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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/20 in all areas

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi devs, I thought this tool might help to anybody who uses Eternexus or to people who sell their work to people who use it. Since Eternexus is case sensitive, all files within your packs that contain upper case letters will be ignored. With my tool you can simply rename all of them with one doubleclick. The tool is a simple Powershell script Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Recurse | Where{ $_.Name -cne $_.Name.ToLower() } | ForEach-Object { $tn="$($_.Name)-temp"; $tfn="$($_.FullName)-temp"; $nn=$_.Name.ToLower(); Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $tn; Rename-Item -Path $tfn -NewName $nn -Force;} compiled to .EXE for an easier usage. It was compiled with PS2EXE. Usage: Here is the VirusTotal & here is the download.
    3 points
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) /reload c doesn't work properly for client-side. Even if you re-open client. Bug:
    2 points
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi devs, this is rather nothing than something and I am not really sure if somene's done it earlier but I am sure that it could be a nice improvement for those who are into mapping just like me. The archive contains a few .mdatr files of buildings from the devils_dragon_update that I improved. From now on you will be able to walk through the gazebo, to visit some of the tents and to get closer to the buildings in general. I might be sharing a lot more stuff related to mapping in the future. Credits goes to Ace for a nice collision HowTo. Enjoy! svndbvnv
    2 points
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Password: metin2.dev It's a regen creator, link and image updated. Download: [Hidden Content] Image (old): Image (new):
    1 point
  5. Like any other NPC, you can set the Warp to be there permanently from locale/xxx/map/MAPNAME/npc.txt
    1 point
  6. quest ChangeNameWithVip begin state start begin function isNameAlready(pc_name) local index, value = mysql_direct_query("SELECT player.player.name as name FROM player.player;"); if (index > 0) then for num, str in ipairs(value) do if (string.lower(str.name) == string.lower(pc_name)) then return false; end -- if end -- for end -- if return true; end -- function function ChangeNameAddVip(new_name) mysql_direct_query(string.format("UPDATE player.player SET name = '%s' WHERE name = '%s';", new_name, pc.get_name())); end -- function function isVipAlreadyAdded() return pc.getqf("ChangeNameWithVipUsage") ~= 0; end -- function when 71173.use begin if (ChangeNameWithVip.isVipAlreadyAdded()) then return syschat("Poti adauga gradul [VIP] doar odata pe caracter!"); end -- if say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item.get_vnum()))) say("Acest obiect ofera posibilitatea de a adauga") say("gradul de [VIP] caracterului tau si") say("cu posibilitatea de a schimba numele precedent.[ENTER]") say("Doresti sa incepi procesul?[ENTER]") if (select("Da", "Nu") == 1) then say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item.get_vnum()))) say("Introdu numele dorit:[ENTER]") local str_input = string.gsub(input(), "[^A-Za-z0-9]", ""); local input_len = string.len(str_input); if (input_len < 3 or input_len > 7) then return say_reward("The length has to be from 3 to 7 characters.[ENTER]"); elseif (not ChangeNameWithVip.isNameAlready(string.format("[%s]", str_input))) then return say_reward("Acest nume a fost luat de catre alta persoana.[ENTER]"); end -- if/elseif pc.remove_item(71173, 1); pc.setqf("ChangeNameWithVipUsage", 1); ChangeNameWithVip.ChangeNameAddVip(string.format("[%s]", str_input)); say("Adaugarea gradului [VIP] a avut succes.") say("Actualizarea acestuia se face dupa 15 min") say("offline de pe caracter/cont.[ENTER]") end -- if end -- when end -- state end -- quest Modifying Braxy's quests is very easy, they're very similiar to mine.. for some reason. But then again, the guy is still using regex when it's completely unneded and uses a query to change the name instead of using a simple function (pc.change_name), pretty disappointing.
