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Everything posted by TheGameDeveloper

  1. Hello, how to generate new integrer in cipher.cpp and disable other client conection ? Integer p ( "0xB10B8F96A080E01DDE92DE5EAE5D54EC52C99FBCFB06A3C6" "9A6A9DCA52D23B616073E28675A23D189838EF1E2EE652C0" "13ECB4AEA906112324975C3CD49B83BFACCBDD7D90C4BD70" "98488E9C219A73724EFFD6FAE5644738FAA31A4FF55BCCC0" "A151AF5F0DC8B4BD45BF37DF365C1A65E68CFDA76D4DA708" "DF1FB2BC2E4A4371" ); Integer g ( "0xA4D1CBD5C3FD34126765A442EFB99905F8104DD258AC507F" "D6406CFF14266D31266FEA1E5C41564B777E690F5504F213" "160217B4B01B886A5E91547F9E2749F4D7FBD7D3B9A92EE1" "909D0D2263F80A76A6A24C087A091F531DBF0A0169B6A28A" "D662A4D18E73AFA32D779D5918D08BC8858F4DCEF97C2A24" "855E6EEB22B3B2E5" ); Integer q ( "0xF518AA8781A8DF278ABA4E7D64B7CB9D49462353" );
  2. Block the drop hacks: Which is correct ? 1 if (pkItemToDrop->AddToGround (GetMapIndex(), pxPos)) { ChatPacket (CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT ("¶łľîÁř ľĆŔĚĹŰŔş 3şĐ ČÄ »ç¶óÁý´Ď´Ů.")); pkItemToDrop->StartDestroyEvent(30); ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FlushDelayedSave (pkItemToDrop); char szHint[32 + 1]; snprintf (szHint, sizeof (szHint), "%s %u %u", pkItemToDrop->GetName(), pkItemToDrop->GetCount(), pkItemToDrop->GetOriginalVnum()); LogManager::instance().ItemLog (this, pkItemToDrop, "DROP", szHint); LastDropTime = thecore_pulse(); CountDrops++; } if (thecore_pulse() > LastDropTime + 25) { CountDrops = 0; } if (thecore_pulse() < LastDropTime + 25 && CountDrops >= 4) { CountDrops = 0; sys_err("%s[%d] has been disconnected because of drophack using", GetName(), GetPlayerID()); GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return false; } 2 if (pkItemToDrop->AddToGround (GetMapIndex(), pxPos)) { if (thecore_pulse() > LastDropTime + 25) { CountDrops = 0; } if (thecore_pulse() < LastDropTime + 25 && CountDrops >= 4) { CountDrops = 0; sys_err("%s[%d] has been disconnected because of drophack using", GetName(), GetPlayerID()); GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return false; } ChatPacket (CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT ("¶łľîÁř ľĆŔĚĹŰŔş 3şĐ ČÄ »ç¶óÁý´Ď´Ů.")); pkItemToDrop->StartDestroyEvent(30); ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FlushDelayedSave (pkItemToDrop); char szHint[32 + 1]; snprintf (szHint, sizeof (szHint), "%s %u %u", pkItemToDrop->GetName(), pkItemToDrop->GetCount(), pkItemToDrop->GetOriginalVnum()); LogManager::instance().ItemLog (this, pkItemToDrop, "DROP", szHint); LastDropTime = thecore_pulse(); CountDrops++; }
  3. Debug binary crash when close client console no exit, crash
  4. Hello FlorinMarin plese upload web ....UltimateProtection by FrankieCommando
  5. You delete Metin2Client_VC90.sln and Metin2Client_VC90.sln.old rename to Metin2Client_VC90.sln and open this work visual studio 2008
  6. I search granny 2.10 static lib.
  7. Hello how to upadate client devill 1.8 ? i downloaded [Hidden Content] 1.8 source file and no .sln file.. please help
  8. not work { 0, 0, 0, 0}, crash core ingame
  9. hello i updaded mysql 5.5 to 8.0(new mysql source + lib updaded my game/db source) and account no login syerr .: Jun 13 19:04:41 :: InputAuth::Login : key 47105967:0xbfbfbf79 login 4]ŔoÎ(t•]oÎ( Jun 13 19:04:41 :: QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START 47105967 0x28ce6f00 Jun 13 19:04:41 :: NOID server send NOID to client What could be the problem?
