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  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] VT: [Hidden Content]
  2. Download Metin2 Download [Hidden Content] It's working without serverside.
  3. Hello, community! I would like to share a simple tutorial about how to make a permanent skill. For this, you will need to modify the following files: skill_proto (SQL) skilldesc.txt (client/locale) skilltable.txt (client/locale) uitooltip.py (client/root) skill_proto skilldesc.txt skilltable.txt uitooltip.py Αny improvements or corrections are welcome!
  4. Download Metin2 Download or Github Time of loading each fragment of the game before and after
  5. This itemshop is an open source project written by CYN3 with the assistance of the sura_head community. Special thanks to: CYN3 Amas KaiaProductions Installation guide: [Hidden Content]
  6. Download Alternative download links → Github Hi, This is all interface about SungmaHee Tower Like official servers and the first floor like Official Servers, In this files we have 2k or 3k LOC, maybe more, I'm tired and I don't have information about all floor's tower, but if you want complete this system, you can contact with some-developer and providing the information about the floors or modifying all floors like your concept for Metin2, you'll be a nice dungeon. I already did the hardest part. You can extract all visual part with the official patchs from this forum. This dungeon is Full C++, Python and SQL. PLEASE: Not more messages for my person if you don't want to pay money, I only sell systems "not personal systems" you need understand about my time, my help, code or resolve some problem, needs time. If you want something (not offlineshop, this world has different options with this system) you can contact me but, you will need understand that I will charge you. I'm a nice person (I think), but this world needs money and if I invest time in one project, I will cancel other projects and is overmoney.
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi there Devs, I would like to share my "little" system. If you aren't interested in the introduction/preview etc. and you just want to download it and put in to your server, just scroll down until the "[How-To] Set up" subtitle. The story Firstly let me tell this system's story. I've got an idea one year before, that it would be good if the players would be able to put their items into a "global" system where they could see the other player's items, and they could buy it for DC or gold (that time I worked with the latest vanilla core (not with the source)). Then in the following 8 days I made it (it took about 80-90 working hours). Originally the system was created for one of my friend's server. but this server has never started, and nobody used this system. After some mounts I've decided to publish it on the Hungarian forum, because it won't worth to work on it for long hours if nobody uses it and its just collecting dust on my computer. Then I've published it on the 2nd of December, 2014. After some time I've decided to translate it into English and I've got a new idea for a new feature. This feature was: the trade system (I will explain its working later). This idea inspired by one of the players (from a server where this system was able to use). He told me that it would be better if they could set the gold price via an item (what's value is very high). Then with more than 180 working hours (totally) behind my back I'm here. Overview [How-To] Set up Customizing the tradehouse Questions and Answers Notes changelog: 19th of August, 2015: I publicated the tradehouse here. my toDo list: add logging for the system (the released version don't log the actions in the tradehouse) Thanks for reading the topic, if you have any problem/remark feel free to ask it here or write me a PM. Have a good day!
  8. I think title says it all. Why this? Why not?
  9. Download Center Github or M2DL Heyo, this is something i did a while ago, perhaps it will be of use for some. [Hidden Content]
  10. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) [Hidden Content]
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
  12. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] Client side is from 2018 official root. It checks the status of the channel from db and gets the port and addr. It also checks if that map exists in that channel(config). *Info: This is currently disabled on official servers.
  13. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content] Reversed from Official Binary. Client part is from 2018 Official Root. You can set different colors:
  14. I don't know if developed a tool like this, before by anotherone. I wrote it for myself and I am sharing it to help you too. What is it? Sort the contents of proto files from smallest to largest based on numbers How to use? Simple to use, just put the file to be sorted in the same directory as the tool and run the tool. Easy to use. If undecodable characters are encountered (aka if not in EUC_KR charmap), you will fail. If you agree to ignore this, you can use 'force_sort_proto.exe' or 'force_sort_proto.py' to force sort the file. Effects: Functionally you should not encounter any problems. However, it may lose its meaning in 'human language' .exe? For those who don't have the Python Interpreter, for quick use. [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
  15. Download Alternative download links → Mega Hello Metin2 Dev. I'm here to present a GM Affect system. I was bored a few days ago and i wanted to create a different type of GM Symbol Affect for each grade, so i did it and decided to share it with you. Remember, the Symbol affects you see on this gif aren't mine so i won't share them, they are made from @ Ridack.. Hope you enjoy and like it. How does it work? You simply need to change the localization of the files on localeinfo.py -> Root. Here is a simple gif on how it is.
