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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Hi, I made this system not so long ago, benefited the script from the official server and worked on the C++, just decided to share this system with everyone because I no longer care much about it. It’s not really a big of a system and most likely it could be leaked from some traitor so honestly, I rather share it myself. Instead of adding the tutorial here I will link a repository to the guidelines. Demonstration The inventory slot marking works best with @xP3NG3Rx's release. I do not support the implementation of the system neither does do author of the inventory slot marking, I believe.
    9 points
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Based idea: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] You can add control for specific skill ids ----------- Not tested very well. Let me know, if you found a bug.
    5 points
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, my first publication in this forum. Quest with daily limit and level interval for drop cor draconis in alchemi. I think it will be useful to someone. I also write commissioned quests [Hidden Content] Quest is compatible with Marty files.
    3 points
  4. It is because skipia dungeons got a renewal in several time, there are 3 or 4 apperance. Ymir never overwrite the files, they added in patchs like patch2 and seasonx.eix-epk. If you delete some, you make it buggy like your picture. Your best choice is fully extract a client (ex: Sanchez 2014 client from this forum) and yours, and copy every single file related to skipia dungeon, even check atlasinfo because sometimes the skipia dungeon was in season files and it must be marked at atlasinfo. I just googled some skipia dungeon (boss room) Oldest: with "no color" and straight dragon neck animation. Newer: It is blue-ish Newest: It is yellow-purple-ish The sub versions got somtimes a refresh because there were some problems with the little blue crystals for example. Hope you can make your works, i remember at 2012 i had the blue version, and i wanted the newest and it took me 1-2 hours to figure out
    2 points
  5. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello There. I publish here this system i hope that this help you a bit with this you can hide your costume if you dont like it (if I forgot something just say it ) (this system is not complete yet you can hide only your costume no hairstyle,sash,weapon) (This system is not mine! i just found the source function and made the python codes and quest)
    2 points
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Here ( Required ) Hi everyone. The time has come, and sorry for this late. What is this? Check the base version on this video: Necessary functions: It doesn't hurt to know: Need a bit of knowledge of programming, especially for implementing the python parts. You need to see the whole python core of metin2 how it works to understand what, why and how. Regarding to 1. and 2. this release is not for beginners. It has been tested on test and a live server too, small problems what appeared has been fixed. MouseWheel is not included, but public on the internet. Special thank to @masodikbela for testing and @Tatsumaru for the gui elements(wider tab buttons). Download PS.: If I missed something out from the guide feel free to let me know.
    1 point
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey, I don't want to waste your time, so let's start, it's gonna be short. src\Client EterBase\Timer.cpp | Find function: CTimer::GetElapsedMillisecond() Find this inside the function above: return 16 + (m_index & 1); Make it look like this: return 3 + (m_index & 3); EterBase\Timer.cpp | Find function: CTimer::Advance() Find this inside the function above: m_dwCurrentTime += 16 + (m_index & 1); Make it look like this: m_dwCurrentTime += 3 + (m_index & 3); GameLib\GameType.cpp | Find this (top of the file): extern float g_fGameFPS = 60.0f; Make it look like this: extern float g_fGameFPS = 250.0f; EterPythonLib\PythonWindow.cpp | Find function: CAniImageBox::CAniImageBox(PyObject * ppyObject) Find this inside the function above: m_byDelay(4), Make it look like this: m_byDelay(13), GameLib\MapOutdoorWater.cpp | Find function: CMapOutdoor::RenderWater() Find this inside the function above: STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, m_WaterInstances[((ELTimer_GetMSec() / 70) % 30)].GetTexturePointer()->GetD3DTexture()); Make it look like this: STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, m_WaterInstances[((ELTimer_GetMSec() / 30) % 30)].GetTexturePointer()->GetD3DTexture()); Since we don't want E/Q/R/F/T/G keys to be messed up, UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp | Find these variables at the top of the file: float c_fDefaultCameraRotateSpeed = 1.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraPitchSpeed = 1.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraZoomSpeed = 0.05f; Make them look like this (you can tweak them more, these values aren't strict, just seems about right to me): float c_fDefaultCameraRotateSpeed = 0.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraPitchSpeed = 0.2f; float c_fDefaultCameraZoomSpeed = 0.007f; Client\pack\root\uitaskbar.py Find: if.constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: After: self.rampageGauge1.OnMouseOverIn = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverIn) Add: self.rampageGauge1.SetDelay(13) After: self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_Click) Add: self.rampageGauge2.SetDelay(13) Scroll a little bit down, and then.. After: self.hpGauge = self.GetChild("HPGauge") Add: self.hpGauge.SetDelay(13) After: self.mpGauge = self.GetChild("SPGauge") Add: self.mpGauge.SetDelay(13) After: self.stGauge = self.GetChild("STGauge") Add: self.stGauge.SetDelay(13) Fast armor shining fix / UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp (thanks @Nirray) Search on top of the file: double g_specularSpd=0.007f; Replace it with: double g_specularSpd=0.0017f; Python part simpler version by @VegaS™ That's all, compile your binary, pack your root and you are done. If you have any questions, feel free to ask it, or if you find an error, typo, anything inside this tutorial, don't hesitate to tell me, and I'll fix it ASAP. Credits goes to kespımuro and me for ghetto-fixing the rotation buttons. Cheers, xHeaven
    1 point
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello everyone. It's a good day to share an old code with you. First of all you need to know: I don't help to install it. Don't even take the contact with me about it. The whole code is written by me, and reversed from official binaries. At the beginning do a backup for your files(srcs+pys) and READ CAREFULLY the readme. W/o brain.exe please close this tab, or your browser, thank you for your understanding. Preview: Download.exe Enjoy & #h4v3fun, pngr
    1 point
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub )
    1 point
  10. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) It's giving random informations about game at loading window. Group "Normal" has global informations. If you don't add any special map index, you will see global informations.
