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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] VT: [Hidden Content]
    4 points
  2. For everyone who used this "well-coded" system and paid for it: Here's the proper fix with explanation. in char.cpp look for: CHARACTER::EncodeInsertPacket The tutorial told you to add the following lines which is kinda uhm... problematic, to say the least: #ifdef ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM SetHideCostumeUpdate(); #endif Now if you may have a look at the conditions needed for this to trigger... (just look a few lines above and you'll see it and hopefully start to get what I'm trying to say): if (IsPC() == true || m_bCharType == CHAR_TYPE_NPC) So, even if we're dealing with an NPC... This function will trigger SetHideCostumeUpdate(). And guess what this call does? You guessed right: It calls for CHARACTER::GetQuestFlag And now here we have it: Since we're dealing with an NPC this function is unable to fetch the current quest player (ofcourse it can't because.. It's a npc). What does it to instead? Yep, it returns a nullpointer, thus rendering the call to quest::PC::GetFlag destructive. How to fix it? You can just make sure that this function does not get triggered when dealing with an npc: #ifdef ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM if(m_bCharType != CHAR_TYPE_NPC) { SetHideCostumeUpdate(); } #endif That should fix the crash. You can also add the check like mentioned above but as I said, the root cause of this is a misuse of GetQuestFlag which is called by SetHideCostumeUpdate(). You can also make the check inside the SethideCostumeUpdate() to make sure you're not dealing with an NPC there. It doesn't matter where exactly you're doing it as long as you're doing it before you try to fetch the quest character and end up killing your server.
    3 points
  3. In my requirements I usually mention this: If changed as such, VsCode loads the document as utf8 if it has the BOM, otherwise LATIN1252 for all the others.
    3 points
  4. First u need the IsLowGM function. //char.cpp add under BOOL CHARACTER::IsGM() const this BOOL CHARACTER::IsLowGM() const { return m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_PLAYER && m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_HIGH_WIZARD && m_pointsInstant.gm_level < GM_IMPLEMENTOR; } //char.h add under BOOL IsGM() const; this BOOL IsLowGM() const; now let's restrict some actions for GM //char.cpp void CHARACTER::PartyInvite(LPCHARACTER pchInvitee) add under else if (pchInvitee->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_PARTY_INVITE)) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<ÆÄƼ> %s ´ÔÀÌ ÆÄƼ °ÅºÎ »óÅÂÀÔ´Ï´Ù."), pchInvitee->GetName()); return; } this else if (IsLowGM() == true && pchInvitee->IsLowGM() == false) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Party> You cannot send a party invitation to a player!")); return; } else if (IsLowGM() == false && pchInvitee->IsLowGM() == true) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Party> You cannot send a party invitation to a GameMaster!")); return; } void CHARACTER::OpenMyShop(const char * c_pszSign, TShopItemTable * pTable, BYTE bItemCount) add if (IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You can't open shop! You are GM!"); return; } //end char.cpp //exchange.cpp bool CHARACTER::ExchangeStart(LPCHARACTER victim) add if (!IsLowGM() && victim->IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You cannot trade items with a Game Master.")); return false; } if (IsLowGM() && !victim->IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Game Masters cannot trade items with players.")); return false; } //end exchange.cpp //shop_manager.cpp void CShopManager::Buy(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE pos) add if (ch->IsLowGM() && pkShop->IsPCShop()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "GameMasters cannot buy items from players' shops."); return; } //end shop_manager.cpp and for offlineshop //offlineshop_manager.cpp void COfflineShopManager::Buy(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE pos) add if (ch->IsLowGM()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "GameMasters cannot buy items from players' shops."); return; } //end offlineshop_manager.cpp GL ✌?️
    3 points
  5. void CQuestManager::CancelServerTimers(DWORD arg) { vector<pair<string, DWORD>> ServerTimersToDelete; for (auto& kv : m_mapServerTimer) { if (kv.first.second == arg) { LPEVENT event = kv.second; event_cancel(&event); ServerTimersToDelete.push_back(kv.first); } } // Delete all the required server timers for (auto &timer : ServerTimersToDelete) m_mapServerTimer.erase(timer); // Clean up ServerTimersToDelete.clear(); } Crash occurs because the game is deleting timers while iterating through them. Code above should fix this issue
    2 points
  6. Do you mean people are selling GM restrictions like you posted (trade, drop, sell,summon, etc) ? Stuff that been around since the sources first were massively distributed? Damn, mt2 never ceases to surprise me, it just keeps going lower and lower. Soon script kiddies will start selling old pserver clients ? Share some prints of such selling attempts i can add them to my personal "ahah" list ?
