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  1. 2 points
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello everyone. I reversed something new from the official binary what I would like to share with you. Edit.: Download PS.: Let me know if you found any mistake in the guide.
    1 point
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Information  This function shows player's title after name. Simple to enable/disable (via locale_inc.h definition).  Enjoy!
    1 point
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download
    1 point
  5. I rlly ty you man , it work
    1 point
  6. Create new command in cmd.cpp and insert into cmd_general.cpp that command with ChatPacket: ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "TestCommand"); And then move into game.py: Find: serverCommandList={ And insert into list: "TestCommand" : self.__TestCommandFunction, And insert function at the end of game.py: def __TestCommandFunction(self): import dbg dbg.LogBox("Command received!") Hope I helped. iBeast
    1 point
  7. Thank you. Is working. NPC spawns and is not show on atlas.
    1 point
  8. Oh, thank you so much! Really helpful for study code!
    1 point
  9. Yes it was a joke, and a good one, short and to the point. I would say the same thing ?
    1 point
  10. Uhmmm, maybe the problem is in void CInstanceBase::RefreshState(DWORD dwMotIndex, bool isLoop), check this function
    1 point
  11. It doesn't remove the spawn. The spawn continues. See that: else if (p->m_table.bType == CHAR_TYPE_NPC || p->m_table.bType == CHAR_TYPE_WARP || p->m_table.bType == CHAR_TYPE_GOTO) doesn't include CHAR_TYPE_MONSTER and monsters are spawned. ------------------------------------- What it does? Basically we don't add the position of npc with vnum 9004 to m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex] (it isn't related with the spawn), so when the game send the packet of npc's positions in each map, it will not contain the position of npc with vnum 9004 and it isn't marked in atlas. You can prove this by seeing the next functions: InsertNPCPosition in sectree_manager.cpp: void SECTREE_MANAGER::InsertNPCPosition(long lMapIndex, BYTE bType, const char* szName, long x, long y) { m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].push_back(npc_info(bType, szName, x, y)); } And SendNPCPosition in the same file: void SECTREE_MANAGER::SendNPCPosition(LPCHARACTER ch) { LPDESC d = ch->GetDesc(); if (!d) return; long lMapIndex = ch->GetMapIndex(); if (m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].empty()) return; TEMP_BUFFER buf; TPacketGCNPCPosition p; p.header = HEADER_GC_NPC_POSITION; p.count = m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].size(); TNPCPosition np; // TODO m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex] 를 보내주세요 itertype(m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex]) it; for (it = m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].begin(); it != m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].end(); ++it) { np.bType = it->bType; strlcpy(np.name, it->name, sizeof(np.name)); np.x = it->x; np.y = it->y; buf.write(&np, sizeof(np)); } p.size = sizeof(p) + buf.size(); if (buf.size()) { d->BufferedPacket(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCNPCPosition)); d->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); } else d->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCNPCPosition)); } Then go to client -> ../UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp and see CPythonNetworkStream::RecvNPCList() bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvNPCList() { TPacketGCNPCPosition kNPCPosition; if (!Recv(sizeof(kNPCPosition), &kNPCPosition)) return false; assert(int(kNPCPosition.size)-sizeof(kNPCPosition) == kNPCPosition.count*sizeof(TNPCPosition) && "HEADER_GC_NPC_POSITION"); CPythonMiniMap::Instance().ClearAtlasMarkInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < kNPCPosition.count; ++i) { TNPCPosition NPCPosition; if (!Recv(sizeof(TNPCPosition), &NPCPosition)) return false; CPythonMiniMap::Instance().RegisterAtlasMark(NPCPosition.bType, NPCPosition.name, NPCPosition.x, NPCPosition.y); } return true; } If you can see at the start we get the packet of npc position and in the last lines we mark the position in the atlas: CPythonMiniMap::Instance().RegisterAtlasMark(NPCPosition.bType, NPCPosition.name, NPCPosition.x, NPCPosition.y);
    1 point
  12. Yeah I've got it, there is an encoding problem in the code bb code of the board, this why I didn't find it.
    1 point
  13. I think that people that get fixes and not share them on their topics should be banned. I hate leeches. Sorry for the offtopic.
    1 point
  14. 200 packets vs 1 command
    1 point
  15. First of first be careful how you talk because we are not friend or some like that i don't agree your language,think first after say something, you can try to buy it , after i put some like 2 years and alot money i donate on that game i do not like to buy something like nothing for alot of money, and also you said never will be open, you have a surprize it's opened and beta Version,almost everything what was on club and United it's still there and on that 30beta version we gonna add more and make 95% like club, just more nicely and news! So next time keep your mouth closed and think first , you don't know me what i can , but still you continue to say shit words about me and alot of people, i don't give a shit about you will better for you to start realized what you can and what not after you can talk with me and fight with words against me! Until the next time cry because the sv it's open and alive and everything will be more great and perfect then club/united. https://metin2united.uk/forum/ (forum) https://metin2united.uk/ (site) https://discord.gg/WP6t7W5 (discord) https://www.facebook.com/Metin2United-575963096088425/?ref=bookmarks (facebook)
    1 point
  16. e*penis is growing nice job sanchez kind regards xF4ke
    1 point
  17. OFF:Can you go away you little leech? ON: It looks beautifull, keep up the good work.
    0 points
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