    1 point
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, today is MCSP release date. Have fun. Some notes, if you like to implement new algorithms: Open CryptAlgorithms.h and define a new class with new stuff, like I did with LZO and Snappy. Make sure to modify Crypt.h "enum class CryptationTypes" Oh btw, you need to add Snappy in your Extern. How you may ask? Download [Hidden Content] Install [Hidden Content] Use cmake-gui to generate stuff, open snappy.sln and build it in release. Copy the .h files inside a newly created "snappy" folder in Extern/iniclude Go to (cmake build folder)/Release and copy your snappy.lib into Extern/lib If you use the vcpkg method: vcpkg install snappy:x86-windows-static Ready!
    1 point
  12. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) VirusTotal: [Hidden Content] Hi ! Today ThunderCore Society will offer you a special tool for Granny3D Models. Note: That tool isn't for begginers and we don't offer suport for that. We hereby inform you that we take the copyrights file and his contents because ThunderCore Society has paid to perform this work. Attention: NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. NoDerivatives — If you transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Kind Regards - Johnny White
    1 point
  13. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi there. While cleaning out "my closet", I found this thing I developed between 2014-2015 - maybe(?) - for my, at that moment, server. Since it's now closed, and I won't use it, I'm sharing it with you guys. Note: Didn't do the scrollbar, wasn't needed for me, so yeah. Now, let's start with opening your locale_game.txt and adding these lines: QUESTCATEGORY_0 Main Quests QUESTCATEGORY_1 Sub Quests QUESTCATEGORY_2 Collect Quests QUESTCATEGORY_3 Levelup Quests QUESTCATEGORY_4 Scroll Quests QUESTCATEGORY_5 System Quests Alright, now find your characterwindow.py (uiscript?) and you can either comment Quest_Page children or simply remove them all. Moving on to your interfaceModule.py find this line self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", localeInfo.GetLetterImageName()) and replace it with self.wndCharacter.questCategory.RecvQuest(self.BINARY_RecvQuest, index, name) Ok, then we are at the most, let's say, difficult part of this. Open your uiCharacter.py and just as you did in your characterwindow.py, remove or simply comment any single line related to quests. You can just search for these vars: self.questShowingStartIndex self.questScrollBar self.questSlot self.questNameList self.questLastTimeList self.questLastCountList Once you did that, you just: # Find these lines self.soloEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("SoloEmotionSlot") self.dualEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("DualEmotionSlot") self.__SetEmotionSlot() # And add the following import uiQuestCategory self.questCategory = uiQuestCategory.QuestCategoryWindow(self.pageDict["QUEST"]) # Find this def OnUpdate(self): self.__UpdateQuestClock() # Replace it with def OnUpdate(self): self.questCategory.OnUpdate() And we're done with the client-side. I attached some extra elements needed (such as the main python file (uiQuestCategory.py) and some image resources). Remember to edit the path linked to these images in that file. For the server-side... Well, screw it, uploaded it too. Too lazy to write. It has only a new quest function (q.getcurrentquestname()) and a few things to add in your questlib.lua. Btw, not sure if you have it, but if not, just add this extra function in ui.Button() (ui.py - class Button). def SetTextAlignLeft(self, text, height = 4): if not self.ButtonText: textLine = TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetPosition(27, self.GetHeight()/2) textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() textLine.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() textLine.Show() self.ButtonText = textLine #Äù½ºÆ® ¸®½ºÆ® UI¿¡ ¸ÂÃç À§Ä¡ ÀâÀ½ self.ButtonText.SetText(text) self.ButtonText.SetPosition(27, self.GetHeight()/2) self.ButtonText.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.ButtonText.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() Forgot the source part, fml, here it is. Add it to your questlua_quest.cpp. int quest_get_current_quest_name(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); PC* pPC = q.GetCurrentPC(); lua_pushstring(L, pPC->GetCurrentQuestName().c_str()); return 1; } void RegisterQuestFunctionTable() { luaL_reg quest_functions[] = { { "getcurrentquestname", quest_get_current_quest_name}, { NULL, NULL } }; CQuestManager::instance().AddLuaFunctionTable("q", quest_functions); } Now, finally, have fun and bye!