  16. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( MEGA ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Hello again M2Dev, It’s been quite I wile since I haven’t released anything for the community so today I decided to release one of my systems I created some days ago, it’s very simple and it consists on gambling to say the least… The point is to bet your money (yang/gold) on a higher amount of gold and the higher you bet the higher the payout is, similar as how a casino slot machine works without being too complex. The rules are simple, you have three (3) possible jackpots in which each one has a payout amount. Hit the same icon three (3) times and you will win the jackpot. If you get any other combination that contain jackpot reel icons, you will win half your bet back with a short bet multiplier. So, the jackpot reels work as so, A, A, A = Jackpot 1 B, B, B = Jackpot 2 C, C, C = Jackpot 3 All other possible combinations to have a winning: A, A, B; A, A, C; B, B, A; B, B, C; C, C, A; C, C, B; A, B, C; C, A, B; B, A, C; C, B, A; A, C, B; If you happen to win a jackpot while having close to maximum gold, you will receive an item in your inventory if you have space for it otherwise you will receive it in your storage room. The item will contain the jackpot value. How to configure? @ game/constants.cpp you can edit all the betting values you want. @ game/contants.cpp you can edit as well the jackpot values. @ root/uiSlotMachineSystem.py you can edit the reel icons and bet values. In-game, you can also use the commands, /e slot_machine_reels < x > where < x > is the number of reels you want to randomize. The more reel icons you have, the harder it is to win a jackpot! /e slot_machine_multiplier < x > where < x > is the value of the multiplied you want. The higher this value, the higher the payout is. Additional information For those who are using older versions of C++ some data type identifiers need to be changed as shown below. uint64_t = unsigned long long uint32_t = UINT int32_t = INT uint16_t = WORD uint8_t = BYTE Sincerly, Owsap
  17. Here's the correct guide on how2 pickup motion. Firstly go to UserInterface/PythonCharacterModule.cpp and search for: PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_QUALIFIED", CInstanceBase::NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_QUALIFIED); add this function under it: PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "MOTION_PICK_UP", CRaceMotionData::NAME_PICK_UP); Secondly go to UserInterface/PythonPlayerInput.cpp and search for: void CPythonPlayer::PickCloseItem() add this function: pkInstMain->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr()->InterceptOnceMotion(CRaceMotionData::NAME_PICK_UP); Thirdly go to GameLib/ActorInstanceMotion.cpp and search for: case CRaceMotionData::NAME_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN: add this function under it: case CRaceMotionData::NAME_PICK_UP: Fourthly go to GameLib/RaceManager.cpp and search for: s_kMap_stType_dwIndex.insert(std::map<std::string, DWORD>::value_type("SKILL5", CRaceMotionData::NAME_SKILL+125)); add this function under it: s_kMap_stType_dwIndex.insert(std::map<std::string, DWORD>::value_type("PICK_UP", CRaceMotionData::NAME_PICK_UP)); Fifthly go to GameLib/RaceMotionData.cpp and search for: case NAME_DIG: add this function under it: case NAME_PICK_UP: Sixthly go to GameLib/RaceMotionData.h and search for: NAME_JOY, add this function under it: NAME_PICK_UP, Compile it and you're good to go. Now to finish this tutorial, go to root/playersettingmodule.py and search for: def SetGeneralMotions(mode, folder): add this function: chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_PICK_UP, "pick_up.msa") Tutorial finished, have fun.
