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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi m2dev, I release my modifications of game core. 0x01.) Here are "some" new questfunctions to you ^^ If either of them is already public I'm sorry but these works perfectly. A short list of them: * Item module: - get_flag | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_wearflag | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_antiflag | Return: Integer | Args: None - has_antiflag | Return: Boolean | Args: int Antiflag - get_refine_set | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_limit | Return: Table1 | Args: byte LimitIndex[0..1] - get_apply | Return: Table1 | Args: byte ApplyIndex[0..2] - get_applies | Return: Table2 | Args: None - get_refine_materials | Return: Table3 | Args: None - get_addon_type | Return: Integer | Args: None - dec | Return: Nil | Args: None or byte Count - inc | Return: Nil | Args: None or byte Count - add_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - get_attribute | Return: Table1 | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..4] - set_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..4], byte AttrType[1..94], short AttrValue[-32768..32767] - change_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - add_rare_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - get_rare_attribute | Return: Table1 | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..1] - set_rare_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..1], byte AttrType[1..94], short AttrValue[-32768..32767] - change_rare_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - equip | Return: Boolean | Args: byte EquipCell[0..32] - set_count | Return: Nil | Args: byte/short Count(short with increased item stack number) Returning item table-structures: Table1 = { -- Type, Value 1, 2000 } Table2 = { -- [idx] = {Type, Value} -- Triton sword+9: [0] = { 7, 30 }, [1] = { 22, 12 }, [2] = { 17, 12 } } Table3 = { -- Poison sword+8(refineSet:27): material_count = 2, materials = { -- { Vnum, Count } { 30091, 2 }, { 27994, 1 } }, cost = 150000, prob = 10, } * NPC module: - get_level | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_name | Return: String | Args: None - get_type | Return: Byte | Args: None - get_rank | Return: Byte | Args: None - is_metin | Return: Boolean | Args: None - is_boss | Return: Boolean | Args: None - show_effect_on_target | Return: Boolean | Args: string EffectRealPath - get_ip | Return: String | Args: None - get_client_version | Return: String | Args: None - get_job | Return: Byte | Args: None - get_pid | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_exp | Return: Long | Args: None * PC module: - get_mount_vnum | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_point | Return: Integer | Args: byte PointNumber - get_real_point | Return: Integer | Args: byte PointNumber - show_effect | Return: Boolean | Args: string EffectRealPath - disconnect_with_delay | Return: Nil | Args: int Delay - get_max_level | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_ip | Return: String | Args: None - get_client_version | Return: String | Args: None - kill | Return: Nil | Args: None * Game module: - drop_item_and_select | Return: Nil | Args: int Vnum, byte/short Count=1, bool HasOwnership=false, short OwnershipTime=180 Example call: game.drop_item_and_select(19, 1, true, 30); item.set_attribute(0, apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 10) * Pet module: - is_mine | Return: Boolean | Args: None * Global: - purge_vid | Return: Nil | Args: int Vid Here are the codes: questlua_item.cpp questlua_npc.cpp questlua_pc.cpp questlua_game.cpp questlua_pet.cpp questlua_global.cpp 0x02.) Two GM commands: - "/kill_all" -> Kill all players inside your view-range/horizon - "/drop_item" -> Drop an item from arg1, or drop all items from range(arg1, arg2) Commands: Clientside version of kill_all: 0x03.) refine_proto reloading without server restart. Extend your "/reload Proto" command with the refine_proto reloading with this code parts: - Open your db/src/ClientManager.cpp file and replace your "void CClientManager::QUERY_RELOAD_PROTO()" function to this: void CClientManager::QUERY_RELOAD_PROTO() { if (!InitializeTables()) { sys_err("QUERY_RELOAD_PROTO: cannot load tables"); return; } for (TPeerList::iterator i = m_peerList.begin(); i != m_peerList.end(); ++i) { CPeer * tmp = *i; if (!tmp->GetChannel()) continue; tmp->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_RELOAD_PROTO, 0, sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TSkillTable) * m_vec_skillTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TBanwordTable) * m_vec_banwordTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TItemTable) * m_vec_itemTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TMobTable) * m_vec_mobTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TRefineTable) * m_iRefineTableSize); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_skillTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_skillTable[0], sizeof(TSkillTable) * m_vec_skillTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_banwordTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_banwordTable[0], sizeof(TBanwordTable) * m_vec_banwordTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_itemTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_itemTable[0], sizeof(TItemTable) * m_vec_itemTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_mobTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_mobTable[0], sizeof(TMobTable) * m_vec_mobTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_iRefineTableSize); tmp->Encode(m_pRefineTable, sizeof(TRefineTable) * m_iRefineTableSize); } } - Then open game/src/refine.cpp and replace this function: "bool CRefineManager::Initialize(TRefineTable * table, int size)" to this: bool CRefineManager::Initialize(TRefineTable * table, int size) { if (!m_map_RefineRecipe.empty()) m_map_RefineRecipe.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++table) { sys_log(0, "REFINE %d prob %d cost %d", table->id, table->prob, table->cost); m_map_RefineRecipe.insert(std::make_pair(table->id, *table)); } sys_log(0, "REFINE: COUNT %d", m_map_RefineRecipe.size()); return true; } - If you are done with these, open game/src/input_db.cpp and extend this event "void CInputDB::ReloadProto(const char * c_pData)" with this: /* * REFINE */ wSize = decode_2bytes(c_pData); c_pData += 2; sys_log(0, "RELOAD: REFINE: %d", wSize); if (wSize) { CRefineManager::instance().Initialize((TRefineTable *) c_pData, wSize); c_pData += wSize * sizeof(TRefineTable); } - Done. 0x04.) kill quest trigger fix (when kill / when race.kill) With this change you can use every kill methods with mobs and players and runs by once per kills. Examples: when 101.kill begin -> Works when you are killing Wild dogs. when kill begin -> Works with mobs and players too. when kill with npc.is_pc() begin -> Works with players only. when kill with npc.is_pc() == false begin -> Works with monsters only. when kill with npc.get_race() == 102 begin -> Works when you hunt Wolf. I tested with these codes: when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then chat("kill pc") end if npc.get_race() > 100 then chat("kill by race: "..tostring(npc.race)) end end when kill with npc.is_pc() begin chat("kill with npc.is_pc") end when kill with npc.get_race() == 102 begin chat("kill with npc.get_race 102") end when 101.kill begin chat("101.kill") end Follow these steps to fix it: - Open game/src/questmanager.h and search for this: "void Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc);" replace to: "void Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc, unsigned int pc2 = 0);" - Save&Close, open game/src/questmanager.cpp and search this function: "void CQuestManager::Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc)" - and replace to this: void CQuestManager::Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc, unsigned int pc2) { //m_CurrentNPCRace = npc; PC * pPC; sys_log(0, "CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=%d, npc=%d, pc2=%d)", pc, npc, pc2); if ((pPC = GetPC(pc))) { if (!CheckQuestLoaded(pPC)) return; /* [hyo] ¸÷ kill˝Ă Áßşą Ä«żîĆĂ ŔĚ˝´ °ü·ĂÇŃ ĽöÁ¤»çÇ× quest scriptżˇ when 171.kill begin ... µîŔÇ ÄÚµĺ·Î ŔÎÇĎż© ˝şĹ©¸łĆ®°ˇ Ăł¸®µÇľú´ő¶óµµ ąŮ·Î returnÇĎÁö ľĘ°í ´Ů¸Ą °Ë»çµµ ĽöÇŕÇϵµ·Ď şŻ°ćÇÔ. (2011/07/21) */ // call script if (npc > 0 && pc2 == 0) m_mapNPC[npc].OnKill(*pPC); LPCHARACTER ch = GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); LPPARTY pParty = ch->GetParty(); LPCHARACTER leader = pParty ? pParty->GetLeaderCharacter() : ch; if (leader) { m_pCurrentPartyMember = ch; if (m_mapNPC[npc].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID()))) return; pPC = GetPC(pc); } LPCHARACTER victim = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindByPID(pc2); if (victim && victim->IsPC() && m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnKill(*pPC)) return; else if (m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnKill(*pPC)) return; if (leader) { m_pCurrentPartyMember = ch; m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID())); } } else sys_err("QUEST: no such pc id : %d", pc); } - Save&Close, open game/src/char_battle.cpp and search this call: "quest::CQuestManager::instance().Kill(pkKiller->GetPlayerID(), quest::QUEST_NO_NPC)" - and replace to this: "quest::CQuestManager::instance().Kill(pkKiller->GetPlayerID(), quest::QUEST_NO_NPC, GetPlayerID());" - Done. 0x05.) ImmuneBug fix. I know there are some fixes but this is a working solution.. Everything inside two functions into item.cpp file by names: "CItem::EquipTo" and "CItem::Unequip". Every two functions are containing this sh*!