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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys welcome back again. i hope you like them ,if you like them just do Like and comment. if you found any problem or mistakes just comment or pm me. Download: Regards, Dane
    7 points
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey guys, I just programmed this feature for my server but I thought it can be really useful for everyone so now I release it. This stuff is about how you can load images, etc. in the game without directly packing it into the client but uploading them to a web-server. In this tutorial we will make it work for images, but you can extend it to any type of file you want. There are not much requirements we only use up to C++11 features and you have to have libcurl library. Open up EterLib/ResourceManager.h and add add the following to the end of the class (don't forget to include <future> and <utility>): private: std::list<std::future<CResource*>> ongoingDownloads; public: void AddDownload(std::future<CResource*>&& f) { ongoingDownloads.emplace_back(std::forward<std::future<CResource*>>(f)); } Go to EterLib/ResourceManager.cpp and find the CResourceManager::Update function, add the following to the end of it: for (auto it = ongoingDownloads.begin(); it != ongoingDownloads.end();) { if (it->wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) == std::future_status::ready) { it->get()->LoadDownloadedData(); it = ongoingDownloads.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } Next, open EterLib/Resource.h, find the constructor and modify it like: CResource(const char* c_szFileName, bool _loadFromNetwork = false); After add the following to the end of the class: protected: bool loadFromNetwork; private: std::vector<BYTE> downloadedData; public: void LoadDownloadedData(); Then go to EterLib/Resource.cpp, find the constructor and also modify it like: CResource::CResource(const char* c_szFileName, bool _loadFromNetwork) : me_state(STATE_EMPTY) , loadFromNetwork(_loadFromNetwork) { SetFileName(c_szFileName); } In the same file, add this to the beginning right after the includes: #include <curl/curl.h> #include "ResourceManager.h" #define ASSET_SERVER "[Hidden Content]" static size_t CurlWriteCallback(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp) { if (nullptr != userp) { std::vector<BYTE>& vec = *((std::vector<BYTE>*)userp); vec.reserve(vec.size() + (size * nmemb)); for (size_t i = 0; i < size * nmemb; ++i) { vec.push_back(((BYTE*)contents)[i]); } } return size * nmemb; } void CResource::LoadDownloadedData() { if (downloadedData.empty()) return; Clear(); if (OnLoad(downloadedData.size(), downloadedData.data())) { me_state = STATE_EXIST; } else { Tracef("CResource::Load Error %s\n", GetFileName()); me_state = STATE_ERROR; } downloadedData.clear(); } Now, - still in the same file - find CResource::Load function and modify it like this: void CResource::Load() { if (me_state != STATE_EMPTY) return; std::string fileName = GetFileName(); if (loadFromNetwork && downloadedData.empty()) { CResourceManager::instance().AddDownload(std::move(std::async(std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred, [this, fileName]() { std::string url = ASSET_SERVER; url += fileName; CURL* curl = curl_easy_init(); if (curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CurlWriteCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &downloadedData); curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return this; }))); fileName = "d:/ymir work/ui/placeholder.tga"; } DWORD dwStart = ELTimer_GetMSec(); CMappedFile file; LPCVOID fileData; //Tracenf("Load %s", c_szFileName); if (CEterPackManager::Instance().Get(file, fileName.c_str(), &fileData)) { m_dwLoadCostMiliiSecond = ELTimer_GetMSec() - dwStart; //Tracef("CResource::Load %s (%d bytes) in %d ms\n", c_szFileName, file.Size(), m_dwLoadCostMiliiSecond); if (OnLoad(file.Size(), fileData)) { me_state = STATE_EXIST; } else { Tracef("CResource::Load Error %s\n", fileName.c_str()); me_state = STATE_ERROR; return; } } else { if (OnLoad(0, NULL)) me_state = STATE_EXIST; else { Tracef("CResource::Load file not exist %s\n", fileName.c_str()); me_state = STATE_ERROR; } } } Still in Resource.cpp, find the CResource::Reload function and modify like: void CResource::Reload() { Tracef("CResource::Reload %s\n", GetFileName()); if (loadFromNetwork) { if (downloadedData.empty()) { std::string fileName = GetFileName(); CResourceManager::instance().AddDownload(std::move(std::async(std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred, [this, fileName]() { std::string url = ASSET_SERVER; url += "/"; url += fileName; CURL* curl = curl_easy_init(); if (curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CurlWriteCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &downloadedData); curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return this; }))); } } else { Clear(); CMappedFile file; LPCVOID fileData; if (CEterPackManager::Instance().Get(file, GetFileName(), &fileData)) { if (OnLoad(file.Size(), fileData)) { me_state = STATE_EXIST; } else { me_state = STATE_ERROR; return; } } else { if (OnLoad(0, NULL)) me_state = STATE_EXIST; else { me_state = STATE_ERROR; } } } } Open EterLib/GrpImage.h and modify the constructor: CGraphicImage(const char* c_szFileName, DWORD dwFilter = D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR, bool loadFromNetwork = false); In EterLib/GrpImage.cpp also modify it: CGraphicImage::CGraphicImage(const char * c_szFileName, DWORD dwFilter, bool loadFromNetwork) : CResource(c_szFileName, loadFromNetwork) , m_dwFilter(dwFilter) { m_rect.bottom = m_rect.right = m_rect.top = m_rect.left = 0; } Finally open ScriptLib/Resource.cpp and add this somewhere the beginning: CResource* NewOnlineImage(const char* c_szFileName) { return new CGraphicImage(c_szFileName, D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR, true); } Go down where you see m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("jpg", NewImage); and add after: m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("oimg", NewOnlineImage); We're done! Now if you use *.oimg extension anywhere it will load them from what you define as ASSET_SERVER in EterLib/Resource.cpp ([Hidden Content]filename.oimg). You have to rename the image you upload from the original extension to oimg! Put a placeholder image at "d:\ymir work\ui\placeholder.tga" that it will load while waiting for bigger images. GIF in action (normal size image, the pic in the right bottom corner): GIF of loading a big (10MB image) that takes more time: Hope you like it!
    2 points
  3. I would do it like this, in a simple way, without useless code, as i said in another forum too. [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi there. While cleaning out "my closet", I found this thing I developed between 2014-2015 - maybe(?) - for my, at that moment, server. Since it's now closed, and I won't use it, I'm sharing it with you guys. Note: Didn't do the scrollbar, wasn't needed for me, so yeah. Now, let's start with opening your locale_game.txt and adding these lines: QUESTCATEGORY_0 Main Quests QUESTCATEGORY_1 Sub Quests QUESTCATEGORY_2 Collect Quests QUESTCATEGORY_3 Levelup Quests QUESTCATEGORY_4 Scroll Quests QUESTCATEGORY_5 System Quests Alright, now find your characterwindow.py (uiscript?) and you can either comment Quest_Page children or simply remove them all. Moving on to your interfaceModule.py find this line self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", localeInfo.GetLetterImageName()) and replace it with self.wndCharacter.questCategory.RecvQuest(self.BINARY_RecvQuest, index, name) Ok, then we are at the most, let's say, difficult part of this. Open your uiCharacter.py and just as you did in your characterwindow.py, remove or simply comment any single line related to quests. You can just search for these vars: self.questShowingStartIndex self.questScrollBar self.questSlot self.questNameList self.questLastTimeList self.questLastCountList Once you did that, you just: # Find these lines self.soloEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("SoloEmotionSlot") self.dualEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("DualEmotionSlot") self.__SetEmotionSlot() # And add the following import uiQuestCategory self.questCategory = uiQuestCategory.QuestCategoryWindow(self.pageDict["QUEST"]) # Find this def OnUpdate(self): self.__UpdateQuestClock() # Replace it with def OnUpdate(self): self.questCategory.OnUpdate() And we're done with the client-side. I attached some extra elements needed (such as the main python file (uiQuestCategory.py) and some image resources). Remember to edit the path linked to these images in that file. For the server-side... Well, screw it, uploaded it too. Too lazy to write. It has only a new quest function (q.getcurrentquestname()) and a few things to add in your questlib.lua. Btw, not sure if you have it, but if not, just add this extra function in ui.Button() (ui.py - class Button). def SetTextAlignLeft(self, text, height = 4): if not self.ButtonText: textLine = TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetPosition(27, self.GetHeight()/2) textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() textLine.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() textLine.Show() self.ButtonText = textLine #Äù½ºÆ® ¸®½ºÆ® UI¿¡ ¸ÂÃç À§Ä¡ ÀâÀ½ self.ButtonText.SetText(text) self.ButtonText.SetPosition(27, self.GetHeight()/2) self.ButtonText.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.ButtonText.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() Forgot the source part, fml, here it is. Add it to your questlua_quest.cpp. int quest_get_current_quest_name(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); PC* pPC = q.GetCurrentPC(); lua_pushstring(L, pPC->GetCurrentQuestName().c_str()); return 1; } void RegisterQuestFunctionTable() { luaL_reg quest_functions[] = { { "getcurrentquestname", quest_get_current_quest_name}, { NULL, NULL } }; CQuestManager::instance().AddLuaFunctionTable("q", quest_functions); } Now, finally, have fun and bye!
