentItem(); //current item in used LPITEM equipped = ch->GetWear(bCell); //current equipped item on target slot //check the pointers if (!ch || !equipped)//!item) { sys_err("No Item or Character Visible."); lua_pushboolean(L,false); return 1; } //remove the equipped item if (equipped->IsEquipped()) { sys_log(0, "item_unequip_selected Player: %s Vnum: %d Cell: %d ::: TRUE ",ch->GetName(), item->GetVnum(), bCell); ch->UnequipItem(equipped); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } else  { sys_log(0, "item_unequip_selected Player: %s Vnum: %d Cell: %d ::: False ",ch->GetName(), item->GetVnum(), bCell); lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } } try this
  2. Limit to map: void CHARACTER::fishing() { if (m_pkFishingEvent) { fishing_take(); return; } if (GetMapIndex() != YOURMAPINDEX) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You can't fish here."); return; } ...
  3. You can make a new lua function in source then use it. int item_is_equipped(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); LPITEM item = q.GetCurrentItem(); if (item) lua_pushboolean(L, item->IsEquipped()); else lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; }
  4. How many GBs of RAM did you assigned to the machine?
  5. item_attribute.cpp, just comment the first part like this:
  6. Do you mean that magic att grade bonus from items isn't working? I've fixed it like this: It depends on you, how much damage you want to get from this bonus.
  7. char.cpp void CHARACTER::fishing() after: if (m_pkFishingEvent) { fishing_take(); return; } add: if (GetMapIndex() != 123) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You can't do this here."); return; }
  8. Box must have ITEM_TREASURE_BOX type and the key's (ITEM_TREASURE_KEY) value0 must be the same as the box's value0.
  9. There is a problem with this fix. I didn't notice that if you die while being polymorphed and click restart here, you will be still polymorphed. I'm working on it, I'm very sorry for the mistake.
  10. Are you sure everything is correct? Maybe check tabulations and spaces in txt file.
  11. What is the base position of the map in your Settings.txt?
  12. constants.cpp check in TValueName c_aApplyTypeNames[] if the name is correct. Example: { "ATT_BONUS_TO_WARRIOR", APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR }, Maybe you should try like above, ATT_BONUS_TO_WOLFMAN?
  13. So show whole uitarget.py, man. The problem occurs while opening/closing window, I can't see Close/Open definition in code you gave above.
  14. Group RefineStepTables, RefineGradeTables for example. Group RefineStepTables { Group Default { #NEED_COUNT FEE STEP_LOWEST STEP_LOW STEP_MID STEP_HIGH STEP_HIGHEST STEP_LOWEST 2 400 50 40 10 0 0 STEP_LOW 2 400 5 90 5 0 0 STEP_MID 2 5000 0 0 10 90 0 STEP_HIGH 2 10000 0 0 0 90 10 } } Refining STEP_LOWEST you'll have 50% chance it'll remain STEP_LOWEST, 40% chance it'll be STEP_LOW after and 10% it'll be STEP_MID after. The same for the rest. For STEP_LOW you'll have 5% chance it'll degrade to STEP_LOWEST, 90% chance it'll remain on STEP_LOW and 5% it'll be STEP_MID after etc.
  15. Maybe give us some code of this system? We can't fix it by staring at gifs dude.
  16. dragon_soul_table.txt server-side, remember to also change the clientside .py file in root.
  17. There are a lot of tutorials on this forum. Doing a research is in my opinion the basic thing to start working with metin2 development. Source: How to compile source: Server files (I'm using these from the start):
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