  10. Plese helperror: cannot initialize an array element oftype 'int' with an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},
  11. Hi, i use [Hidden Content] this source and I can not login in account Syerr Jun 4 12:54:06 :: Handshake: lower than zero -20 Jun 4 12:54:06 :: Handshake: client_time 0 server_time 382967 Jun 4 12:54:06 :: AUTH_PHASE 0x28cdfa80 Jun 4 12:54:07 :: InputAuth::Login : admin2(6) desc 0x28cdfa80 Jun 4 12:54:07 :: SetLoginKey 365870582 Jun 4 12:54:07 :: InputAuth::Login : key 365870582:0xbfbfbf51 login Ô$]@űÍ(*]”úÍ( Jun 4 12:54:07 :: QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START 365870582 0x28cdfa80 Jun 4 12:54:07 :: NOID db.cpp Detail void DBManager::AnalyzeReturnQuery (SQLMsg* pMsg) { auto qi = (CReturnQueryInfo*) pMsg->pvUserData; switch (qi->iType) { case QID_AUTH_LOGIN: { auto pinfo = (TPacketCGLogin3*) qi->pvData; auto d = DESC_MANAGER::instance().FindByLoginKey (qi->dwIdent); if (!d) { M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } d->SetLogin (pinfo->login); sys_log (0, "QID_AUTH_LOGIN: START %u %p", qi->dwIdent, get_pointer (d)); if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == 0) { sys_log (0, " NOID"); LoginFailure (d, "NOID"); M2_DELETE (pinfo); } else { auto row = mysql_fetch_row (pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult); int col = 0; char szDwID[26] = {0}; char szEncrytPassword[45] = {0}; char szPassword[45] = {0}; char szSocialID[SOCIAL_ID_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0}; char szStatus[ACCOUNT_STATUS_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0}; DWORD dwID = 0; if (!row[col]) { sys_err ("error column %d", col); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } strlcpy (szDwID, row[col++], sizeof (szDwID)); str_to_number (dwID, szDwID); if (!row[col]) { sys_err ("error column %d", col); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } strlcpy (szEncrytPassword, row[col++], sizeof (szEncrytPassword)); if (!row[col]) { sys_err ("error column %d", col); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } strlcpy (szPassword, row[col++], sizeof (szPassword)); if (!row[col]) { sys_err ("error column %d", col); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } strlcpy (szSocialID, row[col++], sizeof (szSocialID)); if (!row[col]) { sys_err ("error column %d", col); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } strlcpy (szStatus, row[col++], sizeof (szStatus)); BYTE bNotAvail = 0; str_to_number (bNotAvail, row[col++]); int aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_MAX_NUM]; memset (&aiPremiumTimes, 0, sizeof (aiPremiumTimes)); char szCreateDate[256] = "00000000"; str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_EXP], row[col++]); str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_ITEM], row[col++]); str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_SAFEBOX], row[col++]); str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_AUTOLOOT], row[col++]); str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_FISH_MIND], row[col++]); str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_MARRIAGE_FAST], row[col++]); str_to_number (aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_GOLD], row[col++]); long retValue = 0; str_to_number (retValue, row[col]); time_t create_time = retValue; struct tm* tm1; tm1 = localtime (&create_time); strftime (szCreateDate, 255, "%Y%m%d", tm1); sys_log (0, "Create_Time %d %s", retValue, szCreateDate); sys_log (0, "Block Time %d ", strncmp (szCreateDate, g_stBlockDate.c_str(), 8)); int nPasswordDiff = strcmp (szEncrytPassword, szPassword); if (nPasswordDiff) { LoginFailure (d, "WRONGPWD"); sys_log (0, " WRONGPWD"); M2_DELETE (pinfo); } else if (bNotAvail) { LoginFailure (d, "NOTAVAIL"); sys_log (0, " NOTAVAIL"); M2_DELETE (pinfo); } else if (DESC_MANAGER::instance().FindByLoginName (pinfo->login)) { LoginFailure (d, "ALREADY"); sys_log (0, " ALREADY"); M2_DELETE (pinfo); } else if (strcmp (szStatus, "OK")) { LoginFailure (d, szStatus); sys_log (0, " STATUS: %s", szStatus); M2_DELETE (pinfo); } else { if (strncmp (szCreateDate, g_stBlockDate.c_str(), 8) >= 0) { LoginFailure (d, "BLKLOGIN"); sys_log (0, " BLKLOGIN"); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } char szQuery[54 + 1]; snprintf (szQuery, sizeof (szQuery), "UPDATE account SET last_play=NOW() WHERE id=%u", dwID); std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> msg (DBManager::instance().DirectQuery (szQuery)); auto &r = d->GetAccountTable(); r.id = dwID; trim_and_lower (pinfo->login, r.login, sizeof (r.login)); strlcpy (r.passwd, pinfo->passwd, sizeof (r.passwd)); strlcpy (r.social_id, szSocialID, sizeof (r.social_id)); DESC_MANAGER::instance().ConnectAccount (r.login, d); LoginPrepare (d, pinfo->adwClientKey, aiPremiumTimes); M2_DELETE (pinfo); break; } } } break; what might be the problem ?
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