    1 point
  5. #Remember during the migration... @martysama0134 ?
    1 point
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey, Today i will share how can you change the Whitemark in Minimap with a new one. I saw that there is a topic in Questions & Answers but seems not complete so. Minimap Whitemark - New Download:
    1 point
  7. The idea isn't so bad, but the code has too many useless lines, here's what you can do to improve it. def RefreshPickupFilter(self): #Weapon if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterWeapon(): self.PickUpFilterList[0].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[0].SetUp() #Armor if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterArmor(): self.PickUpFilterList[1].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[1].SetUp() #Ear if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEar(): self.PickUpFilterList[2].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[2].SetUp() #Neck if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterNeck(): self.PickUpFilterList[3].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[3].SetUp() #Foots if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterFoots(): self.PickUpFilterList[4].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[4].SetUp() #Shield if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterShield(): self.PickUpFilterList[5].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[5].SetUp() #Book if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterBook(): self.PickUpFilterList[6].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[6].SetUp() #Stone if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterStone(): self.PickUpFilterList[7].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[7].SetUp() #Etc if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEtc(): self.PickUpFilterList[8].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[8].SetUp() To: def RefreshPickupFilter(self): checkFilterList = ( systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterWeapon(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterArmor(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEar(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterNeck(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterFoots(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterShield(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterBook(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterStone(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEtc() ) for child, flag in zip(self.PickUpFilterList, checkFilterList): if flag: child.Down() else: child.SetUp() self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterWeapon")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterArmor")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterEar")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterNeck")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterFoots")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterShield")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterBook")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterStone")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterEtc")) To: for name in ('Weapon','Armor','Ear','Neck','Foots','Shield','Book','Stone','Etc'): self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_Filter{}".format(name))) self.PickUpFilterList[0].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonWeapon) # Weapon self.PickUpFilterList[0].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonWeapon) # Weapon self.PickUpFilterList[1].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonArmor) # Armor self.PickUpFilterList[1].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonArmor) # Armor self.PickUpFilterList[2].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEar) # Ear self.PickUpFilterList[2].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEar) # Ear self.PickUpFilterList[3].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonNeck) # Neck self.PickUpFilterList[3].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonNeck) # Neck self.PickUpFilterList[4].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonFoots) # Foots self.PickUpFilterList[4].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonFoots) # Foots self.PickUpFilterList[5].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonShield) # Shield self.PickUpFilterList[5].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonShield) # Shield self.PickUpFilterList[6].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonBook) # Books self.PickUpFilterList[6].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonBook) # Books self.PickUpFilterList[7].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonStone) # Stone self.PickUpFilterList[7].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonStone) # Stone self.PickUpFilterList[8].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEtc) # Etc self.PickUpFilterList[8].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEtc) # Etc To: eventFuncList = ( self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonWeapon, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonArmor, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEar, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonNeck, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonFoots, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonShield, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonBook, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonStone, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEtc ) for child, event in zip(self.PickUpFilterList, eventFuncList): child.SetToggleUpEvent(event) child.SetToggleDownEvent(event)
    1 point
  8. @martysama0134 @VegaS™ sorry dudes, I... I just had to! Ahah
    1 point
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello There. I publish here this system i hope that this help you a bit with this you can hide your costume if you dont like it (if I forgot something just say it ) (this system is not complete yet you can hide only your costume no hairstyle,sash,weapon) (This system is not mine! i just found the source function and made the python codes and quest)
    1 point
  10. There you go, uiCharacter.py and characterwindow.py for you to compare with yours. characterwindow.py uicharacter.py
    1 point
  11. @Hik Make sure you have installed cryptopp by ports cd /usr/ports/security/cryptopp/ && make install clean And: In /usr/local/include/cryptopp add the attached file. cryptoppLibLink.h
    1 point
  12. I dont think so that item proto has something to do with it.
    0 points
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