    1 point
  14. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, Working on some new stuff I found out that current implementation of event looks a bit tricky. Due to this fact I basically deciced to re-implement it in C++11 providing up to date tech. Don`t forget to take a look at this topic before you start: [Hidden Content] So lets begin. Add include into the main.cpp: #ifdef __NEW_EVENT_HANDLER__ #include "EventFunctionHandler.h" #endif And add this into main function before: while (idle()); #ifdef __NEW_EVENT_HANDLER__ CEventFunctionHandler EventFunctionHandler; #endif Now add this at the end of idle: #ifdef __NEW_EVENT_HANDLER__ CEventFunctionHandler::instance().Process(); #endif Now search for: sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying CArenaManager..."); And add before: #ifdef __NEW_EVENT_HANDLER__ sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying CEventFunctionHandler..."); CEventFunctionHandler::instance().Destroy(); #endif Now open service.h and add this define: #define __NEW_EVENT_HANDLER__ That`s all. Now just download attachment and add included files to your source.
    1 point
  15. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello everyone, It is a nice day to release my modifications to sell items from dragon soul inventory too So let's go. Serverside: 1) Open input_main.cpp 2.1) Search(CTRL+F) this: case SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2: 2.2) Replace that whole case with this: case SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2: { if (uiBytes < sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE)) return -1; const WORD wPos = *reinterpret_cast<const WORD*>(c_pData); const BYTE bCount = *(c_pData + sizeof(WORD)); const BYTE bType = *(c_pData + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(BYTE)); sys_log(0, "INPUT: %s SHOP: SELL2", ch->GetName()); CShopManager::instance().Sell(ch, wPos, bCount, bType); return sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE); } 3) Save and close it, now open shop_manager.h 3.1) And replace this: void Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bCell, BYTE bCount = 0); 3.2) With this: void Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, WORD wCell, BYTE bCount = 0, BYTE bType = 0); 4) Save it and close it. 4.1) Next step; open shop_manager.cpp and search this function: void CShopManager::Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bCell, BYTE bCount) 4.2) Replace the parameters/arguments only with this: LPCHARACTER ch, WORD wCell, BYTE bCount, BYTE bType 4.3) Search this line: LPITEM item = ch->GetInventoryItem(bCell); 4.4) And replace it with this: LPITEM item = ch->GetItem(TItemPos(bType, wCell)); 4.5-Choosable) I added a log function too into the antiflag_sell check against hackers 4.5.1) Replace this: if (IS_SET(item->GetAntiFlag(), ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL)) return; 4.5.2) With this(as I said, this is choosable, not important change): if (IS_SET(item->GetAntiFlag(), ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL)) { // In clientside the sell is blocked by python if a player arrive here he's a hacker, maybe. ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You can't sell this item.")); sys_err("[HACKER] Force sell-script used by name [%u]%s.", ch->GetPlayerID(), ch->GetName()); return; } 5) Save and close the file, now you are ready to build your game. Clientside-BIN: 1) Open PythonNetworkStream.h 1.1) Search this: bool SendShopSellPacketNew(BYTE bySlot, BYTE byCount); 1.2) Replace it with this: bool SendShopSellPacketNew(WORD wSlot, BYTE byCount, BYTE byType); 2) Save it, close it. Open PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp 2.1) Search this function: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendShopSellPacketNew(BYTE bySlot, BYTE byCount) 2.2) Replace the whole function with this: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendShopSellPacketNew(WORD wSlot, BYTE byCount, BYTE byType) { if (!__CanActMainInstance()) return true; TPacketCGShop PacketShop; PacketShop.header = HEADER_CG_SHOP; PacketShop.subheader = SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2; if (!Send(sizeof(TPacketCGShop), &PacketShop)) { Tracef("SendShopSellPacket Errorn"); return false; } if (!Send(sizeof(WORD), &wSlot)) { Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Errorn"); return false; } if (!Send(sizeof(BYTE), &byCount)) { Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Errorn"); return false; } if (!Send(sizeof(BYTE), &byType)) { Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Errorn"); return false; } Tracef(" SendShopSellPacketNew(wSlot=%d, byCount=%d, byType=%d)n", wSlot, byCount, byType); return SendSequence(); } 3) Save and close. Open PythonNetworkStreamModule.cpp 3.1) Search this function: PyObject* netSendShopSellPacketNew(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) 3.2) And replace it with this: