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  1. Download Alternative download links → Github
  2. Because why not... Only a few changes are necessary, and the input width has remained unchanged. Preview of the Quest Width Expansion Guide Client • Srcs •
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download
  4. Download Metin2 Download [Hidden Content]
  5. Download Metin2 Download or Mega Dear Devs. Today I going to share it with you. I searched a lot on this forum, but i didnt found a working max yang increase. I downloaded it many months ago from a really old forum :D. !!!IMPORTANT!!! The "system" is NOT mine! VT link Proof image: Here you go. For the mysql part, change them like this:
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) SYSTEM : DOWLOAD VT : CLİCK
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi devs, today I will release the fix I made for the skill cooldown, already fixed on official servers, this is the bug it self: And this is the fix: Regards! Fix skill cooldown ~ Shang.rar ### root/ui.py ### Search: def SetSlotCoolTimeColor(self, slotIndex, r, g, b, a): wndMgr.SetSlotCoolTimeColor(self.hWnd, slotIndex, r, g, b, a) ### Add after: def StoreSlotCoolTime(self, key, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime = 0.0): wndMgr.StoreSlotCoolTime(self.hWnd, key, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime) def RestoreSlotCoolTime(self, key): wndMgr.RestoreSlotCoolTime(self.hWnd, key) Thanks to @Horinna for report that bug. Here's the fix: """ Find this: elif (not self.__CanUseSkillNow()) or (skillGrade != j): skillPage.SetSlotCount(realSlotIndex, 0) skillPage.DisableCoverButton(realSlotIndex) Add this under:""" skillPage.DeactivateSlot(realSlotIndex) # After the else, paste this: if player.IsSkillActive(slotIndex) and (skillGrade == j): # fix001 skillPage.ActivateSlot(realSlotIndex) # The if should look like this: if (skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT) and j == (skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1): skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) elif (not self.__CanUseSkillNow()) or (skillGrade != j): skillPage.SetSlotCount(realSlotIndex, 0) skillPage.DisableCoverButton(realSlotIndex) skillPage.DeactivateSlot(realSlotIndex) # fix else: skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) if player.IsSkillActive(slotIndex) and (skillGrade == j): # fix skillPage.ActivateSlot(realSlotIndex)
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. Download Metin2 Download The items allows you to switch the current damage & skill damage attrs in the item either to its maximium or just changing the values. The value of the event flag "e_special_attr" adds to the value of the normal hit damage, If activated. Preview: [Hidden Content] Download: MEGA Github VirusTotal
  10. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Just add \n example:
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Download Here ( MEGA ) As the title indicates, the system allows you to change the default keyboard keys. Click here to check the tutorial for adding new keys & functions. Click here for tab targeting key support.
  12. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) I know many people like me come here or try to find in another forums this select new character official.. and is just a part or is incomplete.. but i find a full version and i come here to reupload. so GL on servers. For make large description on characters / kingdoms: Check change BOX_VISIBLE_LINE_COUNT from 5 to 14 in PythonEventManager.h Thanks @Lajk Download: [Hidden Content]
  13. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, folks! With this guide you will be able to combine textlines with images, like rubinum does. Usage is simple: emojiTextLine.SetText("|Eemoji/key_ctrl|e + |Eemoji/key_x|e + |Eemoji/key_rclick|e - Direct sell") The files are located in the icon pack, so basically the code will load from icon/{GIVEN_PATH}.tga - in the sample the path for the X is: icon/emoji/key_x.tga Here are the images from rubinum client:  Howto: Have fun Sorry for arab players , for sure they have also developers, so let's go guys, finish it ? If you have problem, maybe I made a mistake in the guide of missed out something, just leave a comment below. PS.: Sometimes the code tag of the board puts an extra invisible character mostly the end of the lines, if your IDE cries for syntax error, but it seems correct, check that part of the file with notepad++, it will show a ?(question mark) where the problem is.
