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Load Aura Effects at Startup

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Hello everyone.

In this small guide I'm gonna show you how to load the new Aura effects in automatically from the item_list.txt


1.0.) Open GameLib/ItemData.h
1.1.) Add this anywhere into the class CItemData as public (recommended below of the enums there)

		enum EAuraMisc

1.2.) Add the followings at the bottom of the class CItemData:

		DWORD m_dwAuraEffectID;
		void SetAuraEffectID(const char* szAuraEffectPath);
		DWORD GetAuraEffectID() const { return m_dwAuraEffectID; }

2.0.) Open GameLib/ItemData.cpp
2.1.) Add the following code at the top of the file where the includes are:

	#include "../EffectLib/EffectManager.h"

2.2.) Paste this new function anywhere you want:

void CItemData::SetAuraEffectID(const char* szAuraEffectPath)
	if (szAuraEffectPath)
		CEffectManager::Instance().RegisterEffect2(szAuraEffectPath, &m_dwAuraEffectID);

2.2.) Last put this code into the CItemData::Clear function:

	m_dwAuraEffectID = 0;

3.0.) Open GameLib/ItemManager.cpp
3.1.) Edit your LoadItemScale function like this way: (I do not know how your look like so you must change a bit probably depends how your code looks like)

		CItemData* pItemData = MakeItemData(dwItemVNum);
		BYTE bGradeMax = CItemData::SASH_GRADE_MAX_NUM;
		if (pItemData->GetType() == CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME && pItemData->GetSubType() == CItemData::COSTUME_AURA)
			bGradeMax = CItemData::AURA_GRADE_MAX_NUM;
		for (int i = 0; i < bGradeMax; ++i)
		for (int i = 0; i < CItemData::SASH_GRADE_MAX_NUM; ++i)
			pItemData = MakeItemData(dwItemVNum + i);
			if (pItemData)
				pItemData->SetItemTableScaleData(byJob, bySex, xScale, yScale, zScale, xPosScale, yPosScale, zPosScale);

3.2.) In the LoadItemList function find this:

			if (4 == TokenVector.size())
				const std::string& c_rstrModelFileName = TokenVector[3];
				pItemData->SetDefaultItemData(c_rstrIcon.c_str(), c_rstrModelFileName.c_str());

3.3.) And replace it with this one:

			if (4 == TokenVector.size())
				if (!strcmp(c_rstrType.c_str(), "AURA"))
					const std::string& c_rstrAuraEffectFileName = TokenVector[3];
					const std::string& c_rstrModelFileName = TokenVector[3];
					pItemData->SetDefaultItemData(c_rstrIcon.c_str(), c_rstrModelFileName.c_str());
				const std::string& c_rstrModelFileName = TokenVector[3];
				pItemData->SetDefaultItemData(c_rstrIcon.c_str(), c_rstrModelFileName.c_str());

I am not gonna release more of this system, anyway I haven't reversed yet completely, but if you wanna see, how to attach the effect to your character when you equip the item here is an example:

bool CInstanceBase::SetAura(DWORD eAura)
	if (!IsPC() || IsPoly() || __IsShapeAnimalWear())
		return false;

	m_GraphicThingInstance.ChangePart(CRaceData::PART_AURA, eAura);
	if (!eAura)
		if (m_auraRefineEffect)
			m_auraRefineEffect = 0;
		m_adwPart[CRaceData::PART_AURA] = 0;
		return true;

	CItemData* pItemData;
	if (!CItemManager::Instance().GetItemDataPointer(eAura, &pItemData))
		if (m_auraRefineEffect)
			m_auraRefineEffect = 0;
		m_adwPart[CRaceData::PART_AURA] = 0;
		return true;

	BYTE byRace = (BYTE)GetRace();
	BYTE byJob = (BYTE)RaceToJob(byRace);
	BYTE bySex = (BYTE)RaceToSex(byRace);

	D3DXVECTOR3 scalePos = pItemData->GetItemScalePosition(byJob, bySex);
	if (IsMountingHorseOnly() && byJob != NRaceData::JOB_WOLFMAN)
		scalePos.z += 15.0f;

	m_auraRefineEffect = m_GraphicThingInstance.AttachEffectByID(NULL, "Bip01 Spine2", pItemData->GetAuraEffectID(), NULL, 0, FALSE, pItemData->GetItemScale(byJob, bySex).z, &scalePos);
	m_adwPart[CRaceData::PART_AURA] = eAura;

	return true;


Oh, yes. There are some of argument mistmatches because of the scaling and repositioning of the effects, what you can just delete.
Have fun with it ;)

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Very nice thank you!

All other work fine, but there is something missing on "m_auraRefineEffect = m_GraphicThingInstance.AttachEffectByID(NULL, "Bip01 Spine2", pItemData->GetAuraEffectID(), NULL, 0, FALSE, pItemData->GetItemScale(byJob, bySex).z, &scalePos);"

Could you maybe Paste AttachEffectByID changes there?
Best regards!

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