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Everything posted by ElRenardo

  1. The blurring texture thing is happening to everyone. It's more noticeable on far distance texture when you have a far perspective angle. It occurs when the DirectX device is reseted. It occurs when opening/closing an ingame web browser. You can search for ".Reset(" case sensitive in EterLib and UserInterface to find out where it's used. Commenting it in EnableWebBrowserMode and DisableWebBrowserMode will totally freeze the game while you have a webpage opened, it will unfreeze when you close the webpage and you won't have those blurred textures and this aliasing problem on terrains.
  2. Hi, To check if a channel is running, you could eventually look at the set of the connected p2p peers ("m_set_pkPeers" defined in "p2p.h"). Every channel are sending some data to each others this way. If the channel is not connected, it won't be listed. I found out that there is a function in desc_manager.cpp that is looking for an existing connection regarding the P2P port of it. "bool DESC_MANAGER::IsP2PDescExist(const char * szHost, WORD wPort)" You can create a new one and use the "GetP2PChannel()" function instead of the "GetP2PPort()". Then you just have to create a simple lua function. That could be a way to do that. But for your usage, I would definitly stick to a global quest_flag. Good luck !
  3. Hey, You are right TMP4, there is a problem at the load of guild land npc. The DB core send all the coordinates of the npc to the channels and there's no check if the map index of the npc is in the core receiving the datas. In building.cpp, you can modify the LoadObject function: bool CManager::LoadObject(TObject * pTable, bool isBoot) { if (!map_allow_find(pTable->lMapIndex)) return false; [...] Good luck in your testing !
  4. Hey Tatsumaru, Thanks for the great work you do correcting graphical aspects of the game. I don't know if you already saw the female warrior holding a fishing rod. You certainly have a lot of work to do, but there's always more ! Thanks again !
  5. You misunderstood me, I didn't wanted to criticize your work in any way. I just wanted to achieve this without losing the functionality that search the file in the file directory if not found in the packs. But as you said, it should only be used in test env. Why couldn't we talk about other options or improving options ? As you said before: I don't understand your reaction. Maybe you had a hard day.
  6. So, for better comprehension I changed that: bool CEterPackManager::Get(CMappedFile & rMappedFile, const char * c_szFileName, LPCVOID * pData) { //TimeChecker timeChecker(c_szFileName); //Logf(1, "Load %s\n", c_szFileName); if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_PACK_FIRST || c_szFileName[1] == ':') { if (GetFromPack(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData)) return true; return GetFromFile(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData); } if (GetFromFile(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData)) return true; return GetFromPack(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData); } [...] bool CEterPackManager::isExist(const char * c_szFileName) { if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_PACK_FIRST || c_szFileName[1] == ':') { if (isExistInPack(c_szFileName)) return true; return _access(c_szFileName, 0) == 0 ? true : false; } if (_access(c_szFileName, 0) == 0) return true; return isExistInPack(c_szFileName); } So now it's working exactly as your fix even if SEARCH_FILE_FIRST is false but instead of doing nothing if the file is not found in the pack, it will try to find it in the file directory. Let me explain it a bit better: if the filename we're looking for contains ":" as second letter (for exemple "D:\Ymir Work\monster\barbarian_boss\00.gr2") then it will try to find it in packs first. If it's not found then it will try to load the file from the file directory and that will eventually cause some lags if you have as you say a dvd player as D drive, but this shouldn't occur except if you have some paths errors in your client. If this cause some lasg to your client, you maybe have some paths error and your client with your fix is certainly not loading everything.
  7. Haha, you're not a noob, that was not what I was saying. Here's what I may suggest you to not takeof some functionalities of the eterpack: In the function: bool CEterPackManager::Get(CMappedFile & rMappedFile, const char * c_szFileName, LPCVOID * pData) Adding a condition to check if the filename redirect in a drive in the condition that check if we search from client file first instead of pack file as following: if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_FILE_FIRST && c_szFileName[1] != ':') { if (GetFromFile(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData)) return true; return GetFromPack(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData); } if (GetFromPack(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData)) return true; return GetFromFile(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData); and using this same structure we can then write the isExist function as following: bool CEterPackManager::isExist(const char * c_szFileName) { if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_FILE_FIRST && c_szFileName[1] != ':') { if (_access(c_szFileName, 0) == 0) return true; return isExistInPack(c_szFileName); } if (isExistInPack(c_szFileName)) return true; return _access(c_szFileName, 0) == 0 ? true : false; } What do you think ?
