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The client can't support chinese character?

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I googled translate this but if we insert it on the client it would look like this.


The client doesn't support UTF-8, this is why every local have its own encode.


"English" : ["1252", "sg"],

"Italian" : ["1252", "it"],

"Spanish" : ["1252", "es"],

"Portuguese": ["1252", "pt"],

"German" : ["1252", "de"],

"Turkish" : ["1254", "tr"],

"Romanian" : ["852", "ro"],

"Polish" : ["1250", "pl"],

We currently support these encodes, but PL TR and Ro have some issues with certain letters such as:


which were just translated as A and I otherwise you would see gibberish in their place. In the case of Chinese, every letter becomes gibberish once encoded using chinese characters.


The client can't support chinese character? But why there were some servers which provided Chinese , how can we do that..  Thank you very much.




  • Metin2 Dev 1
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Tahoma codepages:


Code pages  
1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1256 Arabic
1257 Windows Baltic
1258 Vietnamese
874 Thai
Mac Roman Macintosh Character Set (US Roman)
862 Hebrew
860 MS-DOS Portuguese
437 US

If you want to use chinese characters you have to find a font with chinese code page included in it.
Link: 939 codepage [Wikipedia]

UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE = "掉葡羹:16"
UI_DEF_FONT = "掉葡羹:12"

from chinese Metin2 client

  • Metin2 Dev 1

I completely abandoned working on the files for this game. I do not respond to private messages.


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On 6/8/2019 at 7:00 PM, Nirray said:

Tahoma codepages:

If you want to use chinese characters you have to find a font with chinese code page included in it.
Link: 939 codepage [Wikipedia]

UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE = "掉葡羹:16"
UI_DEF_FONT = "掉葡羹:12"

from chinese Metin2 client



On 6/10/2019 at 1:19 AM, Torres said:


If you want to display Chinese correctly, you have to use locale_newcibn or locale_cibn10,

In locale_game:




Code 936, character set gb2312

If you want to display both Chinese and English, this scheme is the best. This is my screenshot



but PL TR and Ro have some issues with certain letters such as:


which were just translated as A and I otherwise we would see gibberish in their place.


In the case of Chinese, every letter becomes gibberish once encoded using chinese characters.


how can we solve this if we don't wanna remove turk or romanian to make Chinese available. ?

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49 minutes ago, gunz7 said:




but PL TR and Ro have some issues with certain letters such as:


which were just translated as A and I otherwise we would see gibberish in their place.


In the case of Chinese, every letter becomes gibberish once encoded using chinese characters.


how can we solve this if we don't wanna remove turk or romanian to make Chinese available. ?

[Bold text]:


You can "force" client codepage by using "@" sign
I'm using tahoma in my client and it doesn't have 936 codepage so I've tested it on korean 949 one.


There's a function in game source (serverside) to force 949 codepage when server cannot find it in config

const char * locale_find(const char *string)
	if (0 == g_iUseLocale || LC_IsKorea() || LC_IsWE_Korea())
		return (string);

	LocaleStringMapType::const_iterator iter = localeString.find( string );

	if( iter == localeString.end() )
		static char s_line[1024] = "@0949";
		strlcpy(s_line + 5, string, sizeof(s_line) - 5);

		sys_err("LOCALE_ERROR: \"%s\";", string);
		return s_line;

	return iter->second.c_str();


Also remember that your locale_game.txt and locale_interface.txt in locale must have chinese encoding


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
  • Metin2 Dev 1

I completely abandoned working on the files for this game. I do not respond to private messages.


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