&t: DWORD dwImmuneFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < WEAR_MAX_NUM; ++i) if (m_pOwner->GetWear(i)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, m_pOwner->GetWear(i)->m_pProto->dwImmuneFlag); m_pOwner->SetImmuneFlag(dwImmuneFlag); Hm, you have to replace those to this: DWORD dwImmuneFlag = 0; LPITEM item = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < WEAR_MAX_NUM; ++i) { if (item=m_pOwner->GetWear(i)) { if (item->GetImmuneFlag() != 0) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, item->GetImmuneFlag()); if (item->GetAttributeCount() > 0) { if (item->HasAttr(APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, IMMUNE_STUN); if (item->HasAttr(APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, IMMUNE_SLOW); if (item->HasAttr(APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, IMMUNE_FALL); } } } m_pOwner->SetImmuneFlag(dwImmuneFlag); - Done. 0x06.) Finished uiQuest.py selection by keyboard-usage with "Next" and "Prev" buttons. Test-example: when 9010.chat."TEST selection pages" begin local sTab = { "01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10", "11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20", "Exit"--to make exit by Escape key } local s=select_table(sTab) if s==table.getn(sTab) then return end chat("You'r choice: sTab["..tostring(s).."] -> "..sTab[s]) end Here you can download the full uiquest.py file from my client: Download 0x07.) Little SQL-Script: SELECT log.log.time AS "When", player.player.`name` AS Who, log.log.how AS WhatDid, log.log.what AS ItemID, log.log.vnum AS ItemVnum, player.item_proto.locale_name AS ItemName, player.item.count AS Count, player.item.Socket0, player.item.Socket1, player.item.Socket2, player.item.AttrType0, player.item.AttrValue0, player.item.AttrType1, player.item.AttrValue1, player.item.AttrType2, player.item.AttrValue2, player.item.AttrType3, player.item.AttrValue3, player.item.AttrType4, player.item.AttrValue4, player.item.AttrType5, player.item.AttrValue5, player.item.AttrType6, player.item.AttrValue6 FROM log.log INNER JOIN player.player ON log.log.who = player.player.id INNER JOIN player.item ON log.log.what = player.item.id INNER JOIN player.item_proto ON log.log.vnum = player.item_proto.vnum WHERE log.how in ("EXCHANGE_GIVE", "EXCHANGE_TAKE", "DROP", "SAFEBOX PUT", "SAFEBOX GET", "DEAD_DROP") AND player.`name` = "Xeriesey"; * You have to give a name where you can see Xeriesey ^-^ Result of query: I hope you like it. If you have any questions or find an error/mistake, just post a message into this thread and I will try to make answer when I'll be online. ps.: Sorry for my bad English. "(" + "c" + ")" == © -> F**k Changelog: - 2014.09.22. 16:29 / 04:29 PM ~ Added forgotten include to questlua_npc.cpp. - 2014.09.22. 16:48 / 04:48 PM ~ Added more forgotten things :S - 2014.09.27. 13:08 / 01:08 PM ~ SQL syntax fix With Regards, P3NG3R
    1 point
  2. What an executable packer does is running a compression algorithm on the original executable and generate a new executable which will uncompress it on runtime and setup the process environment so you'll run it, depending on how large and how optimized this algorithm is your mileage may vary but it might very well decrease the total size. This is what software like UPX does and to counter this you might either reverse engineer how the compressed payload is uncompressed and do it yourself, intercept the process procedures at runtime right after it is uncompressed but before the process environment is all changed and dump it from memory or dump the final state of the process and rebuild some of its (potentially) damaged sections. Now, probably you're also up to code virtualisation on top of that, which will allow you to store the actual instructions in a byte array as data and run it through a VM that will interpret it, to counter this you'll have to try a little harder. You can't simply decompile a portable executable file, that doesn't make sense, code is interpreted and turned into assembly by a compiler and there's no real reliable way to go back from that, it's just not how it works. Additionally, you should be specifically careful since there's red flags on the executable pointing towards a Ramnit malicious payload, this is a PE Infector virus that once on a machine will search for portable executable files, append a new malicious section and replace their Entry Point to run that malicious section. This will effectively ruin all your programs and there's no coming back from that, so I suggest you do not open that ever. Also, fuck off for bashing an upcoming reverse engineer, you guys are cancer and a shame to the free Internet.
