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Everything posted by fenixplayscz

  1. Hello, have someone Extern for marty source? server/binary thanks
  2. Hello, i added new pet system, but i have one problem, when i exp my pet, the expbar is empty.. can someone help with this? guy from i bought this system is not responding (Shed Service)..
  3. download kraizy.tgz, and extract only the novaline
  4. aah hmm, just edit the python script, update_time_limit.py Where is limitTime = time.mktime(time.localtime()) + 3600 * 24 * 180 * 2 Now time + 3600 * 24 *180 *2 just edit
  5. Just remove all things about ENABLE_LIMIT_TIME in main.cpp
  6. Hello, i just builded new binary but when i attack to mob, or mob to me, i see this effect and this effect was stucked on map, its someone know how to remove this effect?
  7. Hello, i have question, how to implement spiritual weapons in the client(binary), its any tutorial on the internet? or how much you want for implement the system? Thanks for answering
  8. Hello, i have compiled binary ,but when i login to account and select character, and want to go to game, the loading dont work, client stuck, work only ESC(back to login) i dont know what can be bad.. can someone help? please.. thanks
  9. Give me the link where is public, i checked the codes, and i dont find any sqli's so, what?
  10. Hmm. in mysql_query, connect it bee first or no? so mysql_query($sqlServ,$sqlCmd)
  11. Hi, yea its possible, you can download the Windows SF on binaries&serverfiles section
  12. Thanks for reply but i have the same thing in my source I don't think there's from source.. You have in char.cpp this: inet_ntoa(GetDesc()->GetAddr().sin_addr), GetGold(), g_bChannel, GetMapIndex(), GetAlignment()); I think you edited like that: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %lld %d %ld %d", inet_ntoa(GetDesc()->GetAddr().sin_addr), GetGold(), g_bChannel, GetMapIndex(), GetAlignment()); Right? Then, the python part is not compatible with long long version, or in your binary something's missing.. Yep, i have the same thing char buf[51]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %lld %d %ld %d", inet_ntoa(GetDesc()->GetAddr().sin_addr), GetGold(), g_bChannel, GetMapIndex(), GetAlignment()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(this, 0, "LOGOUT", buf); i don`t think it is from binary because i don`t have errors and warnings and i check all code from binary 3 times. Dont use tutorials and make yourself, tutorials on internet is wrong
  13. Proč by to nedělal on? šak je to jednoduché Why he cant do it? its so easy
  14. If i know good, for more than 2kkk store in this item, you must too edit source for max long long and when you have max gold in source, why this item need? if you can trade more than 2kkk It's much easier and cleaner to do it like that,because you don't even need to edit source, but still if you want to change the gold limit it's your choice. For more than 2kkk you must edit source, so this method its only for max 2kkk
  15. Every tutorials for max yangs on internet is not 100% missing some functions,variables just change by yourself search (gold,point,elk) and change to long long from int
  16. If i know good, for more than 2kkk store in this item, you must too edit source for max long long and when you have max gold in source, why this item need? if you can trade more than 2kkk
  17. For increase yang, you must edit some files, not only length you must change data type to long long
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