  8. Hey, Nice to see that this problem is being treated ! I'm asking myself why you're searching for "ymir" in the file name and not just compare the second letter with ":" Then, your function: bool CEterPackManager::isExist(const char * c_szFileName) { if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_PACK_FIRST) { if (isExistInPack(c_szFileName)) return true; } return isExistInPack(c_szFileName); } Can be shorten as: bool CEterPackManager::isExist(const char * c_szFileName) { return isExistInPack(c_szFileName); } Have you done some testings yet ?
  9. I've been looking for this too some time ago and haven't found anything yet. First of all, I don't think those kind of textures are handmade but generated by 3ds max. Then maybe you don't even have to link the texture to the model, maybe it's already done when you tell 3ds max to create this texture for the model.
  10. Oh yeah, ok, I though as the right side of the gif is cut that the image was still rendered outside the right border. Of course, the edge of a board, even if it's transparent will be inside the rect of the board. As Masodikbela said, you should create an empty window at the pos and size you need and use it as a layer to render in !
  11. Hey ! Nice, you did well. You seems to have forgotten to store the width of the parent window in the rect you want to render in. Remember, you have to know the coordinate of the parent window so that the rect is well placed on the screen. Is it only the image that is still rendered outside the right or font too ? Is it working on the left side ?
  12. Thanks, can be really usefull for buildings ! :)
  13. Nice progress. You should take a look at how the rect rendering works in ExpandedImageBox.
  14. You need to create a delimiter to only render inside of it. I think there's many ways to do it, but here's how I did: I created a new flag that I apply to a window. Once this flag is applied, I'm processing all the children windows with the delimiter coordinates to render only what's inside of it ant cut what's outside. You don't really need this compatibility on every windows types as you won't use them all. What's most important is ExpendedImageBox or ImageBox and TextLine. The easiest windows types to make compatible are Line, Bar and Box you should train on them. I had to work a few days on that so take your time, it's a bit tricky especialy for the font rendering.
  15. There you go: Replace the whole function "void CGraphicTextInstance::Render(RECT * pClipRect)" in "EterLib/GrpTextInstance.cpp" with: void CGraphicTextInstance::Render(RECT * pClipRect) { if (!m_isUpdate) return; CGraphicText* pkText=m_roText.GetPointer(); if (!pkText) return; CGraphicFontTexture* pFontTexture = pkText->GetFontTexturePointer(); if (!pFontTexture) return; float fStanX = m_v3Position.x; float fStanY = m_v3Position.y + 1.0f; UINT defCodePage = GetDefaultCodePage(); if (defCodePage == CP_ARABIC) { switch (m_hAlign) { case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT: fStanX -= m_textWidth; break; case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER: fStanX -= float(m_textWidth / 2); break; } } else { switch (m_hAlign) { case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT: fStanX -= m_textWidth; break; case HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER: fStanX -= float(m_textWidth / 2); break; } } switch (m_vAlign) { case VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM: fStanY -= m_textHeight; break; case VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER: fStanY -= float(m_textHeight) / 2.0f; break; } //WORD FillRectIndices[6] = { 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1 }; STATEMANAGER.SaveRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA); STATEMANAGER.SaveRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA); DWORD dwFogEnable = STATEMANAGER.GetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE); DWORD dwLighting = STATEMANAGER.GetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE); STATEMANAGER.SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_TEX1); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE); STATEMANAGER.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); { const float fFontHalfWeight=1.0f; float fCurX; float fCurY; float fFontSx; float fFontSy; float fFontEx; float fFontEy; float fFontWidth; float fFontHeight; float fFontMaxHeight; float fFontAdvance; SVertex akVertex[4]; akVertex[0].z=m_v3Position.z; akVertex[1].z=m_v3Position.z; akVertex[2].z=m_v3Position.z; akVertex[3].z=m_v3Position.z; CGraphicFontTexture::TCharacterInfomation* pCurCharInfo; // Å׵θ® if (m_isOutline) { fCurX=fStanX; fCurY=fStanY; fFontMaxHeight=0.0f; CGraphicFontTexture::TPCharacterInfomationVector::iterator i; for (i=m_pCharInfoVector.begin(); i!