    2 points
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, here I publish my edit of the public Render Target System. I hate it, when people earn money with public systems. Preview: [Hidden Content] DL: [Hidden Content] Original Thread [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) It's giving random informations about game at loading window. Group "Normal" has global informations. If you don't add any special map index, you will see global informations.
    1 point
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub )
    1 point
  10. M2 Download Center Download ( Latest Version ) THIS FILES ARE FOR METIN1 (METIN.CO.KR) NOT METIN2!!!!!! Downloaded from a Chinese forum/website. Year: 2008 They might contain unauthorized program, virus or anything, expect stuff. https://mega.nz/file/55tj1Y4Z#XkCW6oxtDWVEhg-TOFya40ENWTy84JYmU39sZfQjqXk Password: gkr40g3grgk)$j 小窗口登录 -> Windowed 全屏登录 -> Fullscreen Read 安装教程_文字.
    1 point
  11. Enchant Costume Removes the bonuses from one of your costumes and replaces them with new ones. Transform Costume Removes the bonuses from one of your costumes and replaces them with new ones. With a bit of luck, the number of bonuses might also change (up to max. 3). Open "char_item.cpp" (Server-Source, game) Search for: if (ITEM_COSTUME == item2->GetType() in case USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET: case USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET: case USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET: case USE_CLEAN_SOCKET: case USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE: case USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE2 : case USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE: case USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2: Replace the if-statement with following: if (ITEM_COSTUME == item2->GetType() && item->GetVnum() != 70063 && item->GetVnum() != 70064) Search for: if (item2->GetAttributeSetIndex() == -1) in case USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE : Paste this above it: // Transform costume if (item->GetVnum() == 70063) { if (item2->GetType() != ITEM_COSTUME) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("ITEM_ISNT_COSTUME")); return false; } //SLZ fix if (item2->GetAttributeCount() == 0) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("ĽÓĽşŔ» şŻ°ćÇŇ Ľö ľř´Â ľĆŔĚĹŰŔÔ´Ď´Ů.")); return false; } //SLZ fix if (item2->GetAttributeCount() < 3) { if (number(1, 100) < 30) { while(item2->GetAttributeCount() < number(2, 3)) item2->AddAttribute(); } } } // Enchant costume if (item->GetVnum() == 70064) { if (item2->GetType() != ITEM_COSTUME) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("ITEM_ISNT_COSTUME")); return false; } }
    1 point
  12. When hovering over a skill, it's recharge duration in tooltip is always the same because it ignores player's casting speed. In PythonSkill.cpp search for : PyObject * skillGetSkillCoolTime(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) Replace with: PyObject * skillGetSkillCoolTime(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) { int iSkillIndex; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 0, &iSkillIndex)) return Py_BadArgument(); float fSkillPoint; if (!PyTuple_GetFloat(poArgs, 1, &fSkillPoint)) return Py_BadArgument(); CPythonSkill::SSkillData * c_pSkillData; if (!CPythonSkill::Instance().GetSkillData(iSkillIndex, &c_pSkillData)) return Py_BuildException("skill.GetSkillCoolTime - Failed to find skill by %d", iSkillIndex); DWORD dwSkillCoolTime = c_pSkillData->GetSkillCoolTime(fSkillPoint); int iCastingSpeed = CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_CASTING_SPEED); int iSpd = 100 - iCastingSpeed; if (iSpd > 0) iSpd = 100 + iSpd; else if (iSpd < 0) iSpd = 10000 / (100 - iSpd); else iSpd = 100; dwSkillCoolTime = dwSkillCoolTime * iSpd / 100; return Py_BuildValue("i", dwSkillCoolTime); }
    1 point
  13. Try checking in C/C++ if there's a tab called language
    1 point
  14. seems like a C++ version issue, are you sure you're compiling the client using v141 toolset(instead of just having it available)?