  14. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) By default, the GM mark in the envelope only appears when the GM writes to us or writes back. This modification will improve this and add a new special envelope. The solution comes from KoYGeR, a user of this forum. ///SERVER 1. Open cmd.cpp and add (intuitively, among other acmd lines): ACMD(do_get_gmlist); Find this: { "\n", NULL, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_IMPLEMENTOR } And add above: { "get_gmlist", do_get_gmlist, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_PLAYER }, 2. Open cmd_gm.cpp and at the end of the file add: ACMD(do_get_gmlist) { std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pmsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT `mName` FROM `common`.`gmlist`")); if (pmsg->Get()->uiNumRows > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pmsg->Get()->uiNumRows; i++) { MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pmsg->Get()->pSQLResult); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "AddGameMaster %s", row[0]); } } else { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Nie znaleziono..."); } } ///CLIENT GAME 3. Open constinfo.py and add (intuitively, without much meaning where): GM_LIST = [] 4. Open game.py and find this: net.SendEnterGamePacket() And add below: net.SendChatPacket("/get_gmlist") Find this: "PlayMusic" : self.__PlayMusic, # END_OF_WEDDING And add below: "AddGameMaster" : self.AddGameMaster, At the end of the file add: def AddGameMaster(self, gmName): constInfo.GM_LIST.append(gmName) 5. Open interfacemodule.py and find this: def __MakeWhisperButton(self, name): whisperButton = uiWhisper.WhisperButton() whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") whisperButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") whisperButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") if self.IsGameMasterName(name): whisperButton.SetToolTipTextWithColor(name, 0xffffa200) else: whisperButton.SetToolTipText(name) And change to this: def __MakeWhisperButton(self, name): whisperButton = uiWhisper.WhisperButton() if name in constInfo.GM_LIST: whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/mail_gm_closed.tga") whisperButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/mail_gm_open.tga") whisperButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/mail_gm_open.tga") whisperButton.SetToolTipTextWithColor(name, 0xffffa200) else: whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/mail_normal_closed.tga") whisperButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/mail_normal_opend.tga") whisperButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/mail_normal_opend.tga") whisperButton.SetToolTipText(name) 6. Open uiwhisper.py and add (intuitively, among other imports): import constInfo Find this: def AcceptTarget(self): And at the end of the function add: if name in constInfo.GM_LIST: self.SetGameMasterLook() Find this: def OpenWithTarget(self, targetName): And at the end of the function add: if targetName in constInfo.GM_LIST: self.SetGameMasterLook() 7. Download the envelope and put in your game (etc\ymir work\ui): [Hidden Content]
  15. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content]
  16. Download Metin2 Download or Mega Hello! I know, this system is released on a lot of forums but those are not the full systems. I left a "readme" in the playersettingsmodule.py, please read. If you miss something, tell me. If you have problem with the system, i can try to help you. And last but not least, THE BASE SYSTEM IS NOT MINE. I just re-edited and "fixed". Proof vid: Sorry for my bad english.. UPDATE InstanceBase.cpp: Search: if (dwSash == 85020) { m_dwSashEffect = EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_WINGS_NEWS2; __EffectContainer_AttachEffect(m_dwSashEffect); } Rreplace with: if (dwSash == 85020) { fSpecular += 35; // im the new m_dwSashEffect = EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_WINGS_NEWS2; __EffectContainer_AttachEffect(m_dwSashEffect); } __VT__
  17. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey, I don't want to waste your time, so let's start, it's gonna be short. src\Client EterBase\Timer.cpp | Find function: CTimer::GetElapsedMillisecond() Find this inside the function above: return 16 + (m_index & 1); Make it look like this: return 3 + (m_index & 3); EterBase\Timer.cpp | Find function: CTimer::Advance() Find this inside the function above: m_dwCurrentTime += 16 + (m_index & 1); Make it look like this: m_dwCurrentTime += 3 + (m_index & 3); GameLib\GameType.cpp | Find this (top of the file): extern float g_fGameFPS = 60.0f; Make it look like this: extern float g_fGameFPS = 250.0f; EterPythonLib\PythonWindow.cpp | Find function: CAniImageBox::CAniImageBox(PyObject * ppyObject) Find this inside the function above: m_byDelay(4), Make it look like this: m_byDelay(13), GameLib\MapOutdoorWater.cpp | Find function: CMapOutdoor::RenderWater() Find this inside the function above: STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, m_WaterInstances[((ELTimer_GetMSec() / 70) % 30)].GetTexturePointer()->GetD3DTexture()); Make it look like this: STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, m_WaterInstances[((ELTimer_GetMSec() / 30) % 30)].GetTexturePointer()->GetD3DTexture()); Since we don't want E/Q/R/F/T/G keys to be messed up, UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp | Find these variables at the top of the file: float c_fDefaultCameraRotateSpeed = 1.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraPitchSpeed = 1.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraZoomSpeed = 0.05f; Make them look like this (you can tweak them more, these values aren't strict, just seems about right to me): float c_fDefaultCameraRotateSpeed = 0.5f; float c_fDefaultCameraPitchSpeed = 0.2f; float c_fDefaultCameraZoomSpeed = 0.007f; Client\pack\root\uitaskbar.py Find: if.constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: After: self.rampageGauge1.OnMouseOverIn = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverIn) Add: self.rampageGauge1.SetDelay(13) After: self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_Click) Add: self.rampageGauge2.SetDelay(13) Scroll a little bit down, and then.. After: self.hpGauge = self.GetChild("HPGauge") Add: self.hpGauge.SetDelay(13) After: self.mpGauge = self.GetChild("SPGauge") Add: self.mpGauge.SetDelay(13) After: self.stGauge = self.GetChild("STGauge") Add: self.stGauge.SetDelay(13) Fast armor shining fix / UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp (thanks @Nirray) Search on top of the file: double g_specularSpd=0.007f; Replace it with: double g_specularSpd=0.0017f; Python part simpler version by @VegaS™ That's all, compile your binary, pack your root and you are done. If you have any questions, feel free to ask it, or if you find an error, typo, anything inside this tutorial, don't hesitate to tell me, and I'll fix it ASAP. Credits goes to kespımuro and me for ghetto-fixing the rotation buttons. Cheers, xHeaven
  18. Download Alternative download links → Mega Hello Metin2 Dev. I'm here to present a Statistics System. How does it work? Players have a panel on F7 which provides the information. This system only counts how many monsters, boss's or stones the player killed. Every information is saved in player.player database. It's separated in different categories. DISCLAIMER: You can easy adapt it to PvP too. In case of any problem, report here and i'll fix it.
