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  1. Boosting works in some ways, imho just when you remove the 30 level restriction.
  2. You want to reduce the virtual count of party members which share the experience. By checking the block_exp you only add members to the calculation which actually can receive exp.
  3. Hi, I have extended the Anti EXP 'System' for party scenarios. When sharing EXP as a party, members with Anti EXP enabled will be excluded from the share and the experience points that player misses will be shared across the other party members. Parties have the feature of a set experience bonus which, by default, ranges from 12% - 100% based on the count of members in range of the party leader. Players will be excluded from the member count when Anti EXP is enabled, this way you can't just create a full-house party and funnel all the EXP + the 100% bonus to one player. I am scripting on top of this piece of work.
  4. Hi, I have written a small Powershell script to show you how to translate your quests using Azure Cognitive Services. I decided to use the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, they have a free offer for 2.000.000 translated characters per month, which is enough to mess around for me. First thing you have to do is to create a free Microsoft Azure Account. [Hidden Content] Then add a subscription to the Cognitive Services by searching for 'Translator' in the topmost search bar. [Hidden Content] Create a new Translator. Take care with the setting 'Region'. Set this value to 'global', otherwise you can't authenticate with your secret key against the API if you use Powershell as I do. For the pricing tier select 'F0', this tier grants you 2.000.000 free characters for translation. Ignore the 'Tags' options page and create your resource. After you have created your Cognitive Service resource, you will be guided to your management board of the Translator. There you can find your API keys which you will need to authenticate against the API. [Hidden Content] Now you are ready-to-go to use the resource. On my github I will provide a sample script which shows how to use the API. Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts.
  5. @xP3NG3Rx there is a bug in your code. If a player drops a polymorph item (70104 for example) from the inventory, all players in render distance will be kicked and won't be able to login until the item de-spawns. Changes to fix this error: Client/UserInterface/PythonItem.cpp -> Search for funtion void CPythonItem::CreateItem //find: switch (pItemData->GetType()) { case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_POLYMORPH: //replace/modify the whole case statement with/like this case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_POLYMORPH: { const char* c_szTmp; CPythonNonPlayer& rkNonPlayer = CPythonNonPlayer::Instance(); //Bugfix -> added if clause so that player-dropped items do not crash the client if (rkNonPlayer.GetName(alSockets[0], &c_szTmp)) len += snprintf(szItemName, sizeof(szItemName), "%s", c_szTmp); break; } Hope this helps someone
  6. Hi, as the topic says every ranged attacks and skills are invisible. I have no clue what the issue is and I'm really really stuck atm. The errorlogs clientside and serverside give no hints to my problem so I hoped that one of you guys can give me a solution. The problem is very urgent, so maybe we can talk about some sort of reward. Please write me a personal messages so we can share contact information. Kind regards
  7. Hi, I just started a new local Server and compiled the mainline_released source for DB, Game and Binary. I added 5 inventory pages and the weapon costume system. The Client I use is the 40250 Test Client. Now my problem is that I can't open the costume window. The button simply doesn't work. This is my locale_de inventorywindow.py The button looks like this Thanks for any help in advance.
  8. You can use python sockets. In that case your windows server is the server and the FreeBSD machine is the client. server.py and client.py are in the attachments since I am not allowed to post formatted texts in here .... server.py client.py
  9. Hi, i just finished setting up a local machine in VirtualBox running at I can connect via Navicat to the database and I am able to ping the server from the Windows command promt at my host. There is just one Problem... When I try to start the server with the bash-script start.sh it just starts the mysql-server, nothing else. There are no kind of logs to be found. Maybe I am getting something wrong in the bash script? #!/bin/sh cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Loginserver/Datenbank && ./db -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Loginserver/Auth && ./auth -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel1/core1 && ./game -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel1/core2 && ./game -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel1/core3 && ./game -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel1/core4 && ./game -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel1/core5 && ./game -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel1/core6 && ./game -I & sleep 1 cd /usr/home/Zyterios/Channel99 && ./game -I & sleep 1 echo "Server wurde gestartet!"
  10. Hi everyone, is there anyone out there who can help me with this error? A user of my server, which is still in the testing phase, told me that he has some troubles with attacking as a shaman. He told me that only the first hit deals damage. In an other topic there was a user with the same problem, but none of you could - or would - help him, so I'm asing for myself since the other topic is outdated. Sincerly, Sogma
  11. Hi, I'm looking for the address for the exp table in the vanilla 2.6 Core. Can anyone tell me please? Sincerly, Sogma
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