    1 point
  15. yeah, your issue is the following: You upgraded to c++11 or higher, right? There's a huge difference in deletion via iterator. In old c++ the iterator has to be increased manually after deleting the entry from map. Since c++11 this does not happen anymore. It'll automatically advance the iterator to the next element. But! Your code is still increasing the iter even if it already deleted an entry. You can figure out that his behaviour causes a lot of trouble. You may want to change it to this: void CQuestManager::CancelServerTimers(DWORD arg) { for (auto it = m_mapServerTimer.begin(); it != m_mapServerTimer.end(); /**/) { if (it->first.second != arg) { ++it; } else { auto event = it->second; event_cancel(&event); it = m_mapServerTimer.erase(it); } } } What does this code do? It changes your loop to not increase the iterator by itself anymore. Instead it advances every time when it->first.second != arg. If it is indeed the timer you want to clear it'll instead just call erase on the map which will automatically advance the iterator for you. In your old loop the iterator would be advanced twice because you're increasing it in your loop too AND with calling erase(). Above code from Sonitex should also fix this issue! To give another way of Sonitex's solution you can also do this: void CQuestManager::CancelServerTimers(DWORD arg) { uint32_t x = 0; for (const auto& kv : m_mapServerTimer) { if (kv.first.second == arg) { LPEVENT event = kv.second; event_cancel(&event); m_mapServerTimer.erase(m_mapServerTimer.begin() + x); } x++; } } It works without storing a vector and instead uses x as an index variable that increases with each "iteration". Note that I also added const to prevent useless copy instructions. All 3 solutions should fix your problem, pick what you think suits best
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Thanks for the fix, for those who wondering from where's the formula: void CPythonPlayer::__RunCoolTime(DWORD dwSkillSlotIndex)
    1 point
  18. Thanks! Will check them out and report if there's anything new. This files are the same files that I've posted with the following changes: - There's like a GM NPC or something similar that I've not seen in the release I have downloaded - It includes the FreeBSD 5 Virtual Machine file that I've not included in my release (it was too heavy :/) The version is the same MTS 2 0.9.5 (at least client side)
    1 point
  19. chmod u+x qdel In 2020, if they use quests like that, they shouldn't be allowed to open.
    1 point
  20. Many people nowadays fail to lead a server. They also don't take responsibilities for their failure. There's a huge risk in security in these times where databases are getting leaked and account tables released. That's why I want to give you something for free. I'm not into showing "great c++ skills", it's just the fact that securing private data is the most important thing an admin should do. So. Here is the simple solution. Nothing too fancy but it'll do it's job. A players password is stored with the built-in mysql function "password()". But as you already know people are too dumb to create more complex passwords. And there's always the risk of you getting your database leaked. It's easy to use rainbow tables to restore the original password out of its hash. A simple solution: pepper. Pepper will automatically raise the password length by itself and therefore modify the hash you'll receive at last. It's just a simple "extension" if you want to call it like that. For this we think of a special letter like "test12356789". Now let's simply add it to every password you're using to log in. 1. find CInputAuth::Login in input_auth.cpp 2. above char szPasswd[PASSWD_MAX_LEN * 2 + 1]; we can add: const char pepper[] = "test123456789"; //make sure to change this! And then modify szPasswd[PASSWD_MAX_LEN * 2 + 1]; we earlier found to: char szPasswd[PASSWD_MAX_LEN * 2 + 1 + strlen(pepper)]; 3. Above // CHANNEL_SERVICE_LOGIN we can simply add: strcat(szPasswd, pepper); The code is simple. We declared a char variable and put our text into it. We modified our szPasswd-variable because we want to append our text to it with strcat. Note that strcat removes the old null-termination character, that's why we can safely use strlen without adding +1. That's all. Compile it and you're ready to go. Make sure you're also adapting your homepage to pepper. Just do the same trick. If you're on a running system and want to add pepper, then just force your users to change their paswords. With this addition rainbowtables will most likely be useless. People would have to create new rainbow tables that are adapted to your pepper-variable. Nobody would do that especially since they don't know what you actually typed in there. Just make sure nobody knows what you used as your pepper variable. I know it's nothing that big. But the topic is too serious and I guess most people don't even know the existence of pepper. Oh and there's also a better security than this: Protect your users data. That's all.