    1 point
  3. [Hidden Content] i forget about one "=" sign check now
    1 point
  4. Just download the metin2_patch_easter1 from the link of Kaba and you can fint it in /ymir work/npc_mount/chick [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  5. in the future past code in english not mixed with portuguese ;p in while loop you are displaying button with onclick function but the first argument i guess have to be unical and it's not so you ALWAYS pass to javascript function "confirmacao(escolhida,id,preco)" the same first argument i have added counter, so now every html select have unique id which is passing to javascript function [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  6. open char.cpp find after that you will see change it to what fit you
    1 point
  7. Mark solved. Thank you!
    1 point
  8. quest metin5 begin state start begin when 8001.kill begin local lvlmin= 1 local lvlmax= 10 local reward1 = 50300 local item_table = { 11202 , 11402 , 11602 , 11802 , 21002 } local Irandom = number(1,table.getn(item_table) ) local reward2 = item_table[Irandom] if pc.level >=lvlmin and pc.level <=lvlmax then local r1=number(1, 5) if r1>=2 then game.drop_item_with_ownership(reward1, 1) end local r2=number(1, 3) if r2>=2 then local quantity = number(1,5) local i for i=1,quantity,1 do Irandom = number(1,table.getn(item_table) ) game.drop_item_with_ownership(item_table[Irandom], 1) end end end end end end Try this... now you will drop different item
    1 point
  9. Good But you can still use my version quest akapo_map begin state start begin when enter begin if pc.get_map_index() == 103 then if pc.getqf("enter_time") <= get_time() then say_title("Information:") say("One hour passed. [ENTER][ENTER] You will be teleported to village soon.") wait() pc.setqf("enter_time", 0) warp_to_village() end end end when 20090.chat."Akapo Map (Lvl. 95)" begin say_title(mob_name(20090)..":") ----"01234567890123456789012345678901234567890" if pc.get_level() >= 95 then say("Do you really want to warp to[ENTER]Akapo Map?") say("") local s = select("Yes", "No") if s == 2 then return elseif s == 1 then say_title(mob_name(20090)..":") say("You will warp for a moment.[ENTER][ENTER]Please be carefull.") wait() set_state(warp_to_map) end else say("You must have at least 95 level.") say("Akapo Map isn't made for noobs.") end end end state warp_to_map begin when enter begin pc.setqf("enter_time", get_time() + 60 * 60) pc.warp(45600, 45600) loop_timer('check_time', 1 * 30) -- one time per 30 seconds end when check_time.timer begin if pc.getqf("enter_time") <= get_time() then set_state(start) end end when login begin if pc.getqf("enter_time") <= get_time() then set_state(start) end loop_timer('check_time', 1 * 30) end when 20090.chat."Return to Akapo" begin say_title(mob_name(20090)..":") say2("I'll teleport you soon.[ENTER][ENTER]Please be carefull.") pc.warp(45600, 45600) end end end
    1 point
  10. Okay devs, I end the quest with correct times and no bugs. Thanks for help. quest event1 begin state start begin when 20090.chat."Akapo Map (LVL.95)" begin if pc.getqf("24h") == 0 then pc.setqf("akapo2223",get_time()+3600) pc.warp(45600,45600) elseif pc.getqf("24h") == 2 then pc.warp(45600,45600) elseif pc.getqf("access666")< get_time() then pc.setqf("akapo2223",get_time()+3600) pc.warp(45600,45600) elseif pc.getqf("access666")> get_time() then akapotim3 = pc.getqf("access666")-get_time() say("You have to wait "..akapotim3.." seconds to enter.") elseif pc.get_level() < 95 then say_title("Heuk-Young") say("You need to be at level 95.") say("Akapo Map not made for noobs.") end end when login with pc.get_map_index() == 103 begin if pc.getqf("akapo2223") < get_time() then warp_to_village() else akapotime = pc.getqf("akapo2223")-get_time() say("You have "..akapotime.." seconds. ") timer("exit",pc.getqf("akapo2223")-get_time()) pc.setqf("24h", 2) end end when exit.timer begin warp_to_village() pc.setqf("24h", 22) pc.setqf("access666",get_time()+86400) end end end
    1 point
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