=m_pCharInfoVector.end(); ++i) { pCurCharInfo = *i; fFontWidth=float(pCurCharInfo->width); fFontHeight=float(pCurCharInfo->height); fFontAdvance=float(pCurCharInfo->advance); // NOTE : ÆùÆ® Ãâ·Â¿¡ Width Á¦ÇÑÀ» µÓ´Ï´Ù. - [levites] if ((fCurX+fFontWidth)-m_v3Position.x > m_fLimitWidth) { if (m_isMultiLine) { fCurX=fStanX; fCurY+=fFontMaxHeight; } else { break; } } if (pClipRect) { if (fCurY <= pClipRect->top) { fCurX += fFontAdvance; continue; } } fFontSx = fCurX - 0.5f; fFontSy = fCurY - 0.5f; fFontEx = fFontSx + fFontWidth; fFontEy = fFontSy + fFontHeight; pFontTexture->SelectTexture(pCurCharInfo->index); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, pFontTexture->GetD3DTexture()); akVertex[0].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[0].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[1].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[1].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; akVertex[2].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[2].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[3].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[3].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; akVertex[3].color = akVertex[2].color = akVertex[1].color = akVertex[0].color = m_dwOutLineColor; float feather = 0.0f; // m_fFontFeather akVertex[0].y=fFontSy-feather; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy+feather; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy-feather; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy+feather-0.5f; // ¿Þ akVertex[0].x=fFontSx-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx-fFontHalfWeight+feather-0.5f; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx-fFontHalfWeight+feather-0.5f; if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); // ¿À¸¥ akVertex[0].x=fFontSx+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx+fFontHalfWeight+feather-0.5f; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx+fFontHalfWeight+feather-0.5f; if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); akVertex[0].x=fFontSx-feather; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx-feather; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx+feather-0.5f; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx+feather-0.5f; // À§ akVertex[0].y=fFontSy-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy-fFontHalfWeight+feather; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy-fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy-fFontHalfWeight+feather-0.5f; // 20041216.myevan.DrawPrimitiveUP if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); // ¾Æ·¡ akVertex[0].y=fFontSy+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy+fFontHalfWeight+feather; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy+fFontHalfWeight-feather; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy+fFontHalfWeight+feather-0.5f; // 20041216.myevan.DrawPrimitiveUP if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); fCurX += fFontAdvance; } } // ¸ÞÀÎ ÆùÆ® fCurX=fStanX; fCurY=fStanY; fFontMaxHeight=0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < m_pCharInfoVector.size(); ++i) { pCurCharInfo = m_pCharInfoVector[i]; fFontWidth=float(pCurCharInfo->width); fFontHeight=float(pCurCharInfo->height); fFontMaxHeight=max(fFontHeight, pCurCharInfo->height); fFontAdvance=float(pCurCharInfo->advance); // NOTE : ÆùÆ® Ãâ·Â¿¡ Width Á¦ÇÑÀ» µÓ´Ï´Ù. - [levites] if ((fCurX+fFontWidth)-m_v3Position.x > m_fLimitWidth) { if (m_isMultiLine) { fCurX=fStanX; fCurY+=fFontMaxHeight; } else { break; } } if (pClipRect) { if (fCurY <= pClipRect->top) { fCurX += fFontAdvance; continue; } } fFontSx = fCurX-0.5f; fFontSy = fCurY-0.5f; fFontEx = fFontSx + fFontWidth; fFontEy = fFontSy + fFontHeight; pFontTexture->SelectTexture(pCurCharInfo->index); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, pFontTexture->GetD3DTexture()); akVertex[0].x=fFontSx; akVertex[0].y=fFontSy; akVertex[0].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[0].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[1].x=fFontSx; akVertex[1].y=fFontEy; akVertex[1].u=pCurCharInfo->left; akVertex[1].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; akVertex[2].x=fFontEx-0.5f; akVertex[2].y=fFontSy-0.5f; akVertex[2].