  19. M2 Download Other Mirrors Download Here ( GitHub ) Download Here ( MEGA ) A Mini Version of the official chatting window renewal. All settings are saved in UserData/chatting/<character_name> using the cPickle module in C, a powerful algorithm for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure, also used by Webzen.
  20. Download Alternative download links → Mega As you know, several new features have been included among the latest updates, one of these concern the Serpens set. The peculiarity of this set is that, in addition to having the 3 new random bonuses that can come out, the attack and the magic attack assume minimum and maximum values that fall within a range defined in the protos, in new columns. As you can see, in addition to other columns that have been added over the years, these 6 new columns identified new sockets in which, through particular conversions, attack and magic attack values (minimum and maximum) are returned for weapons and armor defense. The first two columns identify the minimum (first column) and maximum (second column) magic attack value, followed by the minimum (third column) and maximum (fourth column) attack. Column five and six remain a mystery at the moment. Through appropriate rules, the value inserted in the columns, if present, is converted into a number, to then become attack/magic attack of the weapon or defense of the armour. The attachment shown above refers to the Serpent Blade, a sword usable only by the suras that has attack and magical attack. As you can see here the minimum values that a weapon can have are in yellow and the maximum attacks in orange. The minimum and maximum values are separated by a hyphen. Below you will find the preview of the system. [Hidden Content]
  21. Video: Code: # The script automatically translates the drop from mob_drop_item.txt and special_item_group.txt files, utilizing the information in the locale_name.txt file import chardet import codecs def detect_encoding(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: result = chardet.detect(f.read()) return result['encoding'] with codecs.open('item_names.txt', 'r', encoding='cp1250') as source_file: contents = source_file.read() with codecs.open('item_names_utf8.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as target_file: target_file.write(contents) with open('item_names_utf8.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: item_names = {} for line in f: if 'VNUM' in line or 'LOCALE_NAME' in line: continue vnum, name = line.strip().split('\t') item_names[vnum] = name drop_cpp_encoding = detect_encoding('drop.txt') with open('drop.txt', 'r', encoding=drop_cpp_encoding) as f: lines = f.readlines() new_lines = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith('Group') or 'exp' in line: new_lines.append(line) else: parts = line.split('\t') if len(parts) > 2 and parts[2] in item_names: line = line.rstrip() + ' // ' + item_names[parts[2]] + '\n' new_lines.append(line) with open('drop2.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.writelines(new_lines)
  22. With this guide you can render map(s) to your login screen. Some server back in 2012 used this kinda login (DaRealFreak) and I found it pretty cool, so I did this tutorial maybe people will use it again. At def LoadMap(self): there is a list called environments where I set 17 location for you. You can edit/extend it as you wish. The client choose a random location from that list. Somebody will surely comment that it's make the client opening slower. Yes it does, but as you can see in the video that's minimal. Also if you use a client with intro video logo then it doesn't matter because that's longer than it's 1-1,5 second loading time. But if you think it's not acceptable then either optimize it somehow or stay with image background [Hidden Content]You can disable the environmental background by editing INTERACTIVE_LOGIN = 1 at the top to INTERACTIVE_LOGIN = 0. Here's a basic intrologin.py with this environmental background if you want to compare: Google Drive (or Metin2 Download) Original idea by DaRealFreak in 2012. Sincerly, TMP4
  23. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) - Searching Glass, Allows the arrow mark appearing on the private shop where the item you select in the search results and guides for players to call the selling items easier access. You must be the same on the map with the seller. Default time limit; 1 Week - Trading Glass, Without going to the private shop on the same map that allows you can buy directly. Default time limit; 1 Week - Trading Glass+, Without going to the private shop you can buy directly works on any map. Default time limit; 2 Week - Common features, You can be viewed right from cheap to expensive price of items in the private shops, you can see the features of items When you move your mouse over the item you are looking for. Level, item name and bonuses you can search on the basis of price. HowTo tutorial exists in archive, Warning: It doesn't works with published shoulder sash system. You need upgrade attr type, value amounts. Download: [Hidden Content] It doesn't looks like %100 official but it's works, My last shared and my last working in metin2.
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