PyObject* netSendShopSellPacketNew(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { int iSlotNumber; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 0, &iSlotNumber)) return Py_BuildException(); int iCount; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 1, &iCount)) return Py_BuildException(); int iType; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 2, &iType)) return Py_BuildException(); CPythonNetworkStream& rkNetStream=CPythonNetworkStream::Instance(); rkNetStream.SendShopSellPacketNew(iSlotNumber, iCount, iType); return Py_BuildNone(); } 4) Save, close and build Clientside-Python: Here you have to do it by yourself. The new function of the m2net/net module are called by 3 files uiInventory.py uiDragonSoul.py uiShop.py You have to edit these files if your files are not containing these updates, but thanks to [sA]Con for the newer root package from his release ^^ Here you can download the "new" root package which is containing every changes for this and for wolfman. I do not recomment to replace or overwrite your files with those files! Use a comparer tool like Notepad++ Compare plugin to check the differences at "sell" keyword. Tested and works, but if you found bug/mistake/error please write into this thread a detailed post. So not like this: ps.: I hope you understand everything, and sorry for my poor english:3 ps2: In the official bin this message " SendShopSellPacketNew(bySlot=%d, byCount=%d, byType=%d)" can be found, but I renamed the variable too, hehe :-D. With Regards, P3NG3R
    1 point
  16. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) The archive contains: The icons Textures The models Before: After:
    1 point
  17. Good job, glad to see someone post in this section every now and then. Let me help you with something: -- Customizable function count(level) local ranges = { {["min"] = 110, ["count"] = 20}, {["min"] = 100, ["count"] = 18}, {["min"] = 90, ["count"] = 16}, {["min"] = 80, ["count"] = 14}, {["min"] = 70, ["count"] = 12}, {["min"] = 60, ["count"] = 10}, {["min"] = 50, ["count"] = 8}, {["min"] = 40, ["count"] = 6}, {["min"] = 30, ["count"] = 4}, }; for _, range in ipairs(ranges) do if (level >= range["min"]) then return range["count"]; end -- if end -- for return 0; end -- function -- Dynamic function count(level) local ranges = {30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, INSERT_MAX_LEVEL_HERE}; local multiplier = pc.ispremium() and 1.5 or 1; for index = 1, table.getn(ranges) do if (level >= range[index] and level < range[index+1]) then return (2 + 2 * index) * multiplier; end -- if end -- for return 0; end -- function One more thing I can tell you is that if the argument you're going to pass to the function is always the player's level, there is no point in making it an argument in the first place, you can just call pc.get_level() instead, save it in a var if you prefer.
    1 point
  18. +One mention: Since Ymir never overwrited the files as i mentioned, the Index file in your pack folder is very important. If an older file is in the top of your index file, that can cause problems. So when you compare your client with a working one, check the Index file too. Your problem is height, so either the objects itself (+mdatr) or mapname/0x/attr.atr will be the problem. But the best way is checking a working client and copy+paste everything related with skipia. (map folder, property, zone, season-x)
    1 point
  19. V34 out! This can be considered a minor update. I compiled the project with /c++latest and other optimized flags.
    1 point
  20. V33 out! Fixed crash if TimeEventAlpha is empty inside the .mse Fixed lens flare Enabled win10 style (it looks stable)
    1 point
  21. You could add the option to enable or disable the cloud effect. Lens flare is also broken. There is a solution to this problem in the game somewhere, but it is still in this program.
    1 point
  22. Translate All In One with quest +added PL language
    1 point
  23. def OnKeyDown(self, key): try: self.onPressKeyDict[key]() except KeyError: pass except: raise return True
    1 point
  24. find this def AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(self, vnum, count): self.dlgRefineNew.AppendMaterial(vnum, count) change with def AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(self, vnum, count): self.dlgRefineNew.AppendMaterial(vnum, count) if app.ENABLE_REFINE_RENEWAL: def CheckRefineDialog(self, isFail): self.dlgRefineNew.CheckRefine(isFail) in uiRefine.py find def CheckRefine(self, isFail): then find chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "%d %d" % (itemIndex, int(itemIndex %10))) and delete it try after, or whrite above that line "import chat"
    1 point
  25. Well .. i've made it for 40k to work perfect... uicharacter.py and interfacemodule.py made for r40k Client is attached to this reply.. Have fun test.zip
    1 point
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