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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Dear community, this is my first guide for you in which I will show you how you change the older Granny 2.4 version which is the client using to the newer Granny 2.9 version. For this tutorial I'm using the mainline_released client source (all client sources are the same as I heard). DO NOT FORGET TO CREATE BACKUPS! 1. Step: Navigate to novalineSrcsToolsRAD Game Toolsgrannycommon and unzip the file granny_common_2_9_12_0_release.zip. You will receive some folders. Now you navigate into the folder include and copy the granny.h file to the include folder of your client (for me it's mainline_releasedSrcsExterninclude). Then you go into the libwin32 folder and copy all the *.lib and *.pdb files into your lib folder of your client. 2. Step: Open your client source and navigate to the project EterGrnLib. Open Mesh.cpp. Search for this: int * boneIndices = GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices(pgrnMeshBinding); Replace with this: int * boneIndices = (int*)GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices(pgrnMeshBinding); Search for this: return GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices(m_pgrnMeshBindingTemp); Replace with this: return (int*)GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices(m_pgrnMeshBindingTemp); Search for this: m_pgrnMeshDeformer = GrannyNewMeshDeformer(pgrnInputType, pgrnOutputType, GrannyDeformPositionNormal); Replace with this: m_pgrnMeshDeformer = GrannyNewMeshDeformer(pgrnInputType, pgrnOutputType, GrannyDeformPositionNormal, GrannyAllowUncopiedTail); ----- Open ModelInstanceUpdate.cpp. Search for this: GrannyUpdateModelMatrix(m_pgrnModelInstance, fSecondsElapsed, (const float *) pMatrix, (float *) pMatrix); Replace with this: GrannyUpdateModelMatrix(m_pgrnModelInstance, fSecondsElapsed, (const float *) pMatrix, (float *) pMatrix, false); ----- Open Material.cpp. Search for this: granny_variant twoSideResult = GrannyFindMatchingMember(pgrnMaterial->ExtendedData.Type, pgrnMaterial->ExtendedData.Object, "Two-sided"); if (NULL != twoSideResult.Type) GrannyConvertSingleObject(twoSideResult.Type, twoSideResult.Object, TwoSidedFieldType, &twoSided); Replace with this: granny_variant twoSideResult; if (GrannyFindMatchingMember(pgrnMaterial->ExtendedData.Type, pgrnMaterial->ExtendedData.Object, "Two-sided", &twoSideResult) && NULL != twoSideResult.Type) GrannyConvertSingleObject(twoSideResult.Type, twoSideResult.Object, TwoSidedFieldType, &twoSided, NULL); ----- Open ModelInstanceModel.cpp Search for this: return GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices(m_vct_pgrnMeshBinding[iMeshBinding]); Replace with this: return (int*)GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices(m_vct_pgrnMeshBinding[iMeshBinding]); ----- Navigate to the UserInterface project. Open UserInterface.cpp. Search for this (it's at the end of the file): static void GrannyError(granny_log_message_type Type, granny_log_message_origin Origin, char const *Error, void *UserData) { TraceError("GRANNY: %s", Error); } Replace with this: static void GrannyError(granny_log_message_type Type, granny_log_message_origin Origin, char const* File, granny_int32x Line, char const *Error, void *UserData) { TraceError("GRANNY: %s", Error); } Now rebuild the whole project! 3. Step: Go to the folder where we unziped the things of the first step and go to the lib folder. Copy the granny2.dll into your main client directory. Now you're finished and you have Granny 2.9. I hope this guide helped you! Special Thanks to Cryfact! Regards
    1 point
  2. Hi guys. Two weeks ago I've recorded a video to show you how to compile TorrentPatch from mainline_released. Everything is on a video, I've also added english subtitles. I used Visual Studio 2008 with SP 1 to compile it. I'd be grateful if you could subscribe and share this video. Have fun.
    1 point
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