    1 point
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey, I will share a function (Set Atlas Scale) that you can set your own scale in your Atlas Window. As you can see in the Preview the Atlas is bigger than the default. You need to have good quality of Map Image, I think you can use World Editor for this. Preview:
    1 point
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Non Stackable(6) Stackable(625) **Added /book command update
    1 point
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys, i want share all my recreate models from another games to metin2 with you. I have decided because i dont have time for help, create new models and other reasons. Soo. Thats my last release and i send here all my release + video or gif. Thanks for read this "bulls*t" and have a nice day Best Regards meeisterViper ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fenrir pet ss: [Hidden Content] ss1: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vamana pet ss: [Hidden Content] Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kumas mount Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Car mount Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mount pack ss: [Hidden Content] Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bunny mount ss: [Hidden Content] Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sail Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helrath mount ss: [Hidden Content] Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lama mount ss: [Hidden Content] Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panda mount ss: [Hidden Content] Video: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  10. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal 1100 ) Download Here ( Internal 1000 ) Hey M2DEV today i will show you my pu.. oops... My program. This tool will allow you to fix your: ItemList file. before: 1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 71243 ETC icon/item/71243.tga 71243 ETC icon/item/71243.tga 71243 ETC icon/item/71243.tga 71243 ETC icon/item/71243.tga 71243 ETC icon/item/71243.tga 76051 ETC icon/item/72321.tga 76052 ETC season1/icon/item/72701.tga 76053 ETC icon/item/70002.tga 76054 ETC icon/item/71011.tga 53576 ETC icon/item/53501.tga 53577 ETC icon/item/53501.tga after: 1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 53576 ETC icon/item/53501.tga 53577 ETC icon/item/53501.tga 71243 ETC icon/item/71243.tga 76051 ETC icon/item/72321.tga 76052 ETC season1/icon/item/72701.tga 76053 ETC icon/item/70002.tga 76054 ETC icon/item/71011.tga DOWNLOAD ver. VT Q: What's new in version A: 1. Now tool use drag and drop. 2. Support other files (struct: int[tab]..some) like item_desc.txt and etc... 3. Now you can drag and drop and fix over more 1 file at a time. 4. Duplicate count is displayed now Old version here
    1 point
  11. fast fix with small logic int i_add = (strstr(m_fontName, "Tahoma") == 0) ? 1 : 0; //for more fonts TextOutW(hDC, m_x + i_add, m_y, &keyValue, 1);
    1 point
  12. The idea isn't so bad, but the code has too many useless lines, here's what you can do to improve it. def RefreshPickupFilter(self): #Weapon if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterWeapon(): self.PickUpFilterList[0].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[0].SetUp() #Armor if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterArmor(): self.PickUpFilterList[1].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[1].SetUp() #Ear if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEar(): self.PickUpFilterList[2].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[2].SetUp() #Neck if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterNeck(): self.PickUpFilterList[3].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[3].SetUp() #Foots if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterFoots(): self.PickUpFilterList[4].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[4].SetUp() #Shield if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterShield(): self.PickUpFilterList[5].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[5].SetUp() #Book if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterBook(): self.PickUpFilterList[6].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[6].SetUp() #Stone if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterStone(): self.PickUpFilterList[7].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[7].SetUp() #Etc if systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEtc(): self.PickUpFilterList[8].Down() else: self.PickUpFilterList[8].SetUp() To: def RefreshPickupFilter(self): checkFilterList = ( systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterWeapon(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterArmor(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEar(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterNeck(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterFoots(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterShield(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterBook(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterStone(), systemSetting.IsPickUpFilterEtc() ) for child, flag in zip(self.PickUpFilterList, checkFilterList): if flag: child.Down() else: child.SetUp() self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterWeapon")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterArmor")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterEar")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterNeck")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterFoots")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterShield")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterBook")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterStone")) self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_FilterEtc")) To: for name in ('Weapon','Armor','Ear','Neck','Foots','Shield','Book','Stone','Etc'): self.PickUpFilterList.append(GetObject("Pick_Up_Filter{}".format(name))) self.PickUpFilterList[0].