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Everything posted by Tülay

  1. It can be changed in uiscript costumewindow.py for index COSTUME_START_INDEX
  2. hi, guys how can reverse the text in python like def __init__(self, text): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) self.canLoad=100 self.text=text self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(text) def __del__(self): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) def GetText(self): return self.text def SetSize(self, width, height): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 7*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) def __CreateTextLine(self, text): textLine=ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetPosition(10, 4) textLine.SetText(text) textLine.Show() return textLine
  3. hi,devs I have a problem with ponies go out outside the fence do not know where I find its coordinates its search in map, src, client I not found
  4. novaline It has a new updates such as belts Dragon Chemistry
  5. I think it's a special service for vip You can get it from here store#
  6. Open .../game/src/chat_item.cppSearch: if (item2->IsExchanging()) return false; Add below if (item2->IsEquipped()) return false;
  7. Ken You are the best I have
  8. This tool extracts the latest item proto [TOOL] Metin2 Proto Archiver
  9. Open "UserInterface/Packet.h" in you Binary Client Source and Search SHOP_HOST_ITEM_MAX_NUM = 40 Replace with: SHOP_HOST_ITEM_MAX_NUM = 80
  10. I do not think so, but it's certainly from the client source
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