    1 point
  21. Bug-Fix for all others. Preview is now only on Items in Inventory UiToolTip-Fix.txt
    1 point
  22. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi everyone! So, after serveral days of searching a tool that could change the texture path of a .gr2 file, I found the tool(probably all of you know it, the texture changer by marv). After that I tried to change the texture paths of some gr2 models of a weapon, and guess what, it didn't work. I'm gonna reupload the file, because I didn't seen it on metin2dev, and I'm gonna teach you how to use it. First of all, I don't know about others, but for me it didn't work to change anything with this (I'm running windows 7 x64 bit). Some of guys told me that this "texture changer" works only on windows 7 x86 bit, so I reinstalled my windows(I really needed that tool), of course, it didn't work either way. So, go in Start and search cmd, and run it. After the cmd started you'll see a path right there C:\Users\Name (Instead of Name you'll have your username of computer administrator, or the account you're logged in), now that's the path where we can work with the tool. PAY ATTENTION!!! IF YOU START THE TOOL IN OTHER FOLDER INSTEAD OF C:\Users\Name THE TOOL WILL NOT WORK, AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE THE NEW MODEL. Exctract all the files from the archive(I'll post it below), and start Metin2TextureChanger.exe. Now click "Load" to choose a gr2 file you want to change texture path, BUT, the model name can't have spaces in name(devil sword.gr2 for example, it's wrong, the tool won't read it, and you'll not be able to save your new gr2 model), so if you want to change for example devil sword.gr2 you need to rename it into devil_sword.gr2 or devilsword.gr2 or any other name without spaces betwen. Where is "Neuer Texturpfad" we will chose the new path for texture, for example d:\ymir work\test\devil_sword_blue.dds , there you can choose any other path, but you can't modify "d:\ymir work" or you won't be able to see the weapon/armour in-game. Now we save the file wherever we want, it doesn't matter, this way must work for everybody. AGAIN, THIS TOOL WASN'T MADE BY ME. And I made this post because I've searched many days a tool that would work, but neither didn't work, and this tool didn't work for me either just when I used this method. So, this post is for guys who had the same problem like me (they had the tool, but couldn't save the new model) that's why I wanted to help them, and any other people who weren't been able to use it. And about the other tool I've found on this forum, the tool "made" by thunder-core, I didn't find that tool satisfying, it worked, but after the new model was made, I wasn't been able to import it in 3d max, or to convert the model from file format revision 7 to 6. So you were basicaly forced to upgrade your client to granny 2.9, and I found that inconvenient, because, I don't know about others, but I don't use source for binary, and because of that it's imposible to see the model in-game. And of course, the new model you've created, with the tool in attachement, is revision 7, so you need the new granny if you want to see it in-game, but you can use the converter from archive to convert from revision 7, to revision 6 (old), and you'll be able to see it in-game. If you already see it in-game, you don't need to use the converter. If you found this post helpful I'm glad I could help you.
    1 point
  23. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( Latest Version ) This WE is a version compiled directly by me which includes infinite fixes and features. It's certain that you won't longer use the worldeditor_en! To make it simple, I wrote all the details about this feature and the common WE inside the relative config file: (called WorldEditorRemix.ini) ; Info: ; -) 100% translated ; -) granny2.11 ; -) F6 as Insert alternative ; -) many default features not present inside the worldeditor_en (probably, that binary was taken out from an SVN long time ago and resource hacked) such as Ins for all regions and skyboxes ; -) WASD UPLEFTDOWNRIGHT to move around (+asynchronous diagonally movements) ; -) UP-LEFT-DOWN-RIGHT to move around*10 (+asynchronous diagonally movements) ; -) config file for few things ; Output options by default ; few others such as default WASD movement ; whether or not Insert should let you go where you were before the press ; no MAI dump when saving atlas ; whether or not DevIL should compress and remove alpha from