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[Shaman]Bug Heal Skill USE_SKILL: 109 pkVictim 0x0

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18 godzin temu, displayjokes napisał:

i'm not sure about this, but can you copy the line with the skill (109 usually it's healing) from locale > your language > skilltable.txt ?



1	»ďż¬Âü	1	1	1	0	HP	-(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k)	40+100*k			12			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	5	1	0	200
2	ĆČąćÇłżě	1	1	1	0	HP	-(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k)	50+130*k			15			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	12	1	0	200
3	Ŕü±ÍČĄ	1	1	1	0	ATT_SPEED	50*k	50+140*k	60+90*k		63+90*k			SELFONLY	14	MOV_SPEED	20*k	60+90*k	14	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
4	°Ë°ć	1	1	1	0	ATT_GRADE	(100+str+lv*3)*k	100+200*k	30+50*k		33+50*k			SELFONLY	15	NONE			15	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
16	±â°řÂü	1	1	1	0	HP	-(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k)	60+120*k			15			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	4	1	0	100
17	°Ý»ęŸżě	1	1	1	0	HP	-(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k)	60+150*k			15			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	8	1	0	200
18	´ëÁř°˘	1	1	1	0	HP	-(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k)	50+140*k			25			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN		NONE	100+k*1000/6	2		0	0	MELEE	10	1	0	400
19	õ±ŮĂß	1	1	1	0	DEF_GRADE	(200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k	80+220*k	60+90*k		63+90*k			SELFONLY	16	MOV_SPEED	-(1+9*k)	60+90*k	16	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
47	°ü°ÝĽú	2	1	1	0	HP	-(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8	30+130*k			18			ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	RANGE	8	1	2500	0
48	Č­Á¶ĆÄ	2	1	1	0	HP	-(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k)	50+130*k			25			ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	RANGE	12	0.6	2500	300
46	ż¬»ç	2	1	1	0	HP	-(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k)	40+130*k			15			ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	RANGE	1	1	2500	0
49	°ć°řĽú	2	1	1	0	MOV_SPEED	60*k	30+40*k	15+30*k		30+30*k			SELFONLY	17	NONE			17	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
31	ľĎ˝Ŕ	2	1	1	0	HP	-(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k)	40+160*k			15			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	6	0.8	0	0
32	±Ă˝ĹĹşżµ	2	1	1	0	HP	-(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k)	40+160*k			20			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	6	0.8	800	0
33	Â÷·ű»ě	2	1	1	0	HP	-(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k)	50+140*k			25			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON		NONE	40*k			0	0	MELEE	12	0.8	0	0
34	ŔşÇüąý	2	1	1	0	NONE		30+60*k	15+30*k		60			SELFONLY	18	NONE			18	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
76	¸¶·É	3	1	1	0	HP	-(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k)	30+140*k			7			ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	5	0.6	1500	200
77	Č­ż°Ćř	3	1	1	0	HP	-(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k)	60+140*k			12			ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	15	0.8	0	500
78	ą«żµÁř	3	1	1	0	HP	-(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k)	20+30*k	40+30*k	5+40*k	43+30*k			ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	1	1	800	0
80	ĹőĽÓ¸¶·É	3	1	1	0	HP	-(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k)	40+120*k			12			ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW		NONE	333+300*k	10+10*k		0	0	MAGIC	9	0.8	1200	400
61	Ľâ·ÉÁö	3	1	1	0	HP	-(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k)	30+140*k			10			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE		NONE	1+k*9			0	0	MELEE	4	1	0	0
62	żë±ÇĆÄ	3	1	1	0	HP	-(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k)	50+150*k			15			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING		NONE	1+k*9			0	0	MELEE	12	1	0	500
63	±Í°Ë	3	1	1	0	ATT_GRADE	(3*iq+2*lv)*k	20+240*k	50+100*k	2+23*k	0			SELFONLY,TOGGLE	19	HIT_HP_RECOVER	10*k	50+80*k	19	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
64	°řĆ÷	3	1	1	0	DODGE	1+29*k	60+120*k	60+100*k		100			SELFONLY	20	NONE			20	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
65	ÁÖ¸¶°©	3	1	1	0	DEF_GRADE	(iq+30)*k	70+170*k	30+120*k		33+140*k			SELFONLY	21	REFLECT_MELEE	(iq/4+10)*k	30+120*k	21	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	0	0
92	żëĆÄ»ę	4	1	1	0	HP	-(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k)	50+160*k			8			ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT		NONE	lv+5*iq*k	iq*0.2*k		0	0	MAGIC	10	0.8	0	0
93	ĆĐ·ćĆř	4	1	1	0	HP	-(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k)	50+160*k			20			ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT		NONE	lv+5*iq*k	iq*0.2*k		0	0	MAGIC	15	0.8	0	500
94	ČŁ˝Ĺ	4	1	1	0	RESIST_NORMAL	(iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5)	40+160*k	60+200*k		10				22	NONE			22	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	800	0
95	ąÝ»ç	4	1	1	0	REFLECT_MELEE	5+(iq*0.3+5)*k	40+160*k	60+200*k		10				23	NONE			23	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	1000	0
106	łúŔü·É	4	1	1	0	HP	-(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k)	30+150*k			7			ATTACK,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	5	0.6	1800	200
107	ş­¶ô	4	1	1	0	HP	-(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k)	50+150*k			15			ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN		NONE	50+1000*k/6	5		0	0	MAGIC	15	0.8	1500	400
108	Ćř·Ú°Ý	4	1	1	0	HP	-(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13)	40+180*k			10			ATTACK		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	7	0.8	2500	0