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[2].v=pCurCharInfo->top; akVertex[3].x=fFontEx-0.5f; akVertex[3].y=fFontEy-0.5f; akVertex[3].u=pCurCharInfo->right; akVertex[3].v=pCurCharInfo->bottom; //m_dwColorInfoVector[i]; //m_dwTextColor; akVertex[0].color = akVertex[1].color = akVertex[2].color = akVertex[3].color = m_dwColorInfoVector[i]; // 20041216.myevan.DrawPrimitiveUP if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream((SPDTVertex*)akVertex, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); //STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, akVertex, sizeof(SVertex)); fCurX += fFontAdvance; } } if (m_isCursor) { // Draw Cursor float sx, sy, ex, ey; TDiffuse diffuse; int curpos = CIME::GetCurPos(); int compend = curpos + CIME::GetCompLen(); __GetTextPos(curpos, &sx, &sy); // If Composition if(curpos<compend) { diffuse = 0x7fffffff; __GetTextPos(compend, &ex, &sy); } else { diffuse = 0xffffffff; ex = sx + 2; } // FOR_ARABIC_ALIGN if (defCodePage == CP_ARABIC) { sx += m_v3Position.x - m_textWidth; ex += m_v3Position.x - m_textWidth; sy += m_v3Position.y; ey = sy + m_textHeight; } else { sx += m_v3Position.x; sy += m_v3Position.y; ex += m_v3Position.x; ey = sy + m_textHeight; } switch (m_vAlign) { case VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM: sy -= m_textHeight; break; case VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER: sy -= float(m_textHeight) / 2.0f; break; } // ÃÖÀûÈ­ »çÇ× // °°ÀºÅؽºÃĸ¦ »ç¿ëÇÑ´Ù¸é... STRIPÀ» ±¸¼ºÇÏ°í, ÅؽºÃÄ°¡ º¯°æµÇ°Å³ª ³¡³ª¸é DrawPrimitive¸¦ È£ÃâÇØ // ÃÖ´ëÇÑ ¼ýÀÚ¸¦ ÁÙÀ̵µ·ÏÇÏÀÚ! TPDTVertex vertices[4]; vertices[0].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[1].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[2].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[3].diffuse = diffuse; vertices[0].position = TPosition(sx, sy, 0.0f); vertices[1].position = TPosition(ex, sy, 0.0f); vertices[2].position = TPosition(sx, ey, 0.0f); vertices[3].position = TPosition(ex, ey, 0.0f); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, NULL); // 2004.11.18.myevan.DrawIndexPrimitiveUP -> DynamicVertexBuffer CGraphicBase::SetDefaultIndexBuffer(CGraphicBase::DEFAULT_IB_FILL_RECT); if (CGraphicBase::SetPDTStream(vertices, 4)) STATEMANAGER.DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 0, 2); int ulbegin = CIME::GetULBegin(); int ulend = CIME::GetULEnd(); if(ulbegin < ulend) { __GetTextPos(curpos+ulbegin, &sx, &sy); __GetTextPos(curpos+ulend, &ex, &sy); sx += m_v3Position.x; sy += m_v3Position.y + m_textHeight; ex += m_v3Position.x; ey = sy + 2; vertices[0].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[1].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[2].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[3].diffuse = 0xFFFF0000; vertices[0].position = TPosition(sx, sy, 0.0f); vertices[1].position = TPosition(ex, sy, 0.0f); vertices[2].position = TPosition(sx, ey, 0.0f); vertices[3].position = TPosition(ex, ey, 0.0f); STATEMANAGER.DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, c_FillRectIndices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, vertices, sizeof(TPDTVertex)); } } STATEMANAGER.RestoreRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND); STATEMANAGER.RestoreRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, dwFogEnable); STATEMANAGER.SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, dwLighting); if (m_emojiVector.size() != 0) { for (std::vector<SEmoji>::iterator itor = m_emojiVector.begin(); itor != m_emojiVector.end(); ++itor) { SEmoji & rEmo = *itor; if (rEmo.pInstance) { rEmo.pInstance->SetPosition(fStanX + rEmo.x, (fStanY + 7.0) - (rEmo.pInstance->GetHeight() / 2)); rEmo.pInstance->Render(); } } } //±Ý°­°æ ¸µÅ© ¶ç¿öÁÖ´Â ºÎºÐ. if (m_hyperlinkVector.size() != 0) { int lx = gs_mx - m_v3Position.x; int ly = gs_my - m_v3Position.y; //¾Æ¶øÀº ÁÂÇ¥ ºÎÈ£¸¦ ¹Ù²ãÁØ´Ù. if (GetDefaultCodePage() == CP_ARABIC) { lx = -lx; ly = -ly + m_textHeight; } if (lx >= 0 && ly >= 0 && lx < m_textWidth && ly < m_textHeight) { std::vector<SHyperlink>::iterator it = m_hyperlinkVector.begin(); while (it != m_hyperlinkVector.end()) { SHyperlink & link = *it++; if (lx >= link.sx && lx < link.ex) { gs_hyperlinkText = link.text; /* OutputDebugStringW(link.text.c_str()); OutputDebugStringW(L"\n"); */ break; } } } } } I haven't tried it, but it should work as it works for me. Please let me know if you still have problems with certain characters.
