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Everything posted by Aze

  1. I've implemented the weapon costume + costume slot shining but I get this error while compile client src. Any solution for this?
  2. What problem exactly? I've added value3 but no change
  3. Isnt this the right one ITEM_COSTUME COSTUME_WEAPON_SWORD 2
  4. I've implemented the weapon costume and it works. The only problem is this: How can I fix it?
  5. Thank you, worked. But now I've got this error:
  6. I've got this error while compiling source: makefile:
  7. [Hidden Content] I get this error
  8. I'm new to src compile. I've got the vdi with the compile things. What I have to do to compile your serversource? Can you tell me? Would be nice
  9. Okay I tried it, but same again... Is it possible that that is an error in the sourcefiles? [Hidden Content] €: Okay I added the test_server command to the config, the chat give me that message?
  10. €: What I've done now. I've overwritten the data folder with older files. Same with the clientside pc2 warrior files. I've tested it and got the same error + kick. Then I tested it with a twohand weapon. The result: No kick, no error. It's only this race + one hand sword. When I disable CHECK_MULTIHACK in the config, I get no kick, but the charakter is doing no dmg.
  11. Hello guys, I hope you can help me. I've tested my pvp system today and found something, what is really wierd. When I play with a female warrior character, I can only hit with it one time. After it I get a kick from the server. So I looked into the syserr channel 1 and found this: SYSERR: Dec 31 12:50:27 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Testchar race 4 mode 1) SYSERR: Dec 31 12:50:27 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Testchar race 4 mode 1) SYSERR: Dec 31 12:50:28 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Testchar race 4 mode 1) Idk why the server cant handle the motion. How can I fix this? I'm working with the source.
  12. Hey guys, I hope you can help me. I am using Atimera Files as a clean system and edited it. But there is a problem with the auto potions. The pots are working but they are loading wrong effects. The mp thing is loading a vip sign and the hp potion is loading a purple shining, but the effects are right in the playersettingmodule.py. What can I do, pls help me. The syserr is clean playersettingmodule.py #ÀÚµ¿¹°¾à HP, SP chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AUTO_HPUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse") chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AUTO_SPUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse") Screen: [Hidden Content]
  13. Hey I've got a question How can I compile this thing? [Hidden Content] Would be nice if you can help me
  14. Hello guys, I working with the 40k Files based on source and I wanted to add some armors today. Now I've got a problem: I changed everything serverside (querry, item_names.txt, item_proto.txt) and the files clientside, but when I try to give me the armor I get this error: /i 40909 - Item not exist. The syserr is clean. So I must say that I worked with the 40k files the first time, but why it went wrong? I hope you have a solution for me.
  15. Eng: Dear guys, I've been playing metin2 7 years and working with serverfiles since 5 years, but I quit the game last year. Now I would start a new projekt and I don't know which serverfiles I use now, because many things have changed. It would be awesome, if someone can tell me, which files are now the best to work with. Sorry for my english, I'm not a native speaker ^^ Thx if you can help me to solve my problem. Deutsch: Hey Leute, ich spiele Metin2 seit etwa 7 Jahren und habe mich seit dem letzten Jahr nicht mehr mit der Thematik befasst. Entschuldigt daher mein Unwissen, aber ich beschäftigte mich zu dem Zeitpunkt schon seit 5 Jahren mit Serverfiles. Jedenfalls planen einige Leute und ich ein Projekt aus Spaß an der Sache und sind ziemlich unschlüssig, welche Files, die relativ clean sind und relativ bugfrei sind, zu benutzen. Daher frage ich nun euch, welche Files ich benutzen könnte? Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe.
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