109	Á¤ľ÷ŔÎ	4	1	1	0	HP	200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k	40+200*k			10			REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT		NONE	20+80*k	0		0	0	NORMAL	1	1	1000	0
110	ÄčĽÓ	4	1	1	0	MOV_SPEED	5+35*k	60+120*k	60+100*k		10				24	CASTING_SPEED	3+33*k	60+100*k	24	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	1000	0
79	Čć˝ĹĽöČŁ	3	1	1	0	DEF_GRADE	(0.5*iq+15)*k	20+30*k	60+120*k	5+10*k	63+120*k			SELFONLY,TOGGLE	25	MANASHIELD	100-((iq*0.84)*k)	60+120*k	25	0	0	MAGIC	1	0.8	0	0
157	ÁÖą®Ľú	0	1	7	0	CASTING_SPEED	50*k	150+150*k	180		480			SELFONLY		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
156	żë˝ĹŔǺгë	0	1	7	0	CRITICAL	50*k	150+150*k	180		480			SELFONLY		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
155	°ˇĽÓČ­	0	1	7	0	MOV_SPEED	15*k	150+150*k	180		480					ATT_SPEED	15*k	180		0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
154	ĽşČÖ°©	0	1	7	0	DEF_GRADE	odef*0.1*k	150+150*k	180		480					NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
153	żë˝ĹŔÇĂŕşą	0	1	7	0	MAX_SP	maxsp*0.2*k	150+150*k	300		600					NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
151	żëľČ	0	1	7	0	NONE										NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
91	şńĆÄşÎ	4	1	1	0	HP	-(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k)	30+160*k			7			ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	5	0.5	1800	201
5	źȯ°Ý	1	1	1	0	HP	-(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k)	60+120*k			12			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH		MOV_SPEED	150	3		0	0	MELEE	4	1	0	200
20	°ËÇł	1	1	1	0	HP	-(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k)	40+120*k			20			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	10	0.5	1200	200
35	»ę°řşĐ	2	1	1	0	HP	-(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k)	40+130*k			25			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON		NONE	60*k	5+25*k		0	0	MAGIC	0	0.5	800	200
50	µ¶±â±Ă	2	1	1	0	HP	-(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)	40+160*k			25			ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON		NONE	80*k	15+30*k		0	0	RANGE	12	0.5	2500	300
66	ĆÄąýĽú	3	1	1	0	HP	-(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k)	30+120*k			12			ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT		NONE	10+40*k	7+23*k		0	0	NORMAL	5	0.6	1800	200
81	¸¶ČŻ°Ý	3	1	1	0	HP	-(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k)	80+220*k			24			ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MAGIC	9	0.4	1500	200
96	±âõ´ë°ř	4	1	1	0	CRITICAL	(iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5)	40+160*k	60+100*k		10				29	NONE			29	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	1000	0
111	Áő·ÂĽú	4	1	1	0	ATT_GRADE	5+(iq*0.2+15)*k	60+120*k	60+100*k		10				30	NONE			30	0	0	NORMAL	1	1	1000	0
126	˝ĹĽöľî	0	1	20	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
122	ż¬°č±â	0	1	2	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
121	ĹëĽÖ·Â	0	1	40	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
125	şŻ˝Ĺ	0	1	40	0	NONE			10+1000*k						0	NONE			0	0	0	NORMAL	0	1	1000	0
127	õÁ¶ľî	0	1	20	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
128	Ářłëľî	0	1	20	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
158	±ćµĺŔ̵ż	0	1	3	0	NONE								SELFONLY		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
159	°ř°ŁŔÇą®	0	1	5	0	NONE								SELFONLY		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
160	°ˇĽÓČ­	0	1	5	0	NONE	3*k	80-12*k	300					SELFONLY		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
161	°ř°ŁŔÇą®	0	1	2	0	NONE		50								NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
162	°ř°ŁŔ̵ż	0	1	2	0	NONE		20								NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
256	CRUSH200˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				2			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	300
257	ŔϹݹüŔ§350˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				5			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	525
258	CRUSH300˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				7			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	450
259	ŔϹݹüŔ§200˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				9			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	300
260	CURSH400˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				10			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	600
261	µ¶250˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				9			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON		NONE	80			0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	375
262	SLOW300˝şĹł	0	1	1	0	HP	-5*k*atk				12			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH		MOV_SPEED	-20	10		0	0	MELEE	0	1	0	450
130	˝Â¸¶	0	1	1	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
137	ł­ą«	5	1	1	50	HP	-(atk+(2*atk*k))	60+80*k			5-(4*k)			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	10	1	300	0
138	µą°Ý	5	1	1	52	HP	-(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k))	60+120*k			15			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG		MOV_SPEED	50	5		0	0	MELEE	6	1	400	100
139	Ĺ»Ăâ	5	1	1	55	HP	-(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k))	60+160*k			20			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH		NONE				0	0	MELEE	12	1	400	250
140	ł­ą«(Č°)	5	1	1	50	HP	-(atk+(2*atk*k))	60+80*k			10			ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH		NONE				0	0		5	1	2500	0
131	¸»ĽŇČŻ	0	1	10	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
124	䱤Ľú	0	1	40	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
152	żë˝ĹŔÇÇÇ	0	1	7	0	MAX_HP	maxhp*0.2*k	150+150*k	300		600					NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0
129	µĐ°©Ľú	0	1	40	0	NONE								DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP		NONE				0	0	NORMAL	0	1	0	0