minimap.dds ; whether or not loading .mdatr building heights ; default textureset when creating maps ; overlapped tabs ; other stuff ; -) several bugfixes ; default title app name ; attempting to write to an empty textureset name when creating new maps ; ViewRadius doubled every load&save ; shadowmap.dds creation ; assert when saving atlas ; crash when adjusting height ; many buffer under/overflows ; *.mdc collision data saving (for game_test) ; not checking output options when loading maps ; water brush waterid bug (the id was increased until 256 each time the function was called; now it's based on the water height just like it should be) ; init texture map reload map crash and last 2px always blank ; square shape even for up/down height brushes ; add textureset texture button (+multiselection) ; remove textureset texture feature (just selecting a texture from the list and pressing DELETE) ; creation of empty textureset with index -1 (changed to 0) ; change baseposition button ; misspelled stuff ; skybox bottom image (nb: you also need a fixed launcher for this) ; removed boring CTRL requirement (to move the camera) when editing daylight/attr ; fixed refresh texture imagebox onKey pressing the down/up keys (like when onClicking them) ; fixed TextureSet file creation if not existing ; fixed new wolfman motion event handling ; fixed crash when editing animation attack bones and 00010.gr2 was missing ; fixed locale/ymir/mob_proto load (it autodetects the most common structures) and <map>/regen.txt load/save ; fixed ./group.txt load ; fixed load/save/edit <map>/regen.txt (very nice for "m" regens, untested for "g") ; load from PACK is available if pack/property is present! Be sure pack/Index exists! ; fixed multi-object selection crash ; fixed crash when previewing a missing texture ; fixed not clearing of old environment (e.g. skybox) when switching maps ; fixed not creating property folders in root tree (object tab) ; fixed object attachment in Model Tab ; fixed newly particles names in Effect Tab ; fixed crash when saving a .mse script with no mesh model ; fixed crash when inserting a lower gradient ; -) created new TextureSet field when creating new maps ; -) created new Change/Delete Texture buttons when double-clicking a texture ; -) created Background Music playback and Shadow Recalculate buttons ; -) created water height "set 0z", "+1z", "-1z" buttons ; -) server_attr generator ; -) every crash will generate a logs/WorldEditorRemix_{target}_{date}.dmp file useful for debugging ; -) implemented a "water path" mapsettings option (the launcher requires additional code) ; -) implemented a "wind strength" msenv option (the launcher requires additional code) ; -) the "encrypt data" feature does nothing (unimplemented) ; Note: ; 0) there are no regressions in this version! a bug here means it'd also be present in older WE versions too! ; 1) the shadow output option is tricky: when UpdateUI is called, shadows are hidden although the check is pressed (i implemented the shadow recalculate function for that) #fixed since v11 ; 2) the bgm player requires /miles and the fadein/out doesn't work until you load the map ; 3) the adjusting height button works only if mdatr height is detected ; 4) the Debug version is laggy when working on maps such as n_flame_dungeon and n_ice_dungeon (by default, because SphereRadius are intensively checked in SphereLib\spherepack.h) ; 5) if you load a map, the script panels (where you load .msa et similia) will have the camera perspective a little fucked up (0z instead of -32767z or 0x 0y -163,94z) ; 6) few tree objects are not movable and/or highlightable after placed on the ground and their selection is invisible (you can still delete 'em) ; trick: draw a square selecting a normal building and 'em, then move the building and you'll see all of 'em will be moved! ; 7) the server_attr generator will clean all the unused flags! attr[idx]&=~0xFFFFFFF8; ; 8) you can read files from pack/Index 'n stuff but be aware that Property will not be considered! #fixed since v15 ; 9) the MonsterAreaInfo features are laggy and buggy as fuck ; 10) even though you can select many textures at once (using ctrl+click on textureset list; for brushing or initializing a base texture), you can't delete more than one at the same time ; 11) the .mdatr height is tricky; if you move a building, the height will not be refreshed until you put a new building or whatever you want to trigger the update event ; 12) by default, the worldeditor tries to render