  16. It's not how I did it but it's certainly the same result. If someone can post here the Render function of GrpTextInstance, I can modify it and post it with the fix.
  17. Hi, I saw this topic up again and so I took a few minutes to think about it. As you can see on the images posted before, the "dot" seems to appear only on the right edge of a character. I managed to fix arial and tahoma latin alphabet by reducing the vertices right and bottom from 0.5. You will have to do the same for the Outline rendering. I cannot paste the code here myself as I don't have the original file and I did modify the rendering method before. Please let me know if it's working in other alphabets too.
  18. Hi, Thanks for your reply. It may be used only for event, each time a player join an event from the channel 5, he is still redirecting to the channel 1 when leaving. As I would like to have a map that we access frequently on a global channel, I'd like to fix this and redirect correctly the players to the channel they selected before. After taking a look, I found only one solution. At the start of global channels, saving all the maplocations of every channel linked to the channel id. At the login, sending the Channel ID in the login packet sent by the client to the server and storing it. And, in WarpSet function, Get the maplocation from the previously selected channel. What do you think ?
  19. Hi there, I was wondering if someone already managed to fix that: When you leave a map on the channel 99, you are always redirected to the channel 1 even if you were on the channel 2 before joining the 99. Any of you have a tip about that ? Thanks in advance.
  20. If your db core is crashing you have a serious problem and you have to fix it quickly. When a crash occur, the application abort immediatly, you can't retrieve cached informations or save them before aborting. You have to kill it "gently" to trigger the save of the cache to the database before the application shutdown. Remember to always close all the channels before closing the db core. DB core must always be started first and killed last. If it's not, there will always be a risk of data loss. It's the purpose of vrunner. It works exactly the same way but with a much better usability.
  21. Hi there, You shouldn't have problems with vrunner as long as: - The db core don't crash. If it crashes, all the cached items / players will be erased without being saved, so, you'll get a rollback. - The informations cached and shared between the channels are well loaded again so when your channel core crash it doesn't load bad or old informations. See ya !
  22. Hi, thanks for your effort ! Maybe I'm mistaking but it seems to only grow the font a bit. And when you try to decrease the font size to go back to normal, all the dots will appear again. What font and size do you use ? Here are my: Before: After: Before: (and - maybe) After: Can someone correct me and show his result ?
  23. Mem: 19M Active, 493M Inact, 7173M Wired, 8219M Free Si it should be ok...
  24. Hi, thanks again ! Alright, so, I tried to install valgrind at first because of the easier usage and encountered this error at the start of the game processes with valgrind: valgrind: I failed to allocate space for the application's stack. valgrind: This may be the result of a very large --main-stacksize= valgrind: setting. Cannot continue. Sorry. I then tried to give the --main-stacksize argument with different values and it still gives me back this error. Maybe some of you have a solution ? # pkg info valgrind valgrind-,1 Name : valgrind Version :,1 Installed on : Tue Jun 11 08:41:47 2019 CEST Origin : devel/valgrind Architecture : FreeBSD:11:amd64 Prefix : /usr/local Categories : devel Licenses : GPLv2 Maintainer : [email protected] WWW : [Hidden Content] Comment : Memory debugging and profiling tool Options : 32BIT : on DOCS : on MANPAGES : on MPI : off Annotations : FreeBSD_version: 1102000 repo_type : binary repository : FreeBSD My system: 11.2-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Feb 5 15:30:36 UTC 2019 [email protected]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64 Now I'm going to try with ASAN.
  25. Hi, thanks for your answer. I'm not familiar with this kind of things. It's like a library that you link to your project ? Any advice on what flags to use to get the best results ? I'll try that tomorrow aswell, thanks again.
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