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  • 3 months later...

I'm in the club too, facing the same issue.

I managed to resolve the issue by editing the file "locale/skilldesc.txt" in the row referring to the skill number 109 (healing), replacing "STANDING_SKILL" with "STANDING_SKILL|CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE".

Then, in the database, I emptied the "setFlag" field referring to that 109 skill in "player/skill_proto".

EDIT: As @Syreldar mentioned above, make sure that in "player/skill_proto" the "setFlag"  field referring to that 109 skill is populated with the "REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT" flag.
(Thanks to Syreldar for clarifying that: grazie.)

With this little fix, the Healing skill works just like a regular buff.




Edited by Macromango
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On modern clients, Heal, just like the other buffs, works as a PARTY-based skill.

Despite that there are many sources that still do not support the PARTY-flag, and/or there are many skill_protos without PARTY flag assigned to the respective skills.

This is the result of such "conflict".


1. If you want the skill to act like a normal buff skill (so it won't heal every member of the party when in party, but always only your target)

in locale/skilldesc.txt:



exactly as @Macromango did, but you DO NOT HAVE to empty out the setFlag in the skill_proto, because that contains REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT, and it's needed to remove debuffs on your target, not just heal it, so just remove PARTY there, if you have it.


2. If you want the skill to act like a party buff skill (so when in party it will heal all your party members and when you're not in party it will act as a normal buff skill, like official basically)

in src/skill.h:


Make sure you have the SKILL_FLAG_PARTY definition.

if you don't, you need to implement the PARTY skill system correctly.

If you do, your sources have the system implemented by default, you can proceed.


in player.skill_proto table:


Click 'Design table' and make sure the setFlag enum contains "PARTY", keep in mind that if, for example, your SKILL_FLAG_PARTY is the 28th value of the ESkillFlags enum, PARTY inside the skill_proto's setFlag enum must also be the 28th value, they need to be the very same.

This is how mine looks like for comparison:




Make sure the setFlag column value for the skill 109 is "REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT, PARTY"


Then /reload and it's done.


"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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  • 2 years later...
On 3/22/2021 at 6:56 AM, Syreldar said:

On modern clients, Heal, just like the other buffs, works as a PARTY-based skill.

Despite that there are many sources that still do not support the PARTY-flag, and/or there are many skill_protos without PARTY flag assigned to the respective skills.

This is the result of such "conflict".


1. If you want the skill to act like a normal buff skill (so it won't heal every member of the party when in party, but always only your target)

in locale/skilldesc.txt:

  Reveal hidden contents


exactly as @Macromango did, but you DO NOT HAVE to empty out the setFlag in the skill_proto, because that contains REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT, and it's needed to remove debuffs on your target, not just heal it, so just remove PARTY there, if you have it.


2. If you want the skill to act like a party buff skill (so when in party it will heal all your party members and when you're not in party it will act as a normal buff skill, like official basically)

in src/skill.h:

  Hide contents

Make sure you have the SKILL_FLAG_PARTY definition.

if you don't, you need to implement the PARTY skill system correctly.

If you do, your sources have the system implemented by default, you can proceed.


in player.skill_proto table:

  Hide contents

Click 'Design table' and make sure the setFlag enum contains "PARTY", keep in mind that if, for example, your SKILL_FLAG_PARTY is the 28th value of the ESkillFlags enum, PARTY inside the skill_proto's setFlag enum must also be the 28th value, they need to be the very same.

This is how mine looks like for comparison:



  Reveal hidden contents

Make sure the setFlag column value for the skill 109 is "REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT, PARTY"


Then /reload and it's done.

work on all shammy skills? like 94, 95, 96, 109, 110, 111???

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