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Everything posted by ScriptMan

  1. Hello! Today I found that in lua the modification of item.set_socket(0, value) does not work. Fixed: int item_set_socket(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); if (q.GetCurrentItem() && lua_isnumber(L, 1) && lua_isnumber(L, 2)) { int idx = (int)lua_tonumber(L, 1); int value = (int)lua_tonumber(L, 2); if (idx >= 0 && idx < ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM) q.GetCurrentItem()->SetSocket(idx, value); } return 0; } Original: int item_set_socket(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); if (&q == NULL) return 0; LPITEM item = q.GetCurrentItem(); if (item == NULL) return 0; if (item && lua_isnumber(L, 1) && lua_isnumber(L, 2)) { int idx = (int) lua_tonumber(L, 1); int value = (int) lua_tonumber(L, 2); if (idx == NULL) return 0; if (value == NULL) return 0; if (idx >=0 && idx < ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM) item->SetSocket(idx, value); } return 0; } Explanation: If the socket index is 0, it returns and does not run the code... fck logic. if (idx == NULL) return 0;
  2. WTF Bro? if (rVictim.GetActorType() == TYPE_ENEMY || rVictim.GetActorType() == TYPE_NPC) return FALSE;
  3. I didn't mean to attack you! Thank you for expressing your opinion! @ Owsap
  4. HD (1024x2048) Texture! [Hidden Content]
  5. Yes but! Use ctrl+g or h or j. And Dizer not use Costume mount system.
  6. No no. Here is problem this: Base Riding code added for your character riding bonus: str vit etc point.. If you using this code... pc.mount() So.. Now stop riding and check your Character window ingame. (Bonus cp. VIT, INT, STR ..)
  7. Can you know, how to added? Someone?
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download: workupload.com/file/wZymNkb Password: m2dl-cxlgizeh
  9. Okay this problem solved! Now what is this? How to fix?
  10. Hey Metin2dev! How to fix the problem? I added this code: Okay Card System Official What is this error? Here is my code: questlua_pc.cpp. Sorry my english language. I little bit speaking english. questlua_pc.cpp
  11. Ahh link dead... Please, upload this design me.
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