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Everything posted by Exodus88

  1. #find all inside [OfficialClient_07042018_DE]
  2. check the msm named "wait.msm" or look Motlist GENERAL WAIT wait.msa 100 <-- Idle animation msm GENERAL RUN run.msa 100 <--- you can remove this for the NPC GENERAL WALK run.msa 100<---- Same as Run must loock like this one: "d:/ymir work/monster/mobfoulder/wait.gr2" if still "walk" use granny Viever and open the main 3D and drag and drop the "wait.gr2" animation on for see if walk or not hope this help
  3. Hello! My problem is "simple" im convert some Tera 3D for my metin , all animation work fine and the 3D too but.... they cant Move for some reason , the run\walk animaton play but i cant really move also try to add server and client part of the "mob_proto" is also solid if i set the main msm like this : AttachingBoneName "Dummy_root" Im using 3D max 7 and Granny export can please help me Granny whith "Bone" names In game 3D Ps:sorry for my english im italian
  4. for shining y guess the +7,+8+9 effect, set the client part of weapon [soket_tcp=3] gummyantifi itemlist : 19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/test.gr2 decript [item.epk\eix] of the client and add the gr2 inside ymir work/item/weapon EterNexus is easy and good
  5. item list? or try rename the weapon.GR2 like this: weapon.gr2 (EPack32 don like caps <.<)
  6. new gr2-dds razaror-nemere costume set pls razador Costume(blazing purgatory boss) Nemere costume
  7. Hello! the file on mega really need for the quest ? is death link tnx for help
  8. the latest export tools for gr2 model stop at 3D Max 2011 (64 bit only) , noting found for import
  9. look on client part , missing this quest_functions make core dump quest_functions: Code: pet.summon pet.unsummon pet.is_summon
  10. 1) try enable ONLY "block an disable others , if you see white , well is the no move zone or 1) export "server_attr" for the server part , reboot and try the map hope this help
  11. pretty easy , convert from wiki xD [Hidden Content] ready to use
  12. maybe wrong setting on root (all MSM warrior_M ecc) try like this: Group ShapeData146 { ShapeIndex 40195 Model "assassin_samurai1.gr2" SourceSkin "assassin_semurai1.dds" TargetSkin "assassin_samurai1.dds" } if not fix try this Group ShapeData146 { ShapeIndex 40195 Model "assassin_samurai1.gr2" }
  13. Looking for the 3D pet the new beta pet , only the 3D\dds Tnx EDIT : Y find it , tnx anyway
  14. hello! like the title say , my dragon soul sistem is a bit mess up , y go in order 1) on this option , im put the stone (my sistem need 3 for some reason °-°) , gold 30k (my player gold is 500kk) click on "Refine" and nothing happen 2) this one work , but how to setting the % to get a refined Gem ? Same probem of the part 1 , put the [Hidden Content] green dragon bean and a random gem , not work this is my current dragon_soul_table : Dragon_soul_table tnx for any help (ps:sorry for the english im italian) , Salve a tutti Come da titolo cerco aiuto per sistemare "alchimia" vado in ordine Domanda (1) Salve a tutti Come da titolo cerco aiuto per sistemare "alchimia" vado in ordine Domanda (1) Salve a tutti Come da titolo cerco aiuto per sistemare "alchimia" vado in ordine Domanda (1) Inserisco 3 diamanti grezzi del drago , mi chiede 30.000 yang ma se clicco raffinamento non fa nulla Domanda (2) Il grado di chiarezza funziona , ma vorrei sapere come settare le % di fallimento Qui non mi funziona proprio , inserisco item mi richiede yang ma cliccando raffinamento non fa nulla , non posso uppare le pietre in poche parole vi posto il Dragon_soul_table (suppongo dipenda tutto da questo file) [Hidden Content] questo sono ID item nel database che uso attualmente [Hidden Content] Spero sappiate aiutarmi , grazie dell'attenzione
  15. man i use bravery mobs coming but wait 1-2 sec after attack :S [Maxmi files] ​try attack speed ,but some mob are more fast some slow ....try /m 1402 this mob is fast as hell ,no mount or pet can run so fast
  16. maybe some file or ddl is missing or damaged ,try tho download a newest vertion ,also you need to put inside a penDriver or hd like D:World editor + a folder called ymir work whit some pack decripted inside for dont get the starting error
  17. is not really hard ,try to import a basic fan then "copy" the [x,y,z] and the pivot of the imported one ,you use 3Dmax7 or someting else? im know 3Dmax7(8 an > is almost the same sistem)
  18. you know how to "hide" the bones for animated model ? tnx
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