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  1. The problem was with Uppercase letter in one texture :)
  2. My D drive with ymir work folder: My D drive without ymir work folder: And my folders are the same on each side
  3. Hi everyone I have created a map and in WE i had to set the max texture size to 255 which was done by hotkey l-shift + 0 but in client i see only blank white texture in certain locations. Anyone encountered this problem? If i put my textures to my D drive in folder ymir work then the textures work normally Thanks for any help Thanks to @Sandbone for solving the problem. #closerequest Topic closed
  4. Hi I decided to add some new stuff to the client but i found an error. When i spawn the mob (id 20400) i see only the name of mob and level My syserr is empty and i dont know what to do :/ Can anybody know what is causing this bug? Thanks for any help!
  5. Hi, Is here anyone who know how can i check in my quest if a player have before name [TS],or any kind of rank? Thanks
  6. Hi,i have a very big problem,im trying to create a VIP shop but it seems to not working I saw that the pc.setqf part is the problem,it don't save that or i don't know,if i use my item (what's is set to the VIP-Feature item) and click the npc the "Premium Shop" appear i click it,close it and then i click to NPC again the "Premium Shop" disappear so i have to use again my VIP item Here is my quest part 1: (The VIP quest) quest premium_user begin state start begin when login with pc.getqf("vip_user")==1 and not npc.is_pc() begin end when 38001.use with pc.getqf("vip_user")==0 begin say_title("Future2Team") say("") say("Pomocou tohto itemu si můžeš aktivovat") say("špeciálne VIP výhody permamentne!") say("") say_title("Chceš si aktivovať VIP výhody?") local s = select("Ano", "Nie") if s == 1 then pc.remove_item(38001, 1) pc.setqf("vip_user", 1) mysql_query("UPDATE account.account SET availDt = NOW() + INTERVAL 2 MINUTE WHERE id = "..pc.get_account_id()) mysql_query("UPDATE player.player SET name="..string.format("%q","[VIP]"..pc.get_name()).." WHERE id = "..pc.get_player_id()) say_title("VIP Konto úspešne aktivované!") say("Majte na pozore,že po aktivácií sa 30 minut ") say("nebudete moci přihlásit se a to znamená že se") say("aktivace povedla!") say("") say("") say("") say("Prosím,ted se odhlaste!") else return end end end end and here is the 2nd part: (VIP Shop) quest premium_shop begin state start begin when login with pc.getqf("vip_user")==1 and not npc.is_pc() begin end when 9010.chat."Wer bist du?" with pc.getqf("vip_user")==0 begin say_title("Mrs.Since") say("") say("Hallo, fremder ich bin Mrs.Since") say("Ich habe vom FinalSinceMt2 Team den Auftrag bekommen") say("die Auserwählten Spieler zu unterstützen.") say("Zur zeit bist du leider keiner der Auserwählten") say("dies kannst du jedoch ändern, in dem du dir einen") say("Premium Schein besorgst. Diesen bekommst du") say("unter anderem im Itemshop") end when 9010.chat."Premium Shop" with pc.getqf("vip_user")==1 begin say_title("Mrs.Since") say("") say("Hallo, Auserwählter ich bin Mrs.Since") say("Ich habe bereits auf dich gewartet!") say("Das FindalSinceMt2 Team hat mir gesagt das du kommst") say("Ich habe die Aufgabe bekommen, dich zu unterstützen.") say("Bedien dich in meinem Shop. Hier findest du dinge,") say("für die du sonst hart arbeiten musst") say("") say_title("Willst du etwas kaufen?") local s = select("Ja", "Nein") if s == 1 then npc.open_shop(18) else return end end end end Thanks for reply
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