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  1. cross-channel maintenance can be turned on or off. When you start the maintenance, the maintenance screen is instantly displayed to the players who are in the game. The maintenance screen appears for players who log into the game. When you cancel the maintenance, the maintenance screen is closed for all players. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] I coded the system open to development. You can add the reason for maintenance if you want.
  2. Hello, As the title says, there is a significant exploit in the chat link system. Given that many servers utilize this system, I believe most private servers are affected by this exploit. Essentially, someone can execute any CMD command they want on a player's computer by instructing them to click on an item. How does it work? [Hidden Content] He sends this through whisper or public chat, and the player clicks on the item. The command opens notepad.exe. How can you fix it? Firstly, STOP using os.system to open links. There are special libraries for that, such as the one I will use to implement this fix. Please note that this is a straightforward fix and may not be 100% foolproof because malicious links can still be sent to open in the browser. I recommend using a link validation technique on the server side and allowing only specific links. [Hidden Content]
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Auto refine option when you upgrade the item with SCROLL or on NPC. I did all checks like example : When you have just one scroll in inventory, refine window will be close. When the item is already maximum upgrade. (+8 to +9 just in case will be succes) and more .. Preview: [Hidden Content] Download : [Hidden Content]
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) This is the Level System and Point's for Yohara 1. The maps are empty, in essence it's the system, (without mobs). 2. If you want to add the monsters on the maps you can contact me and, I add the monsters and put your credits, the truth was I was lazy :'(. 3. I can upload updates if you need it. 4. In essence if you are level 1 or higher, you become "Conqueror", otherwise you are a normal player, your job is simply to add that after Hydra, though, I'll add it later. 5. At the moment it calls the normal experience table, since I have not reviewed the officer's experience tables, but if you indicate the tables, I can modify the code and add that part. Images: In GitHub REAMDE. Link: [Hidden Content] You will need a some visual parts, you can with: [Hidden Content] I will continue making updates with information by Official Servers . The system is working properly.
  5. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Since some piece of shit ''developer'' decided that it's ok to resell my system, here you go. [Hidden Content] have fun.
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub )
  7. Hi, I don't know if you've noticed, but every time you open a shop or want to add a stone to an item, the window inexplicably opens somewhere on the right at the top near the inventory. It bothered me for quite a while, so I looked into the code, and the fix is very easy. I'm sharing it with you, and I would appreciate it if you let me know if any other window does the same, as I've only noticed these two so far. Open uiattachmetin.py and search in def Open(self, metinItemPos, targetItemPos): self.UpdateDialog() Add under: self.SetCenterPosition() ############################ Open uishop.py and search in def Open(self, vid): self.Refresh() Add under: self.SetCenterPosition() Thats all :D
  8. Hello. I was looking inside the official python files and I found a little fix for this: Let me explain a bit the problem. If you leave open the inventory/dragon soul inventory/expanded taskbar or the affected objects and then you are using quest for teleportation, the windows what you left open will be closed because of the quest and when the quest executed those windows what you left open before would be opened again, but the warp is killing this procedure and that happens what you can see in the video, the windows are there but you cannot see them. Btw you can close them with escape key. The fix is coming from webzen: Simple, just execute a .Hide() function before the Destroy function has been called on that object what is stuck on the main window after teleport and that's it. For example: interfaceModule.py -> Interface class -> Close function: if self.wndInventory: self.wndInventory.Hide()#fix self.wndInventory.Destroy() if self.wndDragonSoul: self.wndDragonSoul.Hide()#fix self.wndDragonSoul.Destroy()
  9. Reversed from Official Binary Client part is from 2018 Official Root [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. Hello, I've added strong against metins/bosses, and now, I am trying to add em to item_attr. The goal is to make what is a bonus that I can add manually to an item, to be "addable" by add/change bonus items, if that makes sense? Now I do not know what that implies, any ideas/suggestions would be much apreciated! PS. I did try to add a new row in the table with APPLY_ATTBONUS_METIN, no luck tho. Thanks Tutorial by Owsap Server Source We can do the MySQL part now since we have finished with the server part. MySQL Now let's move on to the Client Source. Client Source Let's not forget our special tool, DumpProto. DumpProto Last but not least your client needs to read the new bonus type. Client Root And finally, your bonus needs a name. Client Locale ⚠ Following the order of the points and apply types are very important, make sure every modification is in order since an incorent order may read another bonus.
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, here I publish my edit of the public Render Target System. I hate it, when people earn money with public systems. Preview: [Hidden Content] DL: [Hidden Content] Original Thread [Hidden Content]
  12. Download Other Mirros Download Here (GitHub) Download Here (Mega) Hey M2Dev, I want to share something small but visually appreciated by players that are paying attention to details. What I'm sharing with you today will solve the issue of item tooltips with large strings, these strings overflow the width of the tooltip causing the text to hang out of the edge, especially when metin stones are attached to your weapon or armor. BEFORE PREVIEW AFTER PREVIEW .
  13. A fool came and gave you no peace and you blocked this fool. Let's see what will happen. additional: while coding the system i fixed a few errors related to mesenge_manager and made adjustments and p2p works. -> You can block or delete a player from the list by typing the player's name from the Messenger panel. There is also a block button inside the target buttons. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub )
  14. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Advance Refine Systems ) Download Here ( Cheque System ) Download Here ( Soul Bind System ) Hello everyone ! I've been away from metin2 for about 6 months and i've get back from less then a month and made thoes systems , i've start selling them but i didn't sell it to anyone and i got bored from metin2 again so i'm going to release it and go off from metin2 for ever . about the Advance Refine System here some info: so download and have fun [Hidden Content]
  15. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub )
  16. Download Alternative download links → Mega Hello Metin2 Dev. I'm here to present a Portable Shop System. How does it work? Players get a panel when click F7 with several options. This system exists to make players able to buy items while farming. In case of any problem, contact me or write here. With best regards, Doose.