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonWeapon) # Weapon self.PickUpFilterList[0].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonWeapon) # Weapon self.PickUpFilterList[1].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonArmor) # Armor self.PickUpFilterList[1].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonArmor) # Armor self.PickUpFilterList[2].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEar) # Ear self.PickUpFilterList[2].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEar) # Ear self.PickUpFilterList[3].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonNeck) # Neck self.PickUpFilterList[3].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonNeck) # Neck self.PickUpFilterList[4].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonFoots) # Foots self.PickUpFilterList[4].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonFoots) # Foots self.PickUpFilterList[5].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonShield) # Shield self.PickUpFilterList[5].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonShield) # Shield self.PickUpFilterList[6].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonBook) # Books self.PickUpFilterList[6].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonBook) # Books self.PickUpFilterList[7].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonStone) # Stone self.PickUpFilterList[7].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonStone) # Stone self.PickUpFilterList[8].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEtc) # Etc self.PickUpFilterList[8].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEtc) # Etc To: eventFuncList = ( self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonWeapon, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonArmor, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEar, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonNeck, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonFoots, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonShield, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonBook, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonStone, self.__OnClickPickupFilterButtonEtc ) for child, event in zip(self.PickUpFilterList, eventFuncList): child.SetToggleUpEvent(event) child.SetToggleDownEvent(event)
    1 point
  13. Check GF ItemList (LastVersion) 1.8k Duplicate string
    1 point
  14. Hey, We have seen many users have problems with the new Protos , then we started to create a new Archiver. New update available Features: - Write Client Proto to Server TxT - Write Server TxT to Client - Read Eix File - Addet full Wolfman - Addet COSTUME_MOUNT / COSTUME_ACCE - Version 1 - Wolfman ( Befor Sash Update ) - Version 2 - Shoulder Sash - Version 3 - USE_CHANGE_COSTUME_ATTR and USE_RESET_COSTUME_ATTR Example.xml <Buildfile version="1.1"> <Action type="read_index" path="root.eix" SaveTo="exlist.txt" /> <Action type="item_proto_pack" path="item_proto" OutType="TXT" TxTProto="item_proto.txt" TxTNames="item_names.txt" /> <Action type="mob_proto_pack" path="mob_proto" OutType="TXT" TxTProto="mob_proto.txt" TxTNames="mob_names.txt" /> <Action type="mob_proto_extract" path="mob_proto" OutType="TXT" TxTProto="mob_proto.txt" TxTNames="mob_names.txt" /> <Action type="item_proto_extract" path="item_proto" OutType="TXT" TxTProto="item_proto.txt" TxTNames="item_names.txt" /> </Buildfile> Download Version 1 [Hidden Content] Download Version 2 [Hidden Content] Download Version 3 [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  15. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guy. I spent my time to create a map just for you
    1 point
  16. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) root/uiRefine.py [Hidden Content] root/constInfo.py Another idea: (you don't have to use this, is just a example, can add in tooltip where you can drop items which you need, you can add a listbox+scrollbar and send drops from server and cache it in dictionary.) [Hidden Content]
    0 points
  17. Thanks mate. You are the best! i have a last question today Can you help with an anti cheat program?
    0 points
  18. Although I like the idea very much too I'm a bit sceptical. I think in the very end this would not affect very much the amount or the quality of the newly created releases/topics. Those who make releases time to time would keep doing it anyway (surely this would give a little mental boost to most of them) and those who don't do this because of a reason (no time or don't want to participate in the community with ready to use systems, etc) wouldn't do anyway. As for myself, I would definitely have more affinity for sharing stuff but even though I don't think that it would reach that level when I would actually start doing so.
    0 points
  19. Hello, I search Coder for following things: Website: HTML,CSS Logininterface Board Design Contact me via PM. Regards
    0 points
  20. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
    0 points
  21. solved @ASIKOO pls close
    -2 points
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