only the first 8 terrain textures of a 32x32px region (nb: a 1x1 map is a 256x256 px region) ; 13) the minimap rendering cannot catch the buildings/trees inside the first 2x2 regions due a ymir cache fault and you need to set the camera to "see" them ; 14) when the textureset, environment, etc load fails, the old filename still remains loaded ; 15) the attr flag "3" (three) has no implementation, so don't use it! ; 16) load from PACK doesn't load texturesets from files for first (if they are already in pack/), and the object placer's object list will remain empty because it takes the list from property/ (and not from pack/property) ; 17) to save the regen.txt you press CTRL+S ; 18) if you enable the wireframe (f4) when on Attr Tab, you see the terrain all white ; 19) the water brush disappears when the camera renders the waterwheel small/big effect ; 20) the monster area info goes under ground if you're outside the relative sectree ; 21) the full skybox may be displayed only after the top picture has been added (if the other textures have already been inserted) ; 22) the slider in the Attr Tab is something like "16 photoshop layers" in which you can split your attrs; not so helpful and quite confusing sometimes ; 23) the fixed model - object attachment attaches static objects (hairs'skeleton will not mirror the playing animation) ; 24) in environment tab, if you insert lower gradients, you may end up with an out of range crash #fixed since v30 ; 25) brushes working out-of-screen/map-range may affect random terrain places ; TODO: ; A) look at more than 8 textures for region -> DONE ; B) create a shortcut to fix the #5 note -> DONE ; C) disable the radius <= GetRadius()+0.0001f check to fix the #4 note -> REJECTED ; the worldeditor_en calls this assert and, if ignored, the lag ceases to exist (this will not occur in source version) ; at least, if the release version is not a problem for you, use that in those few cases when .mse are abused and try to kill the debug one ; D) translation in more languages other than english -> REJECTED ; english should be enough! ; E) alternative path for d: -> REJECTED ; you can mount d as a subpath of c like this: ; subst d: "c:\mt2stuff" ; F) need to fix note #19 #25 -> TODO [shortcuts] ; ### SHORTCUTS ; # ESC(ape) Clean cursor ; # Canc(el|Delete) Delete stuff such as selected buildings ; # Ctrl+S Save map ; # Ins(ert) or F6 Save shadowmap|minimap.dds ; # F3 BoundGrid Show/Hide ; # F4 Render UI Show/Hide ; # F11 WireFrame Show/Hide ; # R Reload Texture ; # Z and X Decrease/Increase Texture Splat by 0.1 ; # CapsLock Show GaussianCubic effect if shadows are displayed ; # L-Shift+1-6 Show TextureCountThreshold flags (&2-7) as colors on the ground ; # L-Shift+8 Set Max Showable texture to 8 (de-fix note 12) ; # L-Shift+0 Set Max Showable texture to 255 (fix note 12) ; # H Refresh MDATR Heights (useful when you move an object) (fix note 11) ; # Y Set Perspective as default (fix note 5) ; # T Set the Camera to catch all the object on the screen (w/a note 13) then you'll be ready to press Insert/F6 ; # DO NOT HAVE AN OBJECT SELECTED WHEN USING THOSE SHORTCUTS (MW1-7) ; # MouseWheel+1 move cursor x rotation ; # MouseWheel+2 move cursor y rotation ; # MouseWheel+3 move cursor z rotation ; # MouseWheel+4 move cursor height base (1x) ; # MouseWheel+5 move cursor height base (0.5x) ; # MouseWheel+6 move cursor height base (0.05x) ; # MouseWheel+7 move cursor ambience scale (1x) ; # MouseWheel+Q move selected object height base (1x) ; # MouseWheel+9 move selected object x position (1x) (+asyncronous) ; # MouseWheel+0 move selected object y position (1x) (+asyncronous) ; # MW+RSHIFT+9|0 as above but *10x (+asyncronous) ; # MW+RCONTROL+9|0 as above but *100x (+asyncronous) ; # MouseLeft Insert Objects ; # MouseRight Move camera (it could require CTRL too) ; # SPACE Start move/selected animation in Object/Effect/Fly CB ; # ESC Stop animation in Effect/Fly CB [config] ; ### CONFIG OPTIONS VIEW_CHAR_OUTPUT_BY_DEFAULT = 1 VIEW_SHADOW_OUTPUT_BY_DEFAULT = 1 VIEW_WATER_OUTPUT_BY_DEFAULT = 1 ; WINDOW_HEIGHT_SIZE = 1080 ; WINDOW_WIDTH_SIZE = 1920 WINDOW_FOV_SIZE = 45 ; #100 = 1px (minimal px movement when pressing WASD) WASD_MINIMAL_MOVE = 100 ; came back from where you were before pressing Insert/F6 NO_GOTO_AFTER_INSERT = 1 ; disable MAI dumps when saving atlas and/or pressing Insert/F6 NOMAI_ATLAS_DUMP = 1 ; disable minimap.dds alpha saving and enable compression NOMINIMAP_RAWALPHA = 1 ; enable .mdatr height collision loading when