  17. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
  18. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] After using it in almost all of the modern UIs they made, they finally decided to turn it into a class.
  20. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Reversed from Client part is from 2018 official root List of functions: Be careful about IsDIsable, it's actually IsEnable. They use like this:
  21. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) You need to install this first: [Hidden Content] You can use it in guild wars, tournaments etc.
  22. Hello. As you know, the LibJPEG library in Metin2 is only useful for taking screenshots. Other than that, it doesn't have any duties. Those who have Directx9 and want to take better quality screenshots with this method can follow this guide carefully. Those who use Directx8 can update the code I will give according to Directx8 and try it, I did not have the chance to try it. Make sure you are determined before following the steps here. Because as a result of these operations, you will no longer have the libjpeg library, and the screenshot files will reach larger sizes than the jpg file, depending on the quality. (between 3-8MB) The explanation will be a bit complicated, but if you follow each process in order, you will not have any problems. If you still have a problem, you can report it below. First, let's get rid of libjpeg: -> Enter the Client src/extern/lib folder and delete the .lib files whose file name starts with libjpeg... -> Enter the Client src/EterLib folder and delete the JpegFile.cpp & JpegFile.h files. Open the EterLib project in Visual Studio in the same way, select these two files and remove them. -> Open the client src/EterPythonLib/PythonGraphic.cpp file and remove the following include line and functions: #include "../eterLib/JpegFile.h" --------------------------------- void GenScreenShotTag(const char* src, DWORD crc32, char* leaf, size_t leafLen){ const char* p = src; const char* n = p; while (n = strchr(p, '\\')) p = n + 1; _snprintf(leaf, leafLen, "YMIR_METIN2:%s:0x%.8x", p, crc32); } bool CPythonGraphic::SaveJPEG(const char* pszFileName, LPBYTE pbyBuffer, UINT uWidth, UINT uHeight) { return jpeg_save(pbyBuffer, uWidth, uHeight, 100, pszFileName) != 0; } -> Where you delete these, you will see this function: bool CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot(const char* c_pszFileName) { -> Replace this function completely like this: bool CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() { LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 lpSurface = nullptr; D3DSURFACE_DESC stSurfaceDesc = {}; uint32_t uWidth = stSurfaceDesc.Width; uint32_t uHeight = stSurfaceDesc.Height; ms_lpd3dDevice->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(uWidth, uHeight, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &lpSurface, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(ms_lpd3dDevice->GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &lpSurface))) { if (!CreateDirectory("screenshot", NULL) && ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError()) //yoksa oluştur return false; SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; sprintf_s(szFileName, "screenshot/screenshot_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.bmp", // eşsiz st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile(szFileName, D3DXIFF_BMP, lpSurface, NULL, NULL); } else TraceError("CPythonGraphic::SaveScreenShot() - ScreenShot Basarisiz!"); // yok et if (lpSurface) { lpSurface->Release(); lpSurface = nullptr; } return true; } -> Then remove the following from the PythonGraphic.h file: bool SaveJPEG(const char* pszFileName, LPBYTE pbyBuffer, UINT uWidth, UINT uHeight); -> In the same file there will be: bool SaveScreenShot(const char* szFileName); -> Update this to: bool SaveScreenShot(); -> Open PythonGraphicModule.cpp and delete this PyObject* grpSaveScreenShot(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { struct tm* tmNow; time_t ct; ct = time(0); tmNow = localtime(&ct); char szPath[MAX_PATH + 256]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szPath, CSIDL_PERSONAL, TRUE); //GetTempPath(); strcat(szPath, "\\METIN2\\"); if (-1 == _access(szPath, 0)) if (!CreateDirectory(szPath, NULL)) { TraceError("Failed to create directory [%s]\n", szPath); return Py_BuildValue("(is)", FALSE, ""); } sprintf(szPath + strlen(szPath), "%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.jpg", tmNow->tm_mon + 1, tmNow->tm_mday, tmNow->tm_hour, tmNow->tm_min, tmNow->tm_sec); BOOL bResult = CPythonGraphic::Instance().SaveScreenShot(szPath); return Py_BuildValue("(is)", bResult, szPath); } -> and delete this: { "SaveScreenShot", grpSaveScreenShot, METH_VARARGS }, -> Find the following function in the same file PyObject* grpSaveScreenShotToPath(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { -> Replace this function completely with the code I gave below. PyObject* grpSaveScreenShotToPath(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { CPythonGraphic::Instance().SaveScreenShot(); return Py_BuildNone(); } -> We are done with the client src. Now open root/game.py and find this function: def SaveScreen(self): print "save screen" # SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE if SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE: if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"): os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot") (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShotToPath(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"+os.sep) elif SCREENSHOT_DIR: (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot(SCREENSHOT_DIR) else: (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot() # END_OF_SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE if succeeded: pass """ chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, name + localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE1) chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE2) """ else: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE) -> ..and update it like this: def SaveScreen(self): grp.SaveScreenShotToPath() You can also search and delete the variables in the original Python code above from root. I'm sorry for my bad english.
  23. Download Merry Christmas to everyone, I saw that here is not the best option, so I want to offer you the official system, it is not a complicated system, but maybe someone needs it.
  24. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub )
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