  18. SERVER PART: input_main.cpp void CInputMain::PartyUseSkill(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* c_pData) { TPacketCGPartyUseSkill* p = (TPacketCGPartyUseSkill*) c_pData; if (!ch->GetParty()) return; if (ch->GetPlayerID() != ch->GetParty()->GetLeaderPID()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Group> Only the leader can use this function."); return; } switch (p->bySkillIndex) { case PARTY_SKILL_HEAL: ch->GetParty()->HealParty(); break; case PARTY_SKILL_WARP: { if (ch->GetSkillLevel(SKILL_LEADERSHIP) >= 10) { //10 IS THE MIN LEVEL OF LEADERSHIP SKILL TO USE TELEPORT LPCHARACTER pch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(p->vid); if (pch) { ch->GetParty()->SummonToLeader(pch->GetPlayerID()); }else{ ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Teleport> The character is not online."); } }else{ ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Teleport> You need upgrade your leadership skill to use this function."); } } break; } } party.cpp void CParty::SummonToLeader(DWORD pid) { LPCHARACTER l = GetLeaderCharacter(); if (m_memberMap.find(pid) == m_memberMap.end()) { l->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Teleport> The character is too far."); return; } LPCHARACTER ch = m_memberMap[pid].pCharacter; if (!ch) { l->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Teleport> The character was not found in your map."); return; } if (ch->IsDead()) { l->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Teleport> I can't teleport the character if he is dead."); return; } ch->Show(l->GetMapIndex(), l->GetX(), l->GetY()); ch->Stop(); } CLIENT PART: root -> uiparty.py FIND THE __ShowStateButton and: ## Warp if self.stateButtonDict.has_key(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_WARP): button = self.stateButtonDict[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_WARP] button.SetPosition(xPos, y) button.Show() xPos += 23 Thanks to marty sama that sell this for 50€. NOW IT'S COMPLETELY FREE!
  19. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Hi everyone, in my free time I'm trying to upgrade the mainline to most recently webzen releases. This is the Mythic Class of DS, enjoy. [Hidden Content] In order to use it as Webzen does, you need to have implemented:
  20. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello everyone, is my first release and it is something that many people already have, but for those who do not have it, I share it. Then, let's start. root/contsinfo.py root/interfacemodule.py root/uiinventory.py: root/uitaskbar.py: locale_xx/locale/xx/ui/taskbar.py locale_xx/locale/xx/locale_interface.txt uiscript ---> Create a new file with this name expandedmoneytaskbar.py and paste this: One extra step: locale_xx/locale/xx/ui/inventorywindow.py or uiscript/inventorywindow.py or uiscript/inventorywindowex.py If you have this error: InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject - <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>:'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'SetEvent' Then: open root/ui.py: If you do not have ENABLE_CHEQUE_SYSTEM and ENABLE_GEM_SYSTEM in your src client, then delete those parts of the code or open: UserInterface/PythonApplicationModule.cpp: I recommend putting this as long as you have cheque_system and gem_system (otherwise the interface is a little ugly) I hope it serves some people, greetings!!
  21. Reversed From Official Binary A feature created so that each character has a separate config settings [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  22. Hello metin2 Dev. I'm here to present a method on how to create a new passive skill. the design of my own passive won't be shared so i recommend you to create a new one. Here is a gif. So, let's go to the tutorial. And this is how you create a new support skill. Anything you need help with, don't hesitate to write here or to contact. With best regards, Doose.
  23. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Nothing much, something quite simple but it gives it’s looks for those who are interested in details, so let’s start with it. Here is a visual appearance of the application window. [Hidden Content] Sorry for the low quality GIF. Here is a bigger view, [Hidden Content] UserInterface/Locale_inc.h UserInterface/PythonApplicationModule.cpp UserInterface/PythonNetworkStream.cpp Client/root/game.py
  24. M2 Download Center Download Here ( GitHub ) Download Here ( MEGA ) Download Here ( Internal ) Hey M2Dev, here is a little statistics overview of the Round Trip Time (RTT) Ping and Packet Loss. Usefully for some, useless for others, so I decided to share it. Preview The image is an example... The results where not captured accurately because they kept updating while I tried to take screenshots. You will not get any PING on localhost. If you find any problems let me know.
  25. Download GitHub Repository Temporarily boosts the character's physical attack and / or skill damage. You can learn more about the system from the official wiki page. Thanks to @blackdragonx61 for the reversed effect position.
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