moving on buildings or adjusting terrain DETECT_MDATR_HEIGHT = 1 ; disable fog when loading maps NOFOG_ONMAPLOAD = 1 ; refresh all checkbox configurations when loading maps 'n stuff REFRESHALL_ONUPDATEUI = 0 ; set a default mapname prefix when creating new maps ("" to disable) NEW_MAP_MAPNAME_PREFIX = "metin2_map_" ; display a default textureset when creating new maps ("" to disable) ; note: it loads the filepath if exists, otherwise it will create an empty textureset file NEWMAP_TEXTURESETLOADPATH = "textureset\metin2_a1.txt" ; create a default textureset as "textureset/{mapname}.txt" ; note: this option is not considered if NEWMAP_TEXTURESETLOADPATH is not empty. [before v24] ; note: this option is not considered if the TextureSet path input is not empty when creating a new map [since v24] NEWMAP_TEXTURESETSAVEASMAPNAME = 1 ; remove the weird attr flags from the generated server_attr SERVERATTR_REMOVE_WEIRD_FLAGS = 1 ; show diffuse lighting to object VIEW_OBJECT_LIGHTING = 1 ; path of mob_proto used for regen MOB_PROTO_PATH = "locale/ymir/mob_proto" ; select monster area info checkbox at startup VIEW_MONSTER_AREA_INFO = 0 ; brush cursor / object selection color RGB float between 0.0 to 1.0 (default: green -> 0 1 0) RENDER_CURSOR_COLOR_R = 0.0 RENDER_CURSOR_COLOR_G = 1.0 RENDER_CURSOR_COLOR_B = 0.0 Download: [Hidden Content] How To Map: This release will not cover this part. Look at CryPrime`s tutorials to understand how to do it. About the ServerAttr Generator: (since v14) This is a beta function but it should work fine. I tested it on gm_guild_build (1x1), metin2_map_a1 (4x5), metin2_map_trent (2x2), metin2_n_snowm_01 (6x6) and the result was the same as the blackyuko map editor. (I use a different lzo version and I clean deprecated and useless flags, so the size is different from this last one but the "final image" will be the same; using game_test to fix his server_attr will let mine and his perfectly equal byte per byte) I also give you the source code of my server_attr generator function. CLICK A server_attr file is based on all the attr.atr files merged into a one raw RGBA image and each one scaled from 256x256 to 512x512. After that, the image will be splitted into sectors of 128x128 px and each one compressed using lzo compression. The server_attr header is composed by the size of the map*4. (e.g. a 4x4 will have a 16x16 size with 256 sectors inside) (gj ymir CLICK) An uncompressed server_attr sector is just like this: CLICK (the sub 4 byte header is the size returned by the LzoCompress which indicates how much the compressed sector data are large) Each attr.atr is just like this: CLICK (the header is composed of 6 byte in total: 3 WORDs respectively for version, width and height; they are always 2634, 1, 1 so don't bother about it) A single attr.atr scaled from 256x256 to 512x512 will be just like this: CLICK You can use the game_test (from source) to perform few tasks like: Create a server_attr from a .mcd file (I won't suggest it) a <collision data filename> <map directory> Regenerate an old server_attr to server_attr.new using the current lzo compression and cleaning useless flag CLICK c <filename> Other stuff such as b to create a character instance or q to quit About the SkyBox Bottom pic fix: (since v21) Both metin2launch.exe and worldeditor.exe should be edited to see the bottom pic of the skybox. Ymir messed up the code wrongly flipping the bottom image. Open ./Srcs/Client/EterLib/SkyBox.cpp and replace: ////// Face 5: BOTTOM v3QuadPoints[0] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[1] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[2] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[3] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); with: ////// Face 5: BOTTOM v3QuadPoints[0] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[1] = D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[2] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); v3QuadPoints[3] = D3DXVECTOR3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); then recompile. Credits:
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  24. Why do many popular servers not make translations for Russia?
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  25. i didn't mofidy questpc.cpp I upload system: [Hidden Content]
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  26. Don't you want a coffee in addition? Both system have a released version (idk if pirated), use google.
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