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Everything posted by MGabriel

  1. For some reason, some mobs, like blue dragon, azrael do not drop, even if ive set the drop in mob_drop_item, but for lvl 90 metins the drops is ok it works
  2. Does anybody has the black dragon itms from metin2united ?
  3. Thanks fam have a great day ! Even tho i made it work eventually, forgott a " at say kek :)) ! Thanks again tho for ur time!
  4. quest level_and_farm_maps begin state start begin when 20095.chat."Liho - 90" begin if pc.get_level() < 90 then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Revino când atingi nivelul 90.[ENTER]") return end if not pc.can_warp() then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Nu te poþi teleporta.[ENTER]") return end if pc.is_polymorphed() then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Ai revenit la starea ta iniþialã.[ENTER]") pc.remove_polymorph() return end if horse.is_riding() > 0 then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Cãlaritul este interzis în timpul executãrii unui quest.[ENTER]") horse.unride() horse.unsummon() return end say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Doreºti sã fii teleportat în acesta zonã?") say("Pericolele te vor pândi la tot pasul!") say("Fii cu mare bãgare de seamã![ENTER]") local teleport = select("Trimite-mã acolo","Închide") if teleport == 1 then pc.warp(105200 , 10000) else return end end when 20095.chat."Death Valley - 110" begin if pc.get_level() < 110 then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Revino când atingi nivelul 110.[ENTER]") return end if not pc.can_warp() then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Nu te poþi teleporta.[ENTER]") return end if pc.is_polymorphed() then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Ai revenit la starea ta iniþialã.[ENTER]") pc.remove_polymorph() return end if horse.is_riding() > 0 then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Cãlaritul este interzis în timpul executãrii unui quest.[ENTER]") horse.unride() horse.unsummon() return end say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Doreºti sã fii teleportat în acesta zonã?") say("Pericolele te vor pândi la tot pasul!") say("Fii cu mare bãgare de seamã![ENTER]") local teleport = select("Trimite-mã acolo","Închide") if teleport == 1 then pc.warp(828100, 763400) else return end end when 20095.chat."New Valley - 120" begin if pc.get_level() < 120 then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Revino când atingi nivelul 120.[ENTER]") return end if not pc.can_warp() then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Nu te poþi teleporta.[ENTER]") return end if pc.is_polymorphed() then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Ai revenit la starea ta iniþialã.[ENTER]") pc.remove_polymorph() return end if horse.is_riding() > 0 then say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Cãlaritul este interzis în timpul executãrii unui quest.[ENTER]") horse.unride() horse.unsummon() return end say_title(""..mob_name(20095).."[ENTER]") say("Doreºti sã fii teleportat în acesta zonã?") say("Pericolele te vor pândi la tot pasul!") say("Fii cu mare bãgare de seamã![ENTER]") local teleport = select("Trimite-mã acolo","Închide") if teleport == 1 then pc.warp(921600, 153600) else return end end end end Can somebody add to each tp, to need a specific it for warping, please, the quest is pritty good but i cant seem to make it work with the itm, pls help a brotha in need !
  5. this is the system.boolean code i guess bool CEterPack::Create(CEterFileDict& rkFileDict, const char * dbname, const char* pathName, bool bReadOnly, const BYTE* iv) { if (iv) { m_stIV_Panama.assign((const char*) iv, 32); m_bDecrypedIV = false; } m_stPathName = pathName; strncpy(m_dbName, dbname, DBNAME_MAX_LEN); strncpy(m_indexFileName, dbname, MAX_PATH); strcat(m_indexFileName, ".xim"); // EIX m_stDataFileName = dbname; m_stDataFileName += ".mnd"; // EPK m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; // bReadOnly 모드가 아니고 데이터 베이스가 열린다면 생성 실패 if (!CreateIndexFile()) return false; if (!CreateDataFile()) return false; should i change .xim and .mnd to eix nd epk ? I've managed to make the starter work, it was as you said, bcs of the extensions, now it is telling me to start the patcher for some reason..., btw is it right to have just this in the pack folder DATA_PATCH_METIN2_HAPPINESS_CLIENT * patch_m2happ_mndwork * patch_m2happ_game_01 * patch_m2happ_game_02 * patch_m2happ_maps * patch_m2happ_properties * patch_m2happ_ui Heh, on this one i had brainlag, didnt placed the ip at outh in serverinfo, awkward af, ty bro
  6. So, the pack files are eix/epk just the path file is " file ", How do i check if the binary wants that(where should it be specified ) , im sory i dont rly get it
  7. 0223 17:16:32466 :: pack/patch_m2happ_ui: Pack file does not exist 0223 17:16:00014 :: RunMain Error But the file does exist there, with the old starter it is working just fine, im guessin the lzo key isnt the same but i didnt work for along long time with metin2 things, and im kinda rusty with it pls help a brotha in need :))
  8. I have generated a starter using vs2008, and it woun't start when using it in the client... any idea why ?
  9. Im trying to isntall the source on the host, did these stepts till now portsnap fetch extract , portsnap fetch update and when i try to cd /usr/ports/devel/gmake && make install clean it says ===> gmake-4.2.1_1 pkg(8) must be version 1.6.0 or greater, but you have 1.5.5. You must upgrade the ports-mgmt/pkg port first. *** [install] Error code 1 Then when i try to pkg install ports-mgmt/pk it says, No active remote repositories configured. Please help fellows
  10. When i use gmake -j20 ( i had used